Chapter 187

Su Suizhu immediately hugged his clothes and slipped out of bed.

The national teacher's eyes suddenly became a little more displeased, how could he be so obedient!

I thought she was going to leave, but unexpectedly, she took the quilt from the side and spread it on the floor very quickly.

The national teacher didn't feel his shoulders loosen, and didn't bother to talk to her, so he pulled up the brocade quilt and lay down first.

"Master, are you asleep?"

The national teacher closed his eyes, and with a slight movement of his thin lips, he only replied one word, "Say."

"The Eleventh Prince wants to know the sealing technique of the national teacher from me. I guess he can't wait any longer. Maybe he wants to break the sealing technique by himself."

"What about you? My national teacher taught you the technique of sealing, but you have broken through the method of breaking it?"

Su Suizhu was silent and did not answer for a moment.

The national teacher couldn't help turning his head to look, only to see her thoughtful look.

"Okay, you don't have to think about making up any more reasons to deal with the national teacher. If you are really that powerful, you can do it yourself. Why do you need to tell the national teacher?"

The national teacher was a little annoyed that he was boring himself, so he turned his back immediately.

"I see!"

Su Suizhu seemed to have figured it out suddenly, and his joy was beyond words.

Um?What did the national teacher just say?It's just because he was too preoccupied just now, Su Suizhu looked at him belatedly, seeing that he was ignoring others, so he simply lay down too.

The national teacher turned his back to the person, and he didn't see anything for a while.

What the hell does she know?The more the national teacher thought about it, the more angry he became, and finally he couldn't help but got up and sat up. As a result, the people below fell asleep soundly at some point.



In the early morning of the second day, Su Suizhu hurried to Yunze Hall while the national teacher and A Ci were not there.

When Mu Che saw Su Suizhu coming over on his own initiative, his brows and eyes were crooked with a smile, and he hurriedly asked someone to prepare a bunch of food.

Su Suizhu doesn't have the heart to eat at this time, there are only two people in the hall at this time, but it's a great opportunity to make a move!
"Ache, I know how to lift the seal for you."

Mu Che's expression brightened immediately, and he looked at Su Suizhu happily and expectantly, "Sui Sui, I knew that you are so smart, you will definitely think of a solution soon!"

The two came to this pool together.

Mu Che hesitated, "Sui Sui, are you sure that this seal must be submerged in water to break?"

"Of course, because you are a mermaid, the national teacher sealed your water spirit root, so it was naturally dissolved by the power of water."

Su Suizhu lowered his head, took a handful of water, and dripped down his fingertips.

Mu Che looked at her pale and tender fingertips, and felt a hint of bewilderment in his eyes.

"Okay, I believe you."

Su Suizhu turned his head and smiled, then lifted his skirt and got into the pool first.

Mu Che followed closely behind.

The two were soaking in the water, and Su Suizhu leaned on the side of the pool with one hand, and began to cast spells with one hand, and a light blue light gathered in the palm of his hand.

"Ache, come with me."

Mu Che nodded. He was much more comfortable in the water than Su Suizhu, but like her, he only used one hand to move his palm.

Gradually, there seemed to be an invisible force in the body that couldn't wait to break through the shackles.

Mu Che couldn't bear the pain that was about to explode. The veins on his forehead bulged, he clenched his teeth, and finally broke out with a deep roar.

A burst of purple light suddenly appeared, it was too strong, Su Suizhu couldn't open his eyes, instinctively turned his head to avoid it.

He grabbed the edge of the pool with both hands and climbed up the pool.

The purple light gradually faded, but Su Suizhu still bowed his head, just busy continuing to form the array.

She figured it out, once the seal was released, if she really wanted to send Mu Che back completely, she still had to start with this enchantment eye.

Since the human world and the merman world should not interfere with each other, the only way to seal this enchantment eye is between the merman world and the human world.

With luck, Su Suizhu turned his palms, and a ring-shaped net formed around his body, and he landed on the edge of the pool in an instant.

"Sui, what are you doing?"

There was a slightly familiar male voice.

Su Suizhu just raised his head, his pupils shrank suddenly, and he looked at the people in the water in disbelief.

It was a man who looked exactly like Lin Qinghan, but there was a red fishtail mark with golden scales on his forehead, and some water stains dripped on his face. At this time, he was half-naked and soaked in water.

is it him?
Su Suizhu didn't dare to call out his name easily, and immediately avoided him.

The subordinates are still doing the final reinforcement of the formation without interruption, and spiritual power continues to be injected into the formation.

"I'm sorry, Ache, I have to send you back. Her Majesty the Queen is still waiting for you in Qingze Palace. Don't come here again. This place is not suitable for you."

In any case, her mission was this, and Su Suizhu didn't want to guess whether he was Lin Qinghan or not.

Just like in the first world, Lin Qinghan had his own mission, even if it was to push her down the well and make Meng Yurou's child a bait, he had to do it
Well, here, she hoped he wasn't here, so let's end the matter quickly!


There was a sound of water splashing, and a pair of delicate feet had already arrived in front of her.

Su Suizhu stopped in shock, closed his eyes immediately, turned around and was about to run.

The arm was caught, and Su Suizhu struggled, but he still couldn't escape, and he didn't dare to turn around casually.

Regardless of whether it is Lin Qinghan or not, he is always a man, and he was naked in the water just now, and now it will come up, he might be a needle's eye if he looks at it!
"Your Highness, I'm sorry, please let me go, I won't dare again"

"Sorry for what? You helped me break the seal. I haven't had time to thank you yet. Why are you leaving in such a hurry?"

Mu Che's slightly smiling words made Su Suizhu feel uneasy.

It was fine before, but now she has lost her use value, and she was still in formation just now, and all the things that should be said and should not be said have been shaken out.

Thanks for what?Thank her for giving him a new seal?
Su Suizhu couldn't help thinking that this guy also had the same manner of hiding a knife in his smile at the palace banquet, but it didn't affect him at all, just splashing water and spreading ice to make trouble, not to mention hurting the national teacher like that.

With such a temperament, you don't want to kill her now, do you?
Now she would rather he was Lin Qinghan.
"Your Highness, I suddenly remembered that the National Teacher still has something to ask me, otherwise I will come back later."

The national teacher, the national teacher, Su Suizhu is eager to make a wise man, so he can only be used as a shield in this meeting.

"Call me Ah Che, Sui Sui, why don't you dare to look at me, I'm finally back to normal, aren't you happy?"

Happy ass!Who cares what he looks like!

"Ah Che, otherwise you should put on your clothes first, I'll come back later."

Su Suizhu struggled hard, and when he was not paying attention, he ran out with his head sullen.

Seeing that the door was closed with hands, but it was impossible to open it!
"Sui Sui, I will be angry if you actually avoid me."

Su Suizhu's warm voice suddenly appeared behind him, and Su Suizhu's lukewarm tone made him feel even more terrified.

(End of this chapter)

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