Immortal cultivator lay down and won, the cold demon emperor brought his cubs to chase me down

Chapter 195 It turns out that the national teacher already has someone to belong to in his heart

Chapter 195 It turns out that the national teacher already has someone to belong to in his heart

At this time, I learned from the mouth of the palace servants that, as expected, Concubine Xue is also just a title...

Jiang Guguo has always believed in holy things. Chuxue is considered to represent auspiciousness and auspiciousness, so there is a special post named after Xuelai.

For example, Xuenv is dedicated to serving the sage in daily life. Even if someone else comes, she should be called Xuenv, not the exclusive title given to Su Suizhu by the national teacher.

And Concubine Xue is similar to a guardian who guards the harem, she doesn't need to serve anyone, she just needs to attend important events in the palace, it's just a status symbol.

Su Suizhu's cognition has been refreshed. If he had known this, he might as well have agreed to His Majesty immediately!

Isn't it nice to be Concubine Xue?

I chose this snow girl by mistake
Wait, Su Suizhu couldn't help thinking of the attitude of the national teacher at that time, no wonder after hearing that it was Concubine Xue, he followed His Majesty's wishes.

Instead, she sternly stopped when she mentioned her sweetheart.

Su Suizhu suddenly realized that Concubine Xue's status was obviously different from that of Xue Nu, and she must demand a woman's chastity.
It turns out that the national teacher was protecting her at that time!

Su Suizhu figured out some things, and seemed to prove that some national teachers had thoughts for her from various places, but she didn't think it was good for her.

She is just completing the task, other than that, she wants to protect her own personal safety, as for the others... she is not interested at all.

The national teacher left early in the morning, and specially asked Qingyu to take care of him here.

Su Suizhu was always a little uneasy, afraid that Mu Che would suddenly come over to attack her again.

But what followed was His Majesty's call.

Although Qing Yu obeyed the order of the national teacher, she shied away on the grounds that Xue Nu was unwell.

But the palace servants who didn't want to come to deliver the order were extremely forceful, and only said that His Majesty's order must not be violated, and that he had to go today, and he had to carry him away.

Qingyu couldn't stop him, and Su Suizhu couldn't avoid it, so he could only pretend to be weak to answer the call.

Later, Su Suizhu came to Qianzhuyuan.

Mu Xun is dressed in an indigo brocade dress, with black hair like a waterfall half-draped to his waist, with a romantic charm, elegant and clear breeze, and Zhengyu stands under the pavilion and waterside pavilion.

"His Majesty."

When he came this time, Su Suizhu still brought Ah Ci with him. The main thing is that this little guy must also accompany her, and he also said that he would protect her.

Su Suizhu's heart warmed up, and he became more and more trusting and kind to this little guy, staying longer, occasionally feeling a sense of comfort from an old mother
And with Ah Ci, Su Suizhu would naturally avoid kneeling and prostrating.

Mu Che turned his head when he heard the sound, and every time he looked at her, there was always some kind of bright color in his eyes, which made him look more intriguingly.

Su Suizhu hurriedly lowered his head, trying not to meet his gaze.

"I heard that you were with the national teacher last night"

Mu Che stopped on purpose, didn't continue talking, and quietly waited for her answer.

Su Suizhu bit his lower lip, and immediately responded firmly, "Yes, as His Majesty knows."

There is no impenetrable wall in the world, the national teacher deliberately did this last night, just to solidify the relationship between the two today.

His Majesty summoned him suddenly, and if he said that he had nothing to do with Mu Che, Su Suizhu would not believe it either.

"Well, sure enough, you are not the same person after all. It is not easy for a goddess to dream, so how to come to reality seems to be a lonely wish."

Mu Che nodded suddenly with a smile, as if he was a bit disappointed but also relieved.

"His Majesty?"

Su Suizhu didn't understand that he was muttering to himself at this time, and couldn't help asking.

"Do you still remember when Gu saw you for the first time, and felt very familiar? It's funny to say that that year, Gu had just succeeded to the throne, and that night I dreamed that the goddess came."

Mu Che seemed to be lost in memory, with a slight smile on his lips, he glanced at Su Suizhu and continued.

"I remember that she was also wearing a snow-colored gauze at the time, decorated with water-blue clouds and silk, but it was swaying in the wind, and she couldn't walk through the snow, but she had black hair."

Ah Ci couldn't help exclaiming, "It turns out that His Majesty has dreamed of Snow Girl!"

Su Suizhu was slightly surprised, but he also understood.

"So Your Majesty, that goddess is not actually Snow Maiden, we just look alike."

The goddess is noble and holy, even though she is the son of heaven, Mu Xun did not dare to give birth to a blasphemous heart easily, but when he first met, he still wanted to keep her because of selfishness...

But now, she and the national teacher are in love with each other, and his selfishness and delusions are suddenly relieved.

Mu Xunyun lightly smiled and skipped Su Suizhu's eyebrows, at least he still retained the original stubbornness and beauty in his heart.

Indeed, they just look alike, they are not the same person after all.

"Do you want to marry the two of you alone?"


Isn't this topic jumping a little fast?
Su Suizhu looked astonished, shouldn't he ask the national teacher about this, and ask her what's going on!
"Okay! Ah Ci agrees!"

Ah Ci flicked his little tail excitedly, and kept rubbing and stroking Su Suizhu's palm, arousing a slight itch.

Su Suizhu lowered his head, frowned slightly, and subconsciously wanted to open his mouth to refute, but his majesty was beside him, so he could only swallow the words silently.

"Before you entered the palace, Gu knew of your existence a long time ago, and now the gift of marriage is nothing more than the beauty of an adult."

Su Suizhu raised her head in surprise, and inquired silently, why did she say this as if she had told the national teacher early in the morning?
Mu Che raised his hand, and a palace official came with a painting scroll in his hand, and presented it to Su Suizhu under his signal.

Su Suizhu didn't understand, so he put Ah Ci on the stone table beside him, took it and opened it to read.

But as soon as I opened a small section, I couldn't help but stop the movement of my hands. The woman's face on it was clearly her eyebrows and expression!
Full of doubts, she opened it again, and the woman was half submerged in the water, with her fingertips twirling her hair lightly, as if she was concentrating.

Su Suizhu couldn't help but recall the situation in the previous world, when she jumped into the river and insisted on taking a bath after arguing with Lin Mozhi.
The act of deja vu, as if the woman in the painting is really her.

"Your Majesty, what does this mean?"

"In the beginning, it was the national teacher and Gu who proposed that Xue Nu should be chosen to enter the palace to accompany the Holy King.

And this painting was drawn by the national teacher. When he was looking for Xuenv, he specially ordered the people below to let her go, or even bring her to participate in the election. "

Mu Xun looked into Su Suizhu's eyes with an unclear expression, as if he didn't know anything about it, but it was clear that the national teacher had never met her for the first time.

How could this be?
Su Suizhu was in a daze. She had checked the original owner's memory again and again, but they didn't know each other, and they had never seen each other before!

"Gu doesn't mean anything else, it's just that I didn't expect it. The national teacher has always been cold and aloof, and has never been moved by women, but he didn't think that he had already belonged to him in his heart.

That's right, people are not grass and trees, how can they be ruthless, this painting is given to you. "

Mu Xun saw that she seemed to have a thousand words, but she was not willing to speak, so he didn't ask any more questions. With the temperament of the national teacher, he didn't fully explain many things.

That's all he said, and the woman should be able to understand now.

It just so happens that it can be considered the beauty of an adult.

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

Su Suizhu tried his best to respond with a smirk, and his subordinates took advantage of the situation to put away the scroll.

(End of this chapter)

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