The question seemed beyond the scope of her answer.

Su Suizhu didn't speak, but just let Mu Che touch her cheek.

"Sui Sui. Close your eyes."

Mu Che's bewitching words, when she obediently closed her eyes, seemed to bring herself into it at the same time, her eyelids could not help but sink and move closer.

"Your Highness."

The person outside the room suddenly made a sound, breaking the ambiguity that should have gone further at this time, Mu Che stopped and slowly opened his eyes.


"He went to the room where the concubine stayed before. There were guards outside the door, so the subordinates couldn't go in and check."

Mu Che tilted his head slightly, "Is there anyone else in the room?"

"No, but the subordinate also asked the two maids who waited on the princess to change her clothes. They said that they had been knocked out by the princess before, but after waking up, they saw that the princess was sitting in the room again, so they didn't report it. "

The corners of Mu Che's lips moved slightly, and his eyes turned back, falling on the face below with eyes still closed, gently brushing the broken hair on her sideburns for her.

"Even if you knew it was fake, you still can't help being tempted. You think I'm stupid, don't you?"


When Su Suizhu heard the sound and opened his eyes, he responded calmly.

The smile on Mu Che's face was even bigger, "Don't open your eyes, Sui Sui, stay with me for a while, you should wake up from the dream after a while."

Su Suizhu closed his eyes obediently again.

"Keep watching, if there is any movement, please report in time."


The sound of footsteps outside the door soon disappeared, Mu Che moved to her side, gently rested his head on her slender shoulder, and then closed his eyes.

It seems to be enjoying the peace at this moment.

On the other side, in the shark fantasy world.

Su Suizhu originally wanted to find Bai Run, but found that no matter how he walked, he could only walk around the attic again and again, and he couldn't even go back the same way.

It seems that what Bai Run said is not false, it turns out that the only way to go out is to finish a dream.
But this well is of no use to her at all, and there is no reminder, it is completely useless.

Otherwise, just sleep and dream by yourself?

It seems that it is not a solution.

Su Suizhu scanned around, and simply sat under the only tree here and closed his eyes, forcing himself to fall asleep quickly.

"Su Sui Bamboo"

There was a familiar sound, and the arm was suddenly held, followed by a violent shaking of the body.

This speed is obviously faster than her reaction speed by opening her eyes.

"National teacher? Why are you here?"

"Just now, my national teacher thought you were dead!"

"Not yet alive."

Seeing her innocent and exceptionally calm look, the national teacher instantly didn't want to take care of her anymore, let go of her hand and got up.

"Then why don't you go?"

"Go? Can you go?"

Su Suizhu's eyes lit up, and he immediately got up, the national teacher is still reliable, he can do anything from the sky to the sea
Su Suizhu praised silently in his heart, and followed him around happily.

So, the two returned to the original place again.

It seemed a bit early to exaggerate
Su Suizhu sighed softly, then sat back listlessly, leaned against the tree, and pointed to the well there.

"It's better not to worry about it. The fairy here said that you have to look at the well to weave dreams, and you can leave after you have finished your dreams. But I just read it and it is useless. Otherwise, the national teacher should find a way to sleep first." .”

The national teacher was a little hesitant, but he still approached the well immediately.

Su Suizhu's expression changed when he saw him, and he even lowered his head, as if to see more clearly.

Isn't it just your own reflection?Why is he reacting like this?
Su Suizhu was suddenly a little uncertain, why did he seem to have really seen something like this.
Su Suizhu stood up half-believingly, and stepped forward.

I saw that the reflection on the water actually belonged to two people, and the man with his back to him was naturally the national teacher, as you can tell by his tall and tall figure.

And the other woman was being hugged by him, and both of them were dressed in happy clothes, so they started kissing unexpectedly.
This this this.
Su Suizhu's eyes widened involuntarily, and he quietly glanced at the national teacher, as if his eyes were also straightened.

Then the national teacher slowly let go of the woman, but it was her face that appeared on the surface of the water? !

Su Suizhu suddenly became a little confused.

I still remember being held down by the national teacher last night.
Bai Run said, this Wen Xinquan will see some situations in the past or the future. Could it be that the national teacher really treated her a long time ago?
No, it should be the original owner!
Even marry the original owner in the future.
Originally thought that this was exciting enough, but who knew that she actually pushed the national teacher away in the picture, but the national teacher seemed unwilling to give up, and hugged her again in his arms.

It's a good entanglement drama
Only then did Su Suizhu realize that she didn't seem to be particularly willing, because she was forced to kiss by the national teacher just now.

What's more exciting is still to come, the national teacher suddenly started a new round of forced kisses, and now she seems to compromise without disappointment?

And my own clothes fell to the ground one by one
What do you mean?This is from him?

Don't you want to!

Su Suizhu couldn't stand it anymore, after all, the person in this picture had exactly the same face as her own!
Just as he was about to reach out to break the unbearable scene of the beautiful spring scenery, his eyes suddenly went dark, and a cool feeling covered his eye sockets.

"Don't look!"

The voice of the national teacher Chun Che was right behind her accompanied by a slightly chaotic and hurried breath. In this quiet place, the invisible was amplified a lot.

he is guilty
There is really no more embarrassing scene than this time.

I was kissed last night, and I still haven't recovered from it. Today, the two of them watched the scene of being intimate with each other at the same time.
If possible, the two of them should die immediately, so as not to meet again alive.

How do you see this?

"Okay, don't look. Let me go first."

Su Suizhu was a little afraid of any close contact with him at this time, as if those pictures could become reality at any time.

Absolutely not!

She doesn't care if the national teacher will like the original owner or marry her in the future, as long as it's still her, it's absolutely impossible!

As soon as the national teacher let go, a purple light suddenly appeared on the surface of the water.

As soon as Su Suizhu faced each other, he became a little sluggish.

The national teacher suddenly realized that the situation was wrong, and his eyes emitted a lighter purple light to resist.

The surface of the water returned to its original state once again.

Su Suizhu came back to his senses, but found himself lying in the arms of the national teacher.

what just happened?
How could this be delivered to the door by itself?
Su Suizhu hurriedly lowered his head and got up, eager to change the topic.

"What now? Can we still go out?"

The national teacher nodded thoughtfully, as if he was quickly distracted by other things, and his expression returned to his usual indifference.


Immediately afterwards, he began to perform spells with fingers, and at the same time guided Su Suizhu to synchronize with it.

"This is the charm of life, as long as you calm down and adjust your breath, you will not be confused, and the spell can break through this illusion.

Read it to me."

Su Suizhu was still waiting for his next words, but the national teacher suddenly called out behind her.


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