Chapter 200 Sui Sui, I've Waited Too Long For This Moment

Su Suizhu opened his eyes to look again, and saw that the national teacher was raising his hand and gathering his spiritual power to form an umbrella-shaped barrier, blocking all the falling mucus.

If the national teacher has a way, he will definitely make a move immediately, so why is he still resisting here.

"Sui Sui, let me ask you again, do you want to go with your husband?"

Mu Che's expression changed invisible, but he was still gentle towards Su Suizhu.

Su Suizhu looked at the national teacher nervously. Indeed, what he said was correct. Although the national teacher's cultivation base is not low, how long can he last if he keeps doing this?
After thinking about it for a while, he immediately responded.

"Ache, as long as you release the national teacher together, I will go with you."

This was originally her task, and she had no reason to ask the national teacher to stop her every time.

There is nothing wrong with liking someone, but she knows her own feelings very well in her heart... This will make her unwilling to drag him down innocently.

Having received a satisfactory answer, Mu Che stretched out his hand to Su Suizhu again, with a hint of seductive charm.

"Okay, I promise you, come, Sui Sui, come to me."

Su Suizhu really couldn't match this face with Lin Qinghan's, but with a completely different temperament.

"Then you release the national teacher first and let him go first."

What if he goes back on his word?Su Suizhu was a little hesitant, because he really couldn't trust Mu Che easily.

"Sui Sui, do you think I will lie to you?"

Su Suizhu pursed her lips and didn't answer, just looked at him quietly, even if he cheated, she couldn't do anything about it.

The national teacher suddenly withdrew his hand and brought her whole body up, holding her tightly in his arms with one hand, lowered his head slightly, and leaned on her shoulder.

Mu Che suddenly changed his face, a light and shadow skipped, only passed through the water cover, and hit the head of the national teacher.

"Be careful."

Su Suizhu raised his palm and used his spiritual power to fight against it.

At the bottom of the water, Su Suizhu preconceived without even thinking about it, and subconsciously used water spells.

When the light and shadow were stopped, Su Suizhu was able to see clearly that it was the southern echinacea.

But how did this thing come in just now?
As soon as the southern echinacea shattered, the national teacher shot it and smashed it into nothing.

The two looked at each other, and Su Suizhu pushed the national teacher immediately.

"National teacher, we are destined to do this in this life, forget about me."

After Su Suizhu finished speaking, he immediately turned around and walked slowly towards Mu Che.

"Su Suizhu, you really are heartless."

For what the national teacher said behind her, she just pretended not to hear it, and she didn't care what his expression was like at this time, she just stared at Mu Che in front of her.

Every time she took a step, she felt flustered and fought back goosebumps all over her body.

She was betting that even without the protection of the national teacher, Mu Che would never let her drool all over with disgusting spit!

Su Suizhu stumbled, at this time there was only a layer of water cover between Mu Che and he hadn't passed through the water cover, so she naturally didn't dare to reach out and touch this sticky thing rashly.

"Ache, let him go, I promise, I will stay this time."

Mu Che stretched out his hand and passed through the water cover. As he stepped forward and approached with his whole body, the water cover consciously faded behind.

Before Su Suizhu could see how he did it, the water cover had already retreated behind him.

At this moment, Mu Che was holding her fingertips, but she had already come out!
Looking back, the national teacher was still surrounded by the water cover, and continued to use the barrier formed by his cultivation to prevent the mucus from falling.

Su Suizhu frowned, stiffened his body and let his hand be held by him, but he did not forget to emphasize.

"Ache, you should keep your promise!"

"Sui Sui, don't worry, I will let him go."

Mu Che's eyes were full of joy, and he raised his eyebrows lightly, with a bit of complacency. As soon as he raised his hand, the Jingyuan beast on top backed away.

His sight became much clearer in an instant, and the oppressive feeling also subsided accordingly.

Under the change of the water cover, it became a water wall, which only separated the national teacher on the opposite side.

"National teacher, my Highness is going back to the room with the princess first, so I won't send you far away."

The national teacher pursed his lips and said nothing, just looked at Su Suizhu quietly, and stood there without moving.

Su Suizhu heaved a sigh of relief, and smiled slightly at Mu Che.

"Thank you, Archer."

Mu Che lightly rubbed her head, "You are not allowed to say thank you in front of me."

Su Suizhu lowered his head, pretending to be cute, and the two returned to the wedding room again.

Mu Che picked up the wine glass on the table and handed it to Su Suizhu.

"Sui Sui, after drinking this cup of wedding wine, you and I will be married, we will be husband and wife."

Su Suizhu took the wine glass, hesitantly, when Mu Che raised his hand, he immediately turned his back to him, and swallowed the wine in one gulp.

The sake entered the throat, flowing through the whole throat like a fire, and straight down to the stomach.

Su Suizhu's whole face couldn't help wrinkling together, no wonder her father didn't let her drink alcohol before, it really didn't taste good at all!Also hot throat!
"Sui Sui. That's not the way you drink wine."

Mu Che was a little stunned while holding the jade cup, his hands were in the air, and he didn't expect her to act so straightforwardly.

After all, this is also an act of intimacy between the couple to express their affection. She drank it like this, as if she wanted to sworn to him.
Of course Su Suizhu knew how to drink this wine, but she couldn't really marry him, so how could she be willing to have a fake show with him.

As long as it's not a cup, it doesn't count!
"Ah? Then how do you drink it?"

When Su Suizhu turned around, pretending to be puzzled, he took advantage of the situation and raised his hand to support his temples, a slight blush appeared on his face.

Mu Che took the jade cup in her hand and put it down, he hurriedly supported her arm, and stopped forcing her to drink.

"Sui Sui, but you feel a little dizzy? You have never drank alcohol before, so how can you drink in such a hurry, I'm afraid you will be drunk later."

It's good to be drunk, Su Suizhu lowered his eyelids, hiding the sly look that flashed in his eyes.

"Ah Che, I'm a little dizzy, I want to lean on for a while."

"it is good."

Mu Che responded straightforwardly, but immediately picked her up without Su Suizhu being prepared, and went straight to the bed.

Since you have to dress up, you have to pretend to be a little bit.

Su Suizhu couldn't directly refuse at the moment, his eyelids were half closed, and he looked lazy, as if he was a little drunk.

"Ache, you really look like an older brother of mine."

"Brother? Which brother?"

With a slight smile, Mu Che put her down gently, and approached her with his head down, his voice became a little softer and more subtle.

"Well, I won't tell you!"

Su Suizhu turned his head away, raised his hand and pushed his chest away.

How could Mu Che easily distance himself from her, grabbed her hand, lowered his head and whispered in her ear, whispering his enthusiasm at this moment.

"Sui Sui, I've waited too long for this moment. Maybe you're a little drunk and can't clearly understand my mood at this time, but it's okay, as long as you know, I love you, and I will be responsible to you to the end. enough."

The breath in the ears gradually became chaotic and hot, and slowly fell down.

"Ah Che, I have a headache, it's so uncomfortable, I'm also a little nauseous, I want to vomit"

Su Suizhu started to vomit as he spoke, and continued to retch twice.

 Thank you for the cute little ones who voted for the monthly ticket. They have a big heart and those who voted for the monthly ticket before. Sorry, I forgot to thank you. I will add it together today. Thank you for your support and follow-up. Love launches biubiubiu~
(End of this chapter)

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