"If you like this mirror, it's good to use it as a token of love between us. However, if you take it and give it to someone else, your husband will be unhappy."

The smile on Mu Che's face didn't hold back at all, but Su Suizhu's words always sounded a bit more hidden threat.

The palace people also said that if he said he was unhappy, it was usually the beginning of punishment.

Throw it to the vicious dogs, chop off the hands and feet and throw it into the fish pond, etc.

It is said that there is a dead area behind Yunze Hall, which is specially used to punish people and pile up corpses!
Although these gossips are unknown gossip heard later, there are also elements of rumors, which may not be true, and Su Suizhu has never smelled anything strange when he passed by.

But one can probably hear Mu Che's daily image of being like a devil in the eyes of the palace people.

Su Suizhu didn't dare to take his own life to challenge easily.

"Ache, this is something you gave me. I will definitely keep it safe. Why would you give it to someone else!"

"That's right, even if you donate it to someone else, there are ways for my husband to get it back. Otherwise, how can you return to my husband now."

Mu Che gently lowered his head, held her wrist, and brushed it with his palm, the small wound on his fingertip disappeared immediately.

Su Suizhu's heart tightened, yes, just that sticky saliva mask is enough!

How many tricks does Mu Che have?

No matter how powerful the national teacher is, he is still a mortal. If Mu Che comes out with some strange and unexpected magic weapons, how much can he resist?
Su Suizhu couldn't help feeling a little distressed, it seems that the national teacher's method is not very good, and there are too many gambling elements.

Then it has to be her old way, the solution is the kingly way!

Immediately afterwards, Mu Che replaced it with her other wrist, and even pulled up her sleeve.

Su Suizhu twitched his hands nervously, "Ache, what are you doing?"

"Don't think your husband didn't see it, where did the injury on your arm come from?"

Under Mu Che's insistence, the scabbed wound was still exposed, a dark red circle, like a mark the size of a little finger, very neat looking.

Mu Che could tell at a glance that this special wound was unique to the Southern Thornbeet!
But he never hurt her!
"Is it the national teacher? That time he took the echinacea from me with his own hands. He hurt you, right?"

Mu Che didn't understand, if the national teacher really hurt her, how could she still stand with him?would rather trust such a person
Su Suizhu shook his head, "It wasn't him, originally his injury was also caused by me, this is considered to be returned to him by me."

"What do you mean? Sui Sui, that injury was voluntary and deserved. You don't owe him anything at all. Why do you hurt yourself like this because of him? Does it hurt?"

Mu Che's tone suddenly became more eager, and he clenched Su Suizhu's wrist in distress.

"It doesn't hurt anymore, Ah Che, it's all over, and none of this has anything to do with him."

Su Suizhu insisted that it was caused by himself, Yun Danfeng smiled lightly and said that he was fine, and did not want to talk about the details.

Since this meeting has already been discovered, it is enough to ask Mu Che not to retaliate against the national teacher immediately.

The sinister look in Mu Che's eyes gradually faded away after several confirmations.

"Ache, are you afraid of pain?"

When Su Suizhu suddenly asked such a question, Mu Che was a little stunned, then he nodded and smiled bluntly.

"Of course I'm afraid, but what I'm most afraid of is that you will hurt me. It hurts more than a knife piercing my heart."

"Me? How else can I hurt you? You are so powerful, I'm afraid you will break my neck before I have time to do it."

Mu Che saw her bowing her head, her slender eyelashes like a small fan cast a small shadow under her eyes, she looked extraordinarily well-behaved and quiet, and her words were too playful.

Arouse some greed and longing in my heart for no reason.

"Sui Sui, even if you want to kill me, I'm not willing to do anything to you."

Mu Che hugged Su Suizhu in his arms, and slowly closed his eyes, affectionately.

Very fake!
Su Suizhu didn't believe that someone would really choose this kind of superficial and superficial love between men and women between life and death. Isn't life important?

Besides, people who want to kill you will only like it if they are crazy!


This method is surprisingly effective and requires no effort at all, so Mu Che let her go first.

"Sui Sui, aren't you alright?"

When Mu Che asked, his fingertips also touched her wrist.

Su Suizhu immediately felt guilty for no reason, could it be that Mu Che is good at medicine?
How could he, a little devil who grew up in a palace, learn this?

But this kind of demeanor is clearly the same as Lin Qinghan's demeanor when he felt the patient's pulse.

Mu Che raised his eyes suddenly, Su Suizhu subconsciously dodged.

"It's okay, I think it's the first time I drink alcohol, and I feel a little uncomfortable in my stomach, it will be fine when the energy passes."

There was warmth on his cheeks, Mu Che cupped her face and turned to face him, his brows and eyes were full of affection, and he was too gentle.

"Sui Sui, bridal chamber festivities, we still have the last and most important thing to do."

Mu Che's gradually deep eyes and drooping eyelids made Su Suizhu subconsciously want to avoid this approaching face.

Such a strange and familiar face really resembles Lin Qinghan, but the bewitching red between the brows keeps reminding her that he is not.

Su Suizhu raised his hand to cover his lips, his brows were wrinkled, and he had a bitter face, as if he was a little embarrassed.

"I'm sorry, Che, I'm not feeling well, I'm afraid I can't do it now."

Mu Che's eyes darkened, he was silent for a moment, and then smiled unnaturally.

"It's okay, we are already husband and wife anyway, Sui Sui, if you feel unwell, then I will lie down with you for a while."

"Ah Che, can a merman's tears really turn into beads? What is that like?"

She didn't want to lie down, let alone spend unnecessary time with him.

"Well, it is a kind of crystal clear thing. Ordinary people may think it is beautiful, but it also represents the strongest state of mind of the mermaids at that time. Perhaps it is not so beautiful to the mermaids."

There seemed to be some other meaning in Mu Che's words, and an inexplicable mist and confusion appeared in his eyes.

"Sui, do you want it?"


Su Suizhu didn't know why Mu Che could always accurately guess what she wanted first, but she really wanted it!
No matter what method is used!
"Ache, if I want it, will you give it to me?"

Su Suizhu wants to try to challenge his bottom line, don't you like it?Not a pet?Then try to be pampered and proud.

Anyway, it is impossible for them to talk about any reason normally now.

"Sui Sui, are you willing to give yourself to me? Everything you have."

Su Suizhu wasn't too disappointed with his non-questionable answers, he was always expected. Mu Che was not stupid, and he didn't expect him to really answer.

Besides, asking for a man's tears, no matter where they are placed, seems like a vexatious and forceful approach.

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