Chapter 205 Farewell, Smelly National Teacher

The national teacher was slightly startled, as if he didn't expect her to react like this at this time.

Su Suizhu first pushed him away, then took two steps back to keep a certain distance from him.

She really doesn't like being treated like this by a man she doesn't know and understand at all, especially at the moment.

It's just that there are always finishing touches to finish this meeting, and I'm about to leave this world, so it's fine to have a little seizure, and it's impossible for this kind of thing to happen again.


Su Suizhu glanced at the national teacher, his expression became a little more relaxed, and he didn't say anything more, just turned around and went out first.

The national teacher followed closely behind and left.

Mu Che clenched his fists secretly, turned his head away as if resigned to his fate, and let the two of them disappear.

"Su Suizhu, what was your attitude just now? If your wings are stiff, you will turn your face and deny anyone? Don't think that the master of the country doesn't know that the power of the immortal is now in your body."

The national teacher was very displeased, and grabbed her wrist, forcing this little girl who seemed to have changed into a different person to face herself.

"Then what attitude does the national teacher want me to have? The national teacher just casually faced me in front of others and never asked me if I would like to."

Now that she is considered capable, can't she speak louder?

Su Suizhu raised his hand, huh?Why can't you break free?

Under the secret use of strength to fight against it, it was impossible to completely break free
It must be the suppression of this black jade bracelet!

It turns out that even the power of a human immortal is no match for the cultivation of a national teacher.
Once Su Suizhu realized this, the gap in her heart almost pulled her from the top of the mountain to the bottom of the valley, and she was extremely disappointed in this power.

At the same time, smiling faces are born in due course.

She admitted that she was a bit too loud when she spoke to the national teacher just now.
"Su Suizhu, you really are a little girl who doesn't know what's good and who has no conscience!
Do you think the national teacher really thinks of you?It's just for the sake of Ah Ci that I promise to help you again and again. Just like you, it really doesn't make people arouse any interest! "

The national teacher took advantage of the situation and shook her hand, and disappeared in an instant.

Su Suizhu sighed lightly, he shouldn't have said that much just now!

But it's none of her business if the national teacher is angry now, she doesn't care.

Then he looked at himself up and down again, touched his face, couldn't help but flatten his lips, and said unfairly to the place where the national teacher disappeared.

"No vision!"

It's better to be alone now, Su Suizhu's unhappiness is fleeting, and with the help of this strength, he quickly reached the surface of the water.

In order not to get wet, he still reluctantly said the phrase "I will always obey the orders of the national teacher", and then he was wrapped in a golden coat and came out dry and through the water.

As soon as he looked up, the national teacher was actually sitting beside him, sipping the green tea in his hand leisurely.

"Master, why are you still here?"

The national teacher looked up coldly, and said in a lukewarm manner, "If the national teacher is not here, do you think you can seal this enchantment eye by yourself?"

Su Suizhu is dubious, but what she has now is the power of a human being, which comes from the powerful power in this trial world. Could it be that she can't even seal it with a formation?
She was always more willing to seek facts, so she simply tried the technique.

The formation was activated, but the halo surface that had just been formed disappeared in a blink of an eye with just a flick of the national teacher's sleeve.

Su Suizhu looked at his hands again, that's it?Return the power of the immortal?

Sure enough, many things in the world of trials are not played according to normal routines. Once the legends that have been boasted about being supernatural come true, they will collapse as soon as they say it.
"Master National Teacher, I knew you were the best."

Su Suizhu immediately greeted the national teacher with a smiling face again, who knew that it was the last moment, and he still had to rely on the power of the national teacher, and his back was still not straight!
The national teacher's disdainful expression passed over her face, and a red fish scale with golden light appeared in the palm of her raised hand?

A small piece, no bigger than half a palm, looks like it was picked off from a mermaid.

"Is this thing all right?"

"The surface of the water here is rootless water, which cannot be suppressed and sealed by ordinary magic techniques, but the body protection scales of the Mermaid Queen are water-controlling magic weapons, and it is safe to use them as eyes to suppress this place. "

In a few words, the national teacher explained the reason clearly in an understatement, not for anything else, he didn't want to do it himself, such a laborious and laborious task of forming a formation.

Anyway, it was her business, and he felt that it was enough for him to help people to this extent.

Su Suizhu got a lot of information from it, and at the same time, he immediately figured out some things.

It turned out that the national teacher had a friendship with Queen Youxing from the very beginning, otherwise it would have been impossible to get the body protection scales easily, which further confirmed her original guess.

Mu Che was sealed and kept existing as a child. It was indeed You Xing's acquiescence. She actually knew the way to seal the enchantment eye a long time ago!

You Xing also knows that Mu Che is a child who violates the way of nature, and his personality is too shady by nature. Once he lets go of his hands and feet, and when he has the ability to turn his hands into clouds and rain, the consequences will be difficult to control of.

Therefore, even though Mu Qilang felt resentful towards her and made this move, she still weighed it rationally.

But after all, he is still his own child, and You Xing's selfishness still hopes that he can live a carefree life, even if he never grows up, it is better than forcibly detaining him in one place.
"If you don't do it yet, do you still need your national teacher to teach you how to set up the formation?"

The national teacher interrupted her thoughts and reminded her to act quickly.

That's right, as long as the seal formation is over, even if her mission is completed, she will have to leave this trial world completely.

But before that, she still had one last thing to do.

"Master Guoshi, I know that I have made you angry a lot on weekdays, maybe it can't be seen as I serve the Holy King, I beg you for one thing."

Su Suizhu took the scales from his palm and held them in his hand, looking at him seriously, with too much earnest expectation and sustenance in it.

The national teacher turned his head away for a while, as if he was not interested, but still gave a one-word response.


"The Holy King once promised to give me countless gold and silver money, but Xuenv is not an insatiable person, so I only ask the Master of the State Teacher to reward me with one or two.

To ensure that my family can live comfortably for the rest of their lives without having to work hard for a living. Grandpa is old and he needs to enjoy his old age comfortably. My younger brother is still young, so he should read more books."

Su Suizhu wasn't sure if he would agree, and his voice became weaker and weaker as he spoke.

She has been cautiously staying in the palace these days, especially after getting acquainted with Mu Che, she is afraid that she will accidentally implicate her family.

There is no family letter, and there is no monthly salary to give them a better life. Before she leaves, it is time for her to fulfill her promise.

"Su Suizhu, stop pretending to be kind-hearted!"

The national teacher suddenly changed his face inexplicably, and caught off guard with malicious words.

Su Suizhu was stunned, bit her lower lip tightly, frowned to avoid the sharp and cold eyes of the national teacher at this time, and held back the urge to reply.

Forget it, if you can't bring wealth and glory to your family, you can't add any more suffering to them.

Su Suizhu didn't delay any longer, and immediately cast spells to set up the formation, and at the same time as his hands fell, a familiar voice sounded in his ears immediately.

[The mission is completed, count to ten silently, and immediately go to the third world. 】

Um?This time it didn't take as long as a stick of incense.

That's right, Su Suizhu doesn't want to stare at this person anymore, it's over.

"Su Suizhu, don't you have anything to say?"

The national teacher was very angry at her silence, what he just said was not pleasant, and when did her temper become so good?

Su Suizhu shook his head, and turned his back to him indifferently.

Farewell to the stinky master!
(End of this chapter)

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