Chapter 211 Beauty Current
Su Suizhu woke up suddenly with a jerk, hurriedly pushed away her underwear and Yan Beixiao who was still hugging her.

And I didn't feel much better, just like the meditation session, I was still only wearing a bellyband.
But she couldn't remember what happened in the middle, and how long the two of them stayed like this.
When the body retreated, it was discovered that the two of them were in a bathtub at this time.

Although the bathtub is much larger than the usual size, it is still not spacious enough to accommodate two people. After a little stepping back, it has reached the edge, and the distance between the two is only half a step.

History is always surprisingly similar, but this time it is even more unacceptable than last time.

Su Suizhu sank his body into the water, very embarrassed by the embarrassment at this time, and even a little bit annoyed by Yan Beixiao's actions.

"My lord, it's not a gentleman's action for you to take advantage of others' danger like this!"

Yan Beixiao pursed his lips, and his deep black pupils were extremely deep, and they also slowly approached.

Su Suizhu had the tub on his back, there was no way to retreat, he could only watch him condescendingly, even with his arms propped up by his side, there was nowhere to hide when he circled her in place.

"Taking advantage of others? Su Suizhu, do you dare to say it again, who is taking advantage of others?

Last night, if it wasn't for seeing whether you were going to die or not, and this king didn't want to marry a dead person as his concubine, he would have made your internal organs burn and tortured, and this king would never have cared about you. "

He's still in good spirits.

Su Suizhu turned his head away, avoiding his sharp questioning eyes like a crusade at this time. Although he was a little shorter in momentum, he was obviously dissatisfied with his rhetoric in his attitude.

"But is there no other bathtub in the palace? Why do you have to squeeze two people together?"

Originally, she didn't need double cultivation, she just needed to transmit luck, and she didn't have to suffer at all, it was him!
Now that luck has been given to him, Shuangxiu has helped him practice again, and she has been seen and hugged by him
He has taken advantage of all the advantages and benefits, and he is still playing the game here.

The warm breath fell on her cheeks, and her chin was gripped by a burst of coldness. Su Suizhu had no choice but to turn her head to face Yan Beixiao.

Such a beautiful face, every time I look at it, people can't help being amazed, but she can't accept Mo Zhi's humiliation to her.

So once he came back to his senses a little bit, this face became a little more annoying, more than the original admiration.

At this moment of touch, he realized that his body was really cold, no, it should be said to be cold, it was not as cold as a normal person's body temperature at all.

When she just woke up, she even thought she was stuck on a block of ice.

Before Su Suizhu came, he had also guessed many Yan Beixiao's real body forms, but the world spirit was unwilling to reveal even half of it.

Apart from saying that he has no mortal lust, and that he will Mu Zefang after returning to the throne, there is nothing else.

If it's homing... it sounds more like a spiritual weapon.

When Su Suizhu was cultivating in Xianshan, he had read some records of spiritual weapons. It is said that some spiritual weapons are very spiritual, and they can be reincarnated as human beings by chance. After several trials in the human world, their own strength will be improved.

At that time, she sighed, even if it is a spiritual weapon, she still works so hard on everything, and she is more promising than her!
For Yan Beixiao at this time, even if she guessed the spirit weapon, it was really difficult for her to distinguish and guess his real details.

It is obvious that the fire element is practiced, but it can have some attributes like the water element, and the body is so cold, if it is not the frost technique of the water element, how can it be done?
"In the middle of the night, do you want me to prepare another bathtub for you? Su Suizhu, don't forget your current identity, and what you promised me last night. If I say something to you in the future, I won't let you say it." Xi, do you hear me clearly?"

Regarding Yan Beixiao's strong request, Su Suizhu secretly retorted in his heart. He did agree to listen to his orders last night, but he only listened. Who promised him to do so?

He didn't ask for it!

But this person is getting closer and closer, and under the current conditions, she can't continue to fight with him, and the one who suffers is always herself.

"Well, my lord, your hands are very cold. We have soaked for a long time. If this continues, your delicate body may catch cold. If you are sick, it will be bad. Why don't you get up and get dressed first."

Su Suizhu forced a smirk, not only his expression, but also his tone softened, he raised his hand to hold his fingertips and was about to take it off.

It was already dawn outside the window, if this continues, I'm afraid that people in the palace will laugh at it, after all, no matter how certain things are, the title has not been determined for a day, so it is too much.

Yan Beixiao looked at her, although her complexion was a little dizzy, but the color of her lips became much lighter, and there was only a trace of warmth left in the soft touch of her palm.

In this short period of time, the remaining heat in her body has been completely dissipated, and it is true that she cannot stay any longer.

Yan Beixiao immediately withdrew his hand and immediately moved his palm, the water temperature gradually increased a little, and the warmth enveloped his body in an instant.

Su Suizhu couldn't help frowning, she just said the water was cold, so he warmed it up, what's the point?Do you want to soak for a while?
"My lord, if you soak in water for a long time, your skin will wrinkle."

She could only remind him in the most tactful way possible.

Yan Beixiao originally planned to get up, but she was so impatient to urge him, but instead of thinking about it, it can be said that he didn't really want to follow her wishes.

"Well, what you said is reasonable, then go out quickly and change the clothes for the king later."

Su Suizhu gritted her teeth secretly, how could she get out like this now!

"My lord, I'm a little dizzy, and my body is very weak. Maybe I need to slow down, or you should go out first."

Of course you can't be tough, Su Suizhu raised his hand to rest his forehead, his eyelids were half drooped, pretending to be weak, and he leaned against the edge of the tub.

Yan Beixiao hesitated a little, and Su Suizhu heaved a sigh of relief, thinking to go quickly!

But she regretted it the next moment. Not only did Yan Beixiao not leave, but he even picked her up from the water.

The water dripped continuously along the skin and the only thin clothing remaining, causing an endless sound of splashes.

Su Suizhu only felt that his sense of shame had also been shattered in front of him at this moment, and in panic, he folded his hands in front of his chest.

Like a frightened deer, when Yan Beixiao lowered his head, he could see the sparkles in her clear water eyes, her agile and soft state that cannot be ignored, and her dazzlingly white and tender skin.

Spring is alluring.

"If you continue to seduce you intentionally or unintentionally, don't blame me for being rude to you."

Yan Beixiao's eyes moved slightly, and there was a trace of strange warmth in his eyes, and he immediately looked away to avoid him, his face was so cold and unhuman.

Su Suizhu cursed secretly, he obviously fished her out, did he ask her?Now we have to beat back!
Look at himself again, where the clothes are half open, and the wetness sticks to his body.
I didn't notice it when I was dressing, but looking at this muscular body, Su Suizhu couldn't help but think of the beauty in his memory.
(End of this chapter)

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