Immortal cultivator lay down and won, the cold demon emperor brought his cubs to chase me down

Chapter 224 This time, let's change to a double cultivation

Chapter 224 This time, let's change to a double cultivation


The slight pain accompanied by a little tenderness made her breathe out softly, Su Suizhu subconsciously touched her neck, and suddenly woke up in a trance.

A familiar face with a bit of arrogance was looking down at this place, just in time to meet her gaze.

"Mo Zhi, what exactly do you want?"

Subconsciously, Su Suizhu dodged backwards and questioned loudly.

Yan Beixiao was stunned for a moment, and then said in a calm tone, "Are you awake? You came to steal this king's treasure, and you dare to fall asleep here so blatantly, you are quite courageous."

Fell asleep?
Su Suizhu felt the touch of the skin under his fingertips, and there seemed to be shallow tooth marks on his neck, and he still held the crystal ball in his other hand.

The person in front of him turned out to be Yan Beixiao, and it was all because his face was exactly the same. He had been seen by now, and it was too late to shrink back.

Su Suizhu looked at this crystal clear crystal ball and felt a little dazed. He was clearly sucked in just now, and he also met a dragon and turned into Mo Zhi again.
That person must be Mo Zhi, she knows it!

Apart from him, no one else would call himself the Lord in front of her!
But how could it be a dream?
But Yan Beixiao was sitting in front of her right now, waiting for her answer, and Su Suizhu could only treat what just happened as a dream.

When you come back to your senses, what you have to do must be done.

Su Suizhu pursed his lips, his heart sank, and without warning, he threw the crystal ball in his hand to the ground.

Yan Beixiao got up immediately, but finally took a step too late, watching the crystal ball slam down with a bang, shattering and bursting out a little bit of crystal.

"Su Suizhu, you are crazy!"

Su Suizhu smiled indifferently.

"Now I'm a princess, and I'm pregnant again. As long as it's something I don't like, what if it breaks?"

Yan Beixiao hesitated, looked at Su Suizhu and remained silent for a moment, as if he was thinking about something.

Su Suizhu was a little confused about his attitude at this time. He was obviously anxious when he fell just now, but he was very calm when he fell to pieces.

Hey, it was your baby who fell!Are you not angry?

"My lord, I'm sleepy, so I'll go back first."

Su Suizhu was speechless. Looking at her like this, can you still see a flower?
If she really doesn't want to pursue it, then she can withdraw first, and there is no need to continue to consume it.

"Su Suizhu."

Yan Beixiao suddenly called out her name, and a light purple light gradually rose in his eyes, just like Mo Zhi in his dream.

"What's the matter, my lord?"

Su Suizhu was puzzled, and at the same time met his eyes in surprise. Is this about to show up?

Or is it that some other way of conveying luck has just been found, and it works...

Yan Beixiao couldn't believe it. Looking at her forehead, something seemed to flash by just now, so fast that she didn't even see it clearly.

She is so abnormally uncontrollable by his spells
Yan Beixiao walked up to meet her quickly, reaching out to touch her forehead.

Although Su Suizhu was a little nervous and frightened, he still clenched his fingertips, closed his eyes, and raised his head slightly.

Come on, come on, as long as he does it, it will be over.

Um?There was just a cool feeling between her brows, Yan Beixiao was touching her forehead?
As soon as Su Suizhu opened her eyes, Yan Beixiao pressed her entire palm against her forehead and pushed her away.

"Su Suizhu, I thought you had changed your gender, but I didn't expect you to have more and more tricks. If you want to be close to me, just say it, what I hate most is your little thoughts."


Su Suizhu was a little dazed, it was right to think carefully, but who wants to be close to him?
Yan Beixiao's eyes turned to Su Suizhu's body, and as soon as he finished speaking, he took the initiative to take her hand, and brushed the other hand across the ground.

The crystal ball that had just been shattered miraculously gathered together and appeared intact in Yan Beixiao's hands.

"You crystal ball"

Su Suizhu stared blankly at the crystal ball, with shock written all over his face.

Yan Beixiao smiled lightly and put the crystal ball into her palm, "If the princess likes it, I will give it to the princess as a wedding gift."

What do you mean?
Is that why he doesn't care?Will she drop this thing casually in the future?
"My lord, why..."

Su Suizhu was a little hesitant, with a look of searching in his eyes, obviously the things in this box were Yan Beixiao's most precious thing!
In my memory, once the original owner came to the study to deliver snacks to Yan Beixiao, and saw his box by accident.

At that time, Yan Beixiao not only avoided her, but even warned her sharply when she asked curiously, and forbade her to come to his study again, let alone touch his things.

Therefore, in Su Suizhu's eyes, his behavior at this time was really abnormal.

Yan Beixiao didn't answer, just curled his lips slightly, took her hand and walked out the door of the study.

Su Suizhu just wanted to break free, but in the end it was hard to do so, Yan Beixiao took her to their new house again.

With a bang, the door of his room closed just in time.

"My lord, what is this going to do?"

"Of course it is as you wish."

Yan Beixiao then let go of her hand, but with his fingertips he picked up her coat lightly, and it fell to the ground easily.

Su Suizhu hurriedly took two steps back to avoid it, as if he sensed that something was wrong.

What thing takes off her clothes as soon as she comes up as she wishes, it's nonsense!
"If you have something to say, you may as well say it directly. What's the point of this?"

"What do you mean? Of course it's a double cultivation with you. After all, it will benefit both of you and me, so why not?
In this way, you don't have to bother to try to get close to the king. "

Yan Beixiao's eyes came from nowhere, and he grabbed Su Suizhu's waist forcefully and leaned into his arms.

"My lord, I'm physically inconvenient right now. Dual cultivation is too hard. I'm afraid it will hurt the fetus. Let's talk about it after the baby is born."

Su Suizhu put his hands on Yan Beixiao's chest, it would be better to practice with him than to cultivate by himself!It's just to increase that little bit of cultivation, and it's of no great use.

Anyway, as long as the task is completed this time, her cultivation will definitely improve, so why bother to suffer this pain here, let alone being watched by him...

Su Suizhu couldn't help but feel hot when he thought of the time when he was in the bathtub with him.

"A woman is pregnant in October, can you really wait until the child is born?"

Yan Beixiao watched her suddenly lower her head to avoid his gaze, the crimson color gradually rose on her cheeks, and unconsciously raised her fingertips to touch them.

Su Suizhu shrank his neck and pushed his hand away at the same time.

"Since I'm pregnant, it's only ten months. No matter how hard or difficult it is, I will definitely give birth to our flesh and blood."

After a moment of silence, Yan Beixiao hugged her horizontally.

"It doesn't matter whether what you say is true or not, this king has decided to give you a chance now."

Who wants his chance!

"My lord, I really can't do it! I have an abdominal discomfort, let's forget it this time..."

Yan Beixiao lowered his head and lightly pecked her lips, interrupting her continuation.

"This time, let's change to a double cultivation."

(End of this chapter)

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