Chapter 226 Hurry up, get angry
Su Suizhu was stunned for a moment, why did this little girl look and look so similar...his own father.

Oh yes, Ah Ci was originally born by Yan Beixiao.

But what is he doing now?
Su Suizhu stepped back half a minute, and asked him amusedly, "Aci, do you want to see if mother has a fever?"

This child is very considerate, but he is still too young, it seems that he used the wrong method, Su Suizhu felt a heat in his heart.

Ah Ci shook his head lightly, "No, Ah Ci saw sweat on the tip of mother's nose just now, so he wiped it off for mother."

"Huh? Then why do you use the tip of your nose to wipe your mother's sweat? Can't your little hands do it?"

Su Suizhu was a little amused, squeezed Ah Ci's little fleshy hand, and felt that he was very cute. He really wanted to take a bite of this chubby little face, which was dangling in front of her eyes at this moment.

"No! My father said, you have to wipe the sweat on the tip of your nose with the tip of your nose."


Yan Beixiao seemed to think of something, and hurriedly interrupted, preventing Ah Ci from continuing.

What kind of shit does this teach kids
This will be in front of Yan Beixiao, if I open my mouth to teach the child, I'm afraid it will be counterproductive, maybe I will be choked by him, it is not a good time,

Su Suizhu glanced at Yan Beixiao, but still swallowed the words that came to his lips, sat down with Ah Ci, and handed him a small snack with a smile.

"A Ci, have you had dinner yet?"

"No, Ah Ci and Father Wang are waiting for Mother to come home and have dinner together."

Ah Ci took the snack, looked at Yan Beixiao, gently touched it and put it back.

Yan Beixiao unexpectedly did not refute, but Su Suizhu was somewhat surprised.

The eyes of the two met, and Yan Beixiao finally opened his mouth, "What kind of medicine did you drink just now?"

Su Suizhu knew that the small twists and turns would not cause him much anger, his expression was still so indifferent, after all, several hours had passed, and he had to add more material.

It is better to hit the sun than to choose the day, and it just so happens that the attendants stay outside at this time.

"Naturally, it is a good medicine for the prince to have no worries."

"say clearly."

Su Suizhu smiled and rubbed Ah Ci's head, "A Ci, you may be the only good boy in my life."

"Then Ah Ci only wants you as a mother!"

Ah Ci was overjoyed, and he didn't care about eating snacks, he immediately grabbed Su Suizhu's neck and hugged her tightly.

Yan Beixiao frowned slightly, and a clear look flashed in his eyes for an instant, but then he became more dignified.

"Su Suizhu, what do you mean by that?"

"My lord should know what I mean. Anyway, my lord also said that it's enough to have a child like Ah Ci. I'm just following my lord's wishes."

Su Suizhu smiled lightly, and touched his lower abdomen with his palm, the meaning couldn't be more obvious.

"Father, mother likes Ah Ci now, and they all say that Ah Ci will only have one child, why do you still look unhappy?"

Ah Ci pursed his lips and looked at Yan Beixiao with an unhappy face.

Yan Beixiao didn't answer Ah Ci, but stepped forward and hugged him forcibly, and looked at Su Suizhu coldly.

"Su Suizhu, you are still so cruel! You have never changed!"

"It's just a puddle of flesh and blood. If you don't want it, don't want it. Why should the prince make such a fuss?"

Yan Beixiao's face turned dark, Su Suizhu decided to continue to heat up.

"What's more, as long as I think about being with someone I hate, I really can't eat anymore."

Hurry up, get angry!

Su Suizhu raised his eyebrows, tried his best to look contemptuous, and was ready to be beaten.

As long as Yan Beixiao made a move, she would cut off her meridians and send herself back to the west.

Anyway, Wang Siqing said that besides the technique of combining yin and yang, the other is that as long as he dies in Yan Beixiao's hands, he can immediately complete all the transportation of Qi.

So as long as Yan Beixiao made a move, she would take advantage of the situation and rely on him, and it would be over. As long as she died in his hands, the mission of the trial world would be considered complete.

It's probably similar to the choice between the way of heaven and karma, and it takes dedication to complete the calculation...

Su Suizhu also obeyed this world spirit and gave her a lot of problems. This time, she made it clear that she was going to die.

It's not really dead after all, as long as the movement is fast enough, it shouldn't hurt too much...

Perhaps because she knew where all this was going, Su Suizhu didn't have much unknown fear of death, and she didn't know when she started, she seemed to be less afraid of pain.

Probably in the last world, she transferred the wounds for the national teacher and stabbed herself with the southern echinacea, and she gradually felt the difference in herself, and many things seemed to be quietly changing.
"You hate this king?"

Yan Beixiao put Ah Ci down, then grabbed Su Suizhu's wrist and pulled her up, staring fixedly at her watery eyes.

Looking at each other, the mark on Yan Beixiao's forehead lit up again.

"Yes, I hate you. You gave birth to a child with someone else, but you gave up your mother to have a child. You accepted Aci, but you didn't even want to give her a title. A person like you who has no responsibility, really Let me look down on it at all!"

Su Suizhu was a little nervous, but also inexplicably excited. This mentality of wishing the other party would kill him was a bit strange, but it was also extremely exciting.

Only by going to death can you get a new life. There is no need to be afraid, just go boldly!

"Su Suizhu, do you even know what you're talking about? That's why you hate me?"

Yan Beixiao suddenly held Su Suizhu's shoulders, but his eyes were bright, and even his tone was a little more eager and excited.

But where did that angry gloomy energy go?

Su Suizhu felt that his attitude and expression had become a little bit wrong.

Is there something wrong with Yan Beixiao's brain circuit?
Just now when she said that she would abort the child, he only asked about his dislike. Now she scolded him very directly. Why does he still seem a little happy?
I don't know if I saw it wrong, Su Suizhu doubted his eyes, and blinked involuntarily.

But Yan Beixiao seemed to have a different understanding in his eyes.

"Su Suizhu, if you tease me like this intentionally or unintentionally, your goal will be achieved soon."

Yan Beixiao's tone was very light, mainly because Ah Ci was already standing beside the two of them, staring at them with his head up and his big round eyes open.

"That's great, father, aren't we here to help mother?"

Halfway through Ah Ci's speech, he carefully covered his mouth and looked at Yan Beixiao.

"Help me? Help for what?"

Su Suizhu always has strange thoughts that can't be explained... Maybe it's too unrealistic, and she can only be suppressed by her again as soon as it pops up.

Yan Beixiao turned his palm over, and A Ci was wrapped in a burst of light before he could speak, and was suddenly sucked into Su Suizhu's purse.

Surprised, Su Suizhu went to open the purse, and the crystal ball inside was gradually gathering a burst of red light.

There is no trace of Aci anywhere.

(End of this chapter)

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