Su Suizhu's expression changed invisible, and before Yan Beixiao could make a move, he took Ah Ci aside with a single dodge.


As soon as the concubine saw the deep red blood staining, she immediately yelled.

"Su Suizhu, you are crazy! Even if Ah Ci is not your own, he is just a child, how can you be so cruel!"

The blood on Su Suizhu's hand was impressive, and he didn't know when he added a small knife. He was smiling grimly at this time, and then put it on the other side of Ah Ci's neck again.

"Yan Beixiao, you told me that as long as there is one child, Ah Ci is enough, so let's make a choice now? Do you want me and the child in my stomach, or Ah Ci?"

Su Suizhu's plan is set, with her lunatic behavior, no matter what Yan Beixiao chooses, the concubine will never tolerate her again.

In the back house, it would be easy to take someone's life, and it is absolutely impossible for Yan Beixiao not to take any action during this period.

Come on then, she's ready.

"Su Suizhu, stop acting, do you really think you can fool me?"

Yan Beixiao's expression was still calm, and he glanced at Ah Ci's neck. Although the wound was hidden by his small hands, he was calm as if he was sure that he was not injured.

Su Suizhu couldn't believe it. I'm afraid this biological father is fake, right?

Your pup is hurt!

But any normal person, regardless of whether it is true or false, will first arouse the instinctive desire to protect.

"Acting? Yan Beixiao, then today I will show you what true cruelty is."

Su Suizhu met Yan Beixiao's gaze, curled his lips viciously, and his subordinates silently began to perform their skills, gathering strength and suddenly hit A Ci.

Once the spiritual power is released, it cannot be withdrawn directly, so Yan Beixiao subconsciously raised his palm and hit the red light that hit A Ci.

Su Suizhu pushed Ah Ci out faster than Yan Beixiao.

Yan Beixiao's spiritual power hit Su Suizhu's heart directly, and at the same time, the spiritual power that should have hurt Ah Ci was protected by a water shield around his body.

It's fate!
Yan Beixiao rushed forward to hold the falling figure firmly in his arms, and looked at her in disbelief.

"Su Suizhu, why are you crazy? How can you use your life door at will? Don't you know that you will be the weakest at this time?"

Su Suizhu smiled weakly with joy.

"I know."

"What do you know? Tell me, what is the purpose of this play? Why do you have to let me hurt you?"

Su Suizhu didn't answer, the smile on the corner of her lips became even bigger, a mouthful of blood gushed out from the corner of her lips, and her complexion turned pale instantly.

Life seems to be withdrawn quickly like quicksand.

Yan Beixiao also sensed that something was wrong. Even if he slapped her palm just now, even if he hurt her with that force, it would never be like this.

Her body temperature was too low, even through her clothes, Yan Beixiao could clearly feel that the wrist holding her had become icy cold!
After probing, it was discovered that her meridians had been cut off.
"Su Suizhu, what did you do just now?"

Yan Beixiao trembled slightly with his fingertips, and eagerly wiped off the blood on her lips, but he couldn't wipe it clean, and the blood continued to flow.

She's just a mortal!How can I bear so much blood!

But her meridian is cut off, and the mortal body will undoubtedly die
"Yan Beixiao, you just need to remember that you killed me today."

Su Suizhu vomited blood, and smiled weakly and coldly, looking very strange.

Finally!Finally it was done, no matter how Yan Beixiao didn't follow the routine, he still couldn't prevent her from rushing to her death here.

Su Suizhu secretly rejoiced, but at the same time breathed a sigh of relief.

If he had known that Yan Beixiao's cultivation level was not low, he would have been able to see through if he rashly set up a body protection technique to hurt Ah Ci.

But only by using blood as a guide, pulling out the door of life, and using the guise of hurting Ah Ci to do a frenzied operation, no matter how powerful Yan Beixiao is, he won't be able to see it for a while.

The door of life has no form or root, it only exists in the mind, Su Suizhu didn't want to survive at all, this thing is no longer useful to her, and using it to protect Ah Ci can be regarded as compensation for him.

Originally, in this true and false scene, Ah Ci also cooperated very well.
"Mother! You bleed a lot, doesn't it hurt?"

A Ci burst into tears, grabbed Su Suizhu's arm and didn't dare to move her more, the knife in her hand fell to the ground, and a wound appeared on her palm.

Su Suizhu shook his head lightly, but looked at A Ci with more tenderness in his eyes.

"A Ci, remember what mother told you, and follow grandma in the future, she will take good care of you."

"Ah Ci doesn't want it, Ah Ci only wants mother!"

"Father, please help mother, she is still bleeding!"

Ah Ci hurriedly turned to Yan Beixiao, eagerly shaking his arm in pleading.

Yan Beixiao didn't say a word, and his brows were even more tightly knit. He couldn't understand what was happening now, and he couldn't believe that Su Suizhu would hurt himself like this.

But that's what happened.

The shocking wound on her palm, and her body with severed tendons, could it be done by someone else?
"Su Suizhu, please make it clear. Don't you cherish your life the most on weekdays? You cry at the slightest injury. You are afraid of pain and death. Why do you do this now?"

Yan Beixiao only wanted one answer.

Under the control of that day's charming life technique, the task she said was to get close to him and complete the mission of conveying luck.

He knows it all!
Even after some strange changes in her attitude, he would only think that it was her petty thinking and scheming, and she must be holding back some big moves.

The final purpose is nothing more than to hold his heart firmly and approach him with peace of mind.
But now, her big move is to send herself to die?
This is simply too absurd!
"Aci, go back with grandma."

Ah Ci is innocent, and Su Sui Takemoto didn't intend to involve him in it, even if he didn't cause any harm to his body, he always let him witness the doomed ending at the moment
To her, death is nothing but rebirth, leaving this world and starting again.

But letting a child watch her die with his own eyes, even if he wasn't his biological mother, would be a very cruel thing.

Of course Ah Ci didn't want to, and shook his head, his tears were like broken beads.

Su Suizhu looked at Yan Beixiao.

"You don't need to look at me, maybe I have guessed your intentions."

Yan Beixiao smiled lightly, the coldness piercing through his bones, and a reddish color appeared at the end of his eyes.

"Su Suizhu, you and I have been entangled to this point, but you would rather die than double cultivate with this king. Is that right?"

I don't know which link in the middle has gone wrong, and he can no longer learn the original truth from her mouth, but combining various signs, it is not impossible to guess the answer completely.


Yan Beixiao would rather believe that she was too weak at the moment to answer so lightly.

"Why? You were the one who took the initiative when we first started!"

"Because you're not him."

Su Suizhu slowly closed her eyes, she was too tired and had no strength to fight with him anymore.

It's over now, she really wants to go back.

Back to where I should have been.

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