When Mo Zhi looked back again, he saw the little girl staring at him.

"Brother Zhu Zhi, you are so fierce sometimes."

Mo Zhi pursed his lips and chuckled, "Little girl, are you afraid?"

"Don't be afraid, since Brother Mo Zhi can raise me so big, how could he hurt me? But Sister Furuo is a girl, can you not beat her in the future?"

"Okay, I will listen to you."

Mo Zhi straightened her body, gathered some messy and soft hair hanging from her sides and put it behind her.

His eyes fell on her little hands on her knees unconsciously, facing the two light red marks on the back of the hands, the deep eyes were more bitter, but the curvature of the corners of the lips was clearly a smile .

"A long time ago, you also said that I am fierce, and you also said"

"What else?"

Facing his sudden hesitation and silence, Su Suizhu asked.

Mo Zhi lowered his head and smiled wryly to himself, and didn't continue talking, but raised his head to remind her to get down to business.

The two quickly entered a state of concentration and energy, palms facing each other.

Mo Zhi's body emits bursts of pale blue brilliance, while Su Suizhu's is a piece of ethereal golden brilliance that has not yet been completely condensed.

When Su Suizhu opened his eyes in the morning, Su Suizhu realized that he had actually sat opposite Mo Zhi for a whole night without knowing it. He took a deep breath and seemed to relax a lot.

When the two of them walked out of the room, Mo Zhi casually removed the water-colored screen, and for Fu Ruo's disturbance last night, besides driving them away, he still saved an extra hand.

So when Furuo was standing outside the door with a dark face at this time, Mo Zhi was not surprised. He had always been indifferent to women, and he didn't think there was any difference between men and women, only the difference between wanting to see and not wanting to see.

Of course, except for Sui Sui, I can't tell, anyway, it is different in his eyes.

The days seem to be so dull and watery, no matter how you look at it, it looks like a family living together.

Although it is difficult for Furuo to find an opportunity to get along with Suisui alone and ask something, but he is also very satisfied with the current state. At least the number of times Jun Shang chokes on her is getting less and less, and occasionally he will do so under the little girl's kindness. Take care of her.

Seven days later.

Mo Zhi finally waited for the little girl's second growth.

So when Su Suizhu woke up and opened his eyes, he was surprised to find that his sleeves and skirt were a lot shorter, so Mo Zhi took out a new set of dresses in due course.

Su Suizhu was wearing a suitable dress, but she was in a trance. Her consciousness was clearly telling her that her current body was already ten years old.

But her memory is clear that she was only five years old until last night.

Was her memory confused?

Mo Zhi took her little hand out of the room, walked with her along the stream with a smile, plucked a small yellow flower for her and pinned it to her ear, but told her gently that time can be slow or fast, People's memory will also be a little biased, just let her live in the present.

Su Suizhu seemed to understand, but she didn't realize the specialness of her own body until Ah Ci appeared in front of her, still at the age of four, just like yesterday.

But Ah Ci was not particularly surprised by her changes, on the contrary, he was very happy, and then looked full of anticipation.

"Father, that's great. I'm finally growing up. Ah Ci is really not used to being called Mother and Sister."

As soon as Ah Ci uttered his words, he quickly covered his mouth under Mo Zhi's eyes.

But Su Suizhu still heard the meaning of the words, and asked in astonishment.

"Brother Mo Zhi, did Ah Ci call me mother?"

Before Mo Zhi could answer, Fu Ruo happened to come over at this time, but was startled when he saw Su Suizhu, and looked at Mo Zhi in shock.

"Your Majesty, what happened to this little girl last night? How did this suddenly become like this?"

If it wasn't for the fact that her appearance hasn't changed much, she almost thought it was a different person!
"Sui Sui, I will tell you when you are older, it won't be long."

Mo Zhi consciously ignored Fu Ruo's question, and only noticed the little girl's expression of waiting for her answer.

He neither denied nor admitted, combined with his physical changes, and intuitively used A Ci as a reference, Su Suizhu couldn't help but have a clearer and bolder guess
Su Suizhu nodded, and his subordinates couldn't help but grasp Mo Zhi's hand tightly. He was the one who raised her and took such good care of her. She must trust him!

Fu Ruo also shut up obediently in Mo Zhi's eyes, not daring to ask any more questions.

During this time, Mo Zhi still took good care of her every day, practicing together at night, and playing with A Ci in the mountains and fields with her during the day.

until the next seven days.

Su Suizhu is 15 years old.

Gradually, he has the appearance when he met the mortal world, but the childishness has not completely retreated.

Mo Zhi was delighted to see her change, the brighter colors in her eyes were obviously more than last time.

Su Suizhu naturally knew that he was eagerly looking forward to growing up, and he also probably understood the rules of this. Since it was a seven-day wait, the next time he would be 20 years old...

Her thoughts also became clearer and more stable.

"Brother Mo Zhi, you said that we are all monsters, so you must be telling the truth, right?"

Su Suizhu asked him with a smile, there was a bit of Zhimin beyond his age in his expression.

She has always been very smart, Mo Zhi was silent for a moment before asking back with a smile.

"Then what monster do you think this gentleman and you are?"

"Well, brother Mo Zhi is so gentle, can't it be that the rabbit has changed?"

Su Suizhu covered his lips and smiled lightly as he said that, a white rabbit appeared in his mind, as if he was like that.

"Do you... think I am gentle?"

"Well, brother Mo Zhi will comb my hair every day, and prepare fragrant bath water with petals for me, as well as those beautiful beads and new clothes that fill the closet."

Su Suizhu counted down the things that Mo Zhi had done to her on weekdays, and thanked him for taking good care of her.

Sometimes she also wondered how a man like brother Mo Zhi, who looked like a god, could be so careful with her.

Mo Zhi pursed his lips and smiled, but suddenly asked her a very serious question.

"Sui Sui, if I will do this for you all my life, are you willing to give me this opportunity?"

"Huh? But brother Mo Zhi, I've grown up now."

As soon as the words came out of his mouth, Su Suizhu saw the slight loss in Mo Zhi's eyes, and his eyes darkened a little.

"Brother Mo Zhi, I don't really mean anything else, I just think it's hard work for you to take care of me and A Ci, now that I'm grown up, I can take care of you too."

Su Suizhu wanted to hug him, but suddenly found that she was already a big girl, and he hadn't hugged her since she was 11 years old
Forget it, Su Suizhu silently lowered his raised hands.

Mo Zhi also noticed some subtle changes in her. Indeed, as she grew up, she gradually began to withdraw some of her closeness to him.

However, there is not much time left for him.

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