"Sui Sui, I admit that I did use you at the beginning, but after that, Yingyue and I raised you and Shengsheng together, and gradually we treated you like our own daughter."


Su Suizhu didn't want to hear these hypocritical words anymore. The smile on his face disappeared instantly, leaving only coldness.

"Tell me, besides feeding it my flesh and blood, what is the other way?"

If it was really just like this, why would they go through this circle?
Moreover, it wasn't You Ji who led her to dig up the little mummy, so the Yin Bead probably wouldn't have been so easy to come out, and Wang Siqing arrived shortly afterwards.

After so many years, Su Suizhu doesn't believe that this thing can be peaceful for many years just by being buried in the ground. Is it really necessary for her to dig it?

"Sui Sui, you have indeed grown up."

Su Lie laughed twice and then coughed uncontrollably. Shu Yingyue hurriedly patted his back, and then sent him demonic power to heal his injuries.

"Stop talking, do you know, you will die like this!"

Su Lie held her hand and gently shook his head to stop her, full of affection.

"What I promise you, I must do it, no matter what the cost."

Su Suizhu frowned, feeling a little annoyed. She didn't have time to watch the two of them pretending to be in love here. The methods to deal with her were clearly unambiguous!
"Another way is to bury the Yin beads under the sacred tree, use the tree vines as ropes to bind them, and use flesh and blood as sacrifices day and night until the resentment dissipates, but..."

Su Lie paused at the right time, looking straight at Su Suizhu.

"But you still want a piece of my liver?"

Su Lie pursed his lips and said nothing, his expression said everything.

Su Suizhu was a little funny, it turned out that this was what he wanted after going around.

"Don't think about it!"

Mo Zhi first objected for Su Suizhu, did he think he was dead?At this point, you still want to hurt Suisui, so you have to ask him if he agrees!

"Your Majesty, Yingyue and I are blood relatives of the Yin Pearl, and we need to support it together. However, Yingyue's illness cannot be delayed. Once there is not enough flesh and blood to support it, it will continue to struggle year after year. It's endless, it can never be cracked."

At this time, Su Lie can only fight to the death, Shu Yingyue's heart disease must be cured no matter what!
"So what? If you don't understand, you don't understand."

Su Suizhu turned around disdainfully and walked to the inner room.

She is not subject to this threat!

Mo Zhi and A Ci followed closely, and A Ci first acted like a baby in Su Suizhu's arms, "Mother, don't be angry, Father will definitely find other ways to solve it."

Su Suizhu picked up A Ci and smiled nonchalantly, "Mother is not angry. Now my cultivation level is so great that that little thing can't hurt me."

"Azhi, let's leave tomorrow. This place is not my home in the first place. Why don't we go sightseeing around?"

Seeing Mo Zhi's hesitant expression, Su Suizhu opened his mouth first.

Since Yin Zhuzi's matter has fallen into an unsolvable situation, it is useless to say more. Anyway, it is impossible for her to feed the little mummy with flesh and blood, let alone cut off a piece of her liver to use as medicine for others!

She is very clear about this.

"it is good."

Mo Zhi hesitated for a moment before nodding, but he couldn't help but turn his head and glance behind him from the corner of his eye.

"What are your plans for the two of them?"

"I just want to be quiet today. When we leave tomorrow, whether it's life or death, let them go. Under the law of heaven, karma is predestined, and it has nothing to do with me."

Su Suizhu had an indifferent attitude.

Mo Zhi didn't say anything more. Although the little mummy would keep entangled, it was nothing more than spending some cultivation to set up a few more barriers and repeatedly using spells to restrain it.

With him here, there is no need to worry about these things.

It would be better to leave this place as soon as possible. Yesterday, he received the urging from his mother to return to the palace. Since he had already agreed on Sui Sui as his wife, and now that he has A Ci, it would be a good idea to go back to the Chiwu Clan together.
As soon as Mo Zhi flicked his sleeve, Ah Ci disappeared instantly.As soon as Su Suizhu raised his head, he fell into his arms.

"It's broad daylight, what else should I avoid A Ci?"

Mo Zhi lowered his head and pecked her lips gently, his voice was low and gentle.

"I want to take you home and arrange a grand wedding for you. From now on, as long as I and A Ci are around, no matter where you are, it will be your home."

Su Suizhu was stunned, so, this guy is trying to abduct her home now?

"Ah? Then don't you still have to respect your parents-in-law and obey the rules?"

Su Suizhu was not thinking about a grand wedding. What she cared about more was the days after marriage. If she was asked to live a restrained life for a man, she couldn't do it.

Um?Honor your parents-in-law and follow the rules?

will she?
Mo Zhi was a little amused by her question.

"Don't worry, no one dares to ask you to obey the rules, you are the rules."

"What do you mean?"

Mo Zhi looked thoughtful but smiled and said nothing.


The sky was a little dark in the afternoon, cloudy and it started to rain from time to time.

Lin Qinghan was carrying two bags of snacks back to the village. The rain above his head was getting heavier and heavier. He used his sleeves to block his head from getting wet, and had to jog quickly.

An umbrella suddenly appeared above the head, and a light fragrance filled the air.

Lin Qinghan turned his head and froze on the spot for a moment, with a complicated look on his face. He was both happy and always a little sad.

"Sir? Did you forget to bring your umbrella?"

It seems that this smiling face has not been seen for a long time, but why did she call him son?

"Sui Sui, what did you call me? Are we all so different now?"

"Could it be that the young master has identified the wrong person? The little girl's name is Li You."

The woman smiled, but with the same smile, she said another person's name.

Lin Qinghan suddenly realized that he had felt that his breath was different just now, and Sui Sui had never had such a sweet smell. But now that they have returned to the real world, he would rather think that it was her being with that person. subsequent changes
Could it be that there are really two people who look so similar in this world?
"I'm being rude, the girl is indeed very similar to one of my younger sisters."

Lin Qinghan took advantage of the situation and took a half step back to distance himself from the woman.

"My family lives in front of me, and more girls can take shelter from the rain."

Lin Qinghan nodded slightly to express his gratitude, then strode out of the umbrella and walked away in the rain without caring, ignoring the woman's call behind him.

No matter how much she looks like, it's still not her.

Seeing that he was still holding the pear sugar and osmanthus cake that he bought by mistake in his hand, which was already mostly wet, Lin Qinghan's eyes felt a little sore, and his heart couldn't help but feel sad.

When can this habit be broken?

He just felt that he was so stupid. At this moment, how could she suddenly appear here and hold an umbrella for him?
Thinking of this, his feet became faster.

The rain mixed with a little warmth ran across his cheeks, and Lin Qinghan wiped it casually before coming under his eaves.

"Sir, what a coincidence? So you live here?"

Lin Qinghan looked up and saw that the woman had also followed him to the eaves of his house.

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