"Su Suizhu, even if it is impossible for me to be with you, but out of friendship, I still want to remind you that he is too serious about you. I have never seen him care so much about a woman. You'd better Look at your own heart clearly, if you don’t treat him sincerely, please leave as soon as possible and don’t hurt his heart.”

Furuo held her wrist, looking extremely serious and serious.

Su Suizhu chuckled lightly.

"Sister Fuluo, you are really smart, but maybe I will disappoint you. What should I do?"

"What the hell do you mean?"

Su Suizhu looked to his side with a smile, and Mo Zhi had already followed.

Furuo let go, and Su Suizhu put the wreath directly on her head.

"Sui Sui, there is a lake ahead, full of lotus flowers. Can I take you boating?"

Mo Zhi had already reached out and asked her opinion gently with his brows.

"it is good."

Su Suizhu responded with a smile and stretched out his hand.

Fu Ruo felt a little uneasy in her heart, and she didn't understand Su Suizhu's answer just now. Could it be that she really wasn't sincere to the Lord?
"Sui Sui, you should wear this wreath."

Fu Ruo took off the garland and handed it over.

The two people's eyes met, Su Suizhu's eyes changed and he shook his head slightly.

"Sister Fu Ruo, your destiny is determined by heaven. Whatever is yours is yours. Otherwise, there is no need to force it, so why bother yourself?"

Fu Ruo didn't like the way she spoke vaguely now, and had to ask for a clear answer.

"Then will your destiny be destroyed?"

"Fu Ruo, you talk too much. Suisui is my wife. She has been destined for three lifetimes. How can she be destined to die!"

Mo Zhi's eagerness at this time made Fu Ruo a little worried, because Su Suizhu was too calm, not as caring as he was in the trial world at that time, and even felt free and easy to let go at any time.

"My lord, are you sure she will always be willing to stay by your side and be your wife?"

Fu Ruo asked in a confrontational manner.

Mo Zhi subconsciously looked at Su Suizhu, but she was raising her hands to cover her eyes, as if she was looking into the distance, not paying attention to what they were saying.

"It has nothing to do with you."

Mo Zhi felt a little disappointed, hiding the sadness in his eyes, took Su Suizhu's hand and strode forward.

The two suddenly fell into silence. Mo Zhi felt that there seemed to be some difference between them. There was a feeling of quicksand flowing away from his fingers, but he could not grasp what it was.

A red lacquered boat with moon windows suddenly appeared by the lake. It was as exquisite as if it came from a painting.

"Azhi, I want a boat. It's best to lie on it and enjoy the wind."

Anyway, he was very powerful in magic, so Su Suizhu just made demands according to his own preferences.

Mo Zhi also followed her and immediately raised his palm, which instantly changed into a black-awned boat.

Su Suizhu happily jumped on the boat, turned around and stretched out her hand towards him, with a smile as bright as a flower, "Come on, Ah Zhi, I'll pull you up."

Mo Zhi was a little uneasy, and he just wanted to hold her hand tightly.

"Sui Sui, what did you say to Fuluo just now?"

"Isn't that what you heard? She actually cares about you. If you figure it out one day and your heart moves, you have to tell me in advance."

Su Suizhu squinted his eyes carelessly, feeling the refreshing breeze blowing on his face, and even raised the corners of his lips slightly.

Mo Zhi's heart couldn't help but skip a beat. He held her arms and faced her, hoping to see some clues in her eyes.

"Suisui, are you still doubting my feelings for you?"

"Look at you, I even take it seriously when I'm joking with you."

Su Suizhu smiled and lowered his eyes, two small pear dimples reflected on his cheeks. The invisible emotions in his eyes made Mo Zhi even more uneasy.

"A Zhi, we have been practicing cultivation day and night recently. Your cultivation level should have increased a lot, right?" Mo Zhi waited until she raised her eyes and said something else.

"Sui Sui, I and you are just in love."

"I know, no explanation is allowed."

Su Suizhu pressed his lips with her fingertips and shook her head in amusement.

"Azhi, it's not good for you to be like this now. You are the Demon Emperor and you don't need to explain anything to anyone."

A wave of waves surged, pushing the awning boat toward the center of the lake. Su Suizhu lifted up his skirt and sat on the bow of the boat. He turned his fingertips gently, and the boat swayed from side to side.

Mo Zhi was still standing on the spot, and his slender body began to sway from side to side as the awning boat began to move.

Originally, with his cultivation level, this swaying was nothing. Mo Zhi's feet were still as steady as a rock, but within a moment, he noticed the deliberate element in it.

Su Suizhu suddenly moved his wrist, and the entire black-topped boat fell to one side.

With a splash, Xuan Shi flipped into the lake.

The corners of Su Suizhu's lips curled up slightly, and he turned the boat back in time. He looked towards the water again, but the person was gone.

"Ah stop?"

The ripples on the water surface showed no response.

"If you don't come out, I will go back."

Su Suizhu simply lay down on the bow of the boat and began to turn his fingertips.

With a crash, a huge black dragon suddenly raised its head and approached Su Suizhu's face condescendingly. Those dark eyes as deep as a cold pool reflected her slightly petite and delicate figure.

Su Suizhu was stunned for a moment, and subconsciously reached out towards its head.

The black dragon lowered his head slightly, and Su Suizhu touched the scar where his missing horn was, the hard and raised crack, and the corner of the stinging hand, which were obviously signs of being forcibly broken off.
"Does it hurt?"

There was a little pity in Su Suizhu's eyes, and he gently stroked his wound with his fingertips, and even his eyebrows frowned together.

The black dragon suddenly transformed into a human form, and Mo Zhi held his arms beside her.

Su Suizhu's fingertips were still resting on Mo Zhi's forehead. The scar had not disappeared. It looked a bit ferocious on his fair skin, and his appearance also had more flaws.

"Isn't it ugly?"

Su Suizhu's hand that was about to put down paused in mid-air and met his serious eyes.

"It's not ugly. Your injuries are all because of me, A Zhi."

Su Suizhu reached out and hugged his neck, stood up and pressed her whole body against him, burying her face in his neck affectionately.

The soft and sweet voice made him even more emotional.

The two hugged each other, letting the black-topped boat float freely on the lake. Su Suizhu lazily leaned against Mo Zhi, his eyes drifting to the patches of lotus in front of him.

"Azhi, would you like to try Qinghe cake? It's fresh, sweet and delicious!"

"As long as you do it, I like it."

A light purple light suddenly appeared in Mo Zhi's eyes, and the black-topped boat sailed into it as it moved forward rapidly.

Su Suizhu leaned forward to sniff it, and then happily picked one off, smiling at Mo Zhi with crooked eyebrows.

"Azhi, hurry up and pick it for me."

Mo Zhi looked at the smiling face, and memories surged in his heart like a tide. In a moment of inspiration, he grasped Su Suizhu's slender waist and flew across the lake.

In a moment, his other arm held a large bouquet of lotus flowers, and the fragrance of the lotus immediately hit his face.



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