Chapter 6 Bitten by the Damn Black Snake Again
Lin Qinghan was startled when he saw it clearly, and hurriedly grabbed her arm to stop her.

"Sui, don't move! Let me see!"

Although the light was dim, it could be seen that it looked like a black snake.

Lin Qinghan didn't have time to treat the wound, but first hurriedly tore off a strip of cloth from his sleeve.

At the moment, I don't care about the difference between men and women. Saving people is the most important thing.

Lin Qinghan decisively pulled Su Suizhu's sleeves above her elbows, and wrapped the cloth strips tightly around her forearms.

"Brother, you tied it too tightly, you strangled me to death!"

Su Suizhu was not surprised by his actions, and naturally knew that the black snake was poisonous.

No, she was bitten by a big black snake today, and she was stunned by the poison. When she woke up, she realized that it was her father who found the medicinal herb to cure the snake poison on the mountain in time, and saved her life.

But would this little snake, which has only been hatched for a day, be so poisonous?

"Sui Sui, bear with it for a while, don't be afraid, I'll deal with it right away."

Lin Qinghan stretched out his hand and pinched the snake's head, Su Suizhu didn't even see where he was pinching, the snake let go, and he pinched the top of the head and the lower jaw and held it in his hands.

But the next action made Su Suizhu dumbfounded. Lin Qinghan actually threw the snake into the wine jar with a backhand, and quickly covered the wine cork.

I'm afraid it will come out again
The snake itself is poisonous, so naturally it cannot be left at home casually.

But in Su Suizhu's eyes, it has a different meaning. She really didn't expect that Lin Qinghan would occasionally have such an unruly side.
"Brother, that's a black snake! You were discovered by me."

The cunning in Su Suizhu's eyes seemed to be full of starlight, even if the light was dim, it was impossible to ignore.

Lin Qinghan only met for a moment, suddenly thought of something, and immediately lowered his head and took out a cloth ball from his waist.

Su Suizhu only saw a row of silver needles, so he quickly took something from the lower corner of the cloth bag and held it in his hand.

It was the acupuncture bag that he treasured the most on weekdays. It was an item that he had to wipe carefully every day, but now it was too late to put it away and it was thrown on the ground.

"Sui Sui, close your eyes, just take a moment, I will definitely bring a lot of candied fruit tomorrow."

Lin Qinghan spoke very fast, and didn't dare to waste any time, but still tried to comfort her as much as possible.

Su Suizhu felt that she was a very greedy person, the temptation of candied fruit was so great, she immediately closed her eyes obediently.

Lin Qinghan held her hand in his and raised it slightly higher, just to see it more clearly.

"Ah! Bro"

Su Suizhu suddenly opened his eyes with an exclamation, subconsciously withdrew his hands, but was held tightly by Lin Qinghan.

There was burning pain in her hand, and she realized that what Lin Qinghan was holding was an unusually small sharp knife, which was dripping with blood.

And her hand kept gushing blood, which was even more shocking than the bite of the stinky snake just now.

Without saying a word, Lin Qinghan started to squeeze her arm with both hands, ignoring Su Sui's bamboo-like tears streaming down his face.

"Brother, I'm in so much pain, how can you do it?"

"Sui Sui, bear with it, it will be fine later, I will definitely not let you have trouble."

Lin Qinghan looked distressed, but his hands were not soft at all. After squeezing more blood to drip, he lowered his head to help her suck up the wound.

Warm touch, soft, Su Suizhu suddenly didn't know how to cry, staring at him blankly, a strange feeling suddenly rose in his heart.

Lin Qinghan didn't give her any time to react, he took her hand and hurried out of the utility room, and immediately called for someone.

"Uncle Su, hurry up! Sui Sui was bitten by a snake!"

Su Lie and Shu Yingyue had already heard the sound and came to the door of the utility room, their eyes fell on their hands at the same time, but they really couldn't ignore the blood stains on the corner of Lin Qinghan's lips, subconsciously they became more inquisitive.

"Father, do you still have the antidote for me today? I was bitten by a little black snake again. My brother has already treated the wound for me, and the snake is still inside."

Su Suizhu only felt that several people looked a little weird all of a sudden, so he quickly raised his hand and shook it lightly, the tears in his eyes were not dry yet.

(End of this chapter)

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