"Well, Dad is here." Jin Heng, who used to be full of complaints, was overjoyed when he heard Ah Fu's voice, and put all the previous unhappiness behind him.

At this time, Xiong Qingmei and Zhuo Fan looked at the father and son hugging each other.They seem to hate the warmth.

"I think he will give you a headache sometimes. He is smart." Xiong Qingmei smiled and turned to look at Zhuo Fan.Xiong Qingmei knows very well how difficult it is to take care of a child, especially a problem child like Jin Ze.

Reich shook his head now. "It's not difficult, it's not difficult. I'm his father." Reich clearly enjoys being Kanazawa's father.

Xiong Qingmei didn't say anything when she saw it, she just smiled softly.She is really grateful to Zhuo Fan.She also knew Zhuo Fan's feelings for her.As for her, she doesn't hate Zhuo Fan either.Now let's live like this.Everything should be natural.

When Lai Wu knew that Xiong Qingmei had come to Black Wind City, he was very excited.He came directly to Xiong Qingmei.After all, Jing Erling will change at the beginning, which is largely related to Xiong Qingmei.He wanted to see if Xiong Qingmei could help here.

As soon as Lai Wu ran to Reixi's mansion, he saw the expressions of Xiong Qingmei Qiaonuo's family.Seeing this, Lai Wu paused.He is different from Reich.Reich can do anything for Xiong Qingmei, because he loves Xiong Qingmei, even if it is a sacrifice.He is different.He shouldered the mission of their family and rescued them from the shackles of fate.

"Xiong Qingmei, I haven't seen you for a long time." Lai Wu greeted with a smile.He and Xiong Qingmei have been discussing religious issues, they are the same generation.As for Xiong Qingmei's suppression of the orcs, Lai Wu was unwilling to admit that he always believed that he was cooperating and working for others.He's not going to do it.In the beginning, they made a lot of contributions with the Beast God, but in the end, they suffered a lot, so they proudly took control of their own destiny.

"Long time no see, Lai Wu." Xiong Qingmei smiled.He does not intend to establish a deep friendship with Lai Wu.Lai Wu is full of tricks, and he will be betrayed soon.

At this time, Zhuo Fan walked cautiously to Xiong Qingmei, worried that Morrison would attack him.

Lai Wu naturally looked at Zhuo Fan's actions and couldn't help but smile bitterly.Zhuo Fan is too much.Without absolute certainty, it is impossible for him to attack Xiong Qingmei.He didn't want to attack Jinze before, but just wanted to make a mark on Jinze so that he could find it easily in the future.Zhuo Fan is indeed.It would be bad if Xiong Qingmei didn't like him.

Morrison didn't want to arouse Xiong Qingmei's dislike, so he simply stopped and didn't approach, letting Zhuo Fan breathe a sigh of relief.

Seeing that Lai Wu's insight was so profound, Reich didn't do anything more.However, Jin Heng and Fang Quan clearly saw Rai Xi's behavior.Rich seems to have some conflicts with Lai Wu recently.Previously, at least on the surface, the relationship between the two seemed to be very harmonious.Now they don't even pretend to be superficial.Reich is not a man who values ​​power.Otherwise, Black Wind City would not have been unified many years ago, and it would not have been ignored all the time. Fang Quan thought that this matter was probably related to Xiong Qingmei and caused disagreements with Zhang.Zhuo Fan must be protecting Xiong Qingmei.Thinking of this, Fang Quan couldn't help becoming wary of Morrison.

"Why did Zhuo Fan catch Xiong Qingmei?" I'm afraid I can't compare to you. "When Lai Wu saw this, he couldn't help joking.

To his surprise, Zhuo Fan took over directly. "Of course, Xiong Qingmei is mine. If you have nothing to do, you'd better stay away from Xiong Qingmei."

After Lai Wu heard this, his teeth itched, but there was nothing he could do.Who told him not to offend Xiong Qingmei now.

Xiong Qingmei could see that the undercurrent between Zhuo Fan and Lai Wu was surging, but Zhuo Fan didn't say anything, and Xiong Qingmei didn't plan to ask for the time being.In any case, she is firmly on Zhuo Fan's side.

"By the way, Lai Wu, I'm going to see the totem stone, okay?" Xiong Qingmei asked softly.

"Yes." Lai Wu nodded.The original totem stone was taught to Xiong Qingmei to control.Xiong Qingmei should see what he found.

"Can I go with you?" Lai Wu asked.

Xiong Qingmei listened and nodded: "Ask, I have a lot of questions. Maybe you have a lot of questions like me. This time you can get the answers." If there is no problem with my guess, then all the questions can be answered.

A group of people passed through the long underground tunnel, and Xiong Qingmei stood in front of the blood-red totem stone again.Seeing Xiong Qingmei's arrival, the totem stone emitted bursts of light, as if welcoming everyone. (end of this chapter)

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