Doom Bakery

Chapter 3 Safe House 2

Chapter 3 Safe House 2
There are still ten days before the zombie outbreak that the mysterious man said, and we don't have much time left.

Jiayang was working fast, and the scheduled single-item perspective glass had arrived, just as the cement on the wall had dried and was being installed.

I added some bits and pieces of non-staple food here, bought thousands of dollars worth of snacks, and put them on the original snack shelf on the first floor.

I drive to buy daily necessities. I often see that there will be a shortage of water in zombie movies. In addition to the body wash and shampoo for a year, I bought some soap. If the water is cut off, at least I can wipe it. lower body.

At the daily necessities wholesale market, I bought eight kilograms of paper towels and toilet paper, which filled the entire trunk and back seat, and I also bought sanitary napkins and sleeping pants.

I also bought some water buckets, but thinking about the problem of water storage, I called Jiayang.

"Jia Yang, if the water is polluted, shouldn't we prepare a big water storage bucket and put it next to the vegetable garden, so that we can at least water it."

"Okay, I'll arrange this."

I went to the pharmacy and bought a family medicine kit, and asked the pharmacist to prepare the medicines and disinfectants that may be needed in daily life.

It was already evening when Zong Ling returned home after shopping.

Parked the car at the back door, and after moving things, Jia Yang pulled me to the direction of the vegetable garden, and his chin motioned me to look at the two large water storage buckets in the corner of the vegetable garden.

"Not bad, lad. It's fast!"

"Naturally! Your husband's speed is not bad."

Jia Yang's face got closer and closer, "My wife is tired all day, let's go to the bathroom and wash up."


Before we knew it, there were only two days left. The decoration master used the fastest speed to reinforce the house. Looking in from the outside, we could no longer see the whole picture of our small courtyard. The materials in the wine cellar were full, and there were Some odd tools and generators are also ready.The three solar panels upstairs are already working and we bought four batteries and some power banks in case the power goes out.Worried about the boring days of staying in the safe house in the future, I also prepared some novels, some building block toys, and drawing boards.Jia Yang was more prepared. He downloaded more than a hundred movies and TV series on his tablet in advance and planned to watch them when he was in the safe house in the future.

The mysterious person created a group on WeChat. Not many people saw his message that night and believed that he joined him on WeChat. There were about a hundred people in the group, and every day someone would share the progress of the safe house they prepared.

At the same time, on Weibo, the entry that I saw before suddenly popped up: unknown virus infection, a case has been found at the Capital Airport.

Now, only our parents are left, I don't know if we can fool them.

"Xiaoqi, have you told your parents that the renovation of the farmhouse is coming to an end, let them come and relax for a few days."

"I said it, they said that they lived a rural life when they were young, and there was nothing new about it." I was helpless.

"No, I have to pick them up right away! Some people have already been infected at the Capital Airport, so it must be the virus."

"But according to the diffusion time calculated by the mysterious person, there are still two days left. I plan to persuade my parents slowly." I was still packing my things, and I had just packed the rooms where my parents were going to live on both sides.

"I have a bad premonition in my heart, Xiaoqi, let's start now." Jia Yang urged, picked up the car keys and was about to pull me out.

Facts have proved that Jia Yang's prediction is correct.

Except for our shopping in the city a few days ago, we have been busy with safe house reinforcement, material preparation and other things.People in the city are doing something in a hurry, some people are still the same as usual, and some people cover themselves tightly, just like the global epidemic a few years ago.I was a little nervous.

Jiayang's parents were moved by Jiayang's persuasion, and they prepared their luggage early and waited at home. They seemed to have expected something. As soon as we came, Jiayang's mother surrounded us.

"Jia Yang, Xiao Qi, we heard..." Her eyes were filled with worry.

"Mom, move things quickly."

In the community where Jiayang's parents lived, there were people walking in a hurry. The neighbor next door saw us and asked.

Jiayang's mother immediately responded, "My son and daughter-in-law said they would take me on a trip, hahahahahahahahahaha, the two children are very filial."

Jia Yang raised his hand and looked at his watch, "Mom, the plane is too late."

The four of us hurried into the car.

"Jia Yang, mom just wanted to say..."

"Mom, I know."

"You know?" Jiayang's mother was surprised.She covered her mouth, "There was a man in the neighborhood next door who suddenly went berserk and bit a lot of people. Those who were bitten died not long after, but they came back to life after a while. Bite, tsk's terrible." Jiayang's father hugged Jiayang's mother tightly, and she looked terrified.

My heart is getting heavier and heavier. My parents don't know if they have packed their luggage. They reminded me again yesterday, and these two people don't know whether to listen or not.

Jiayang drove to the door of my unit, Jiayang's parents stayed in the car, we walked upstairs quickly, opened the door, and my parents were watching TV and eating melon seeds.

It scared me to death, "Mom and Dad, I told you to go to the countryside for a few days, why don't you two pack your things?"

"There's nothing to clean up! I'm not going to your place. I grew up there, and there's nothing fun to do." Dad folded his hands, but refused to move, and his eyes were fixed on the opera playing on the TV.

Suddenly, there were loud screams outside and the doorbell rang.

We looked out the window, and there was a person running wildly on the street not far away, leaving a lot of blood on the way.

"What's going on?" Mom began to feel scared, and Dad's eyebrows tightened.

Jia Yang said in a low voice: "Mom and Dad, you have also seen it, there is no time, let's go!"

I also urged, "Mom and Dad, let's go, we will tell you in the car!"

My parents were also scared. There was a "dong dong dong" sound outside the door. My parents and I stayed where we were. Jia Yang walked to the door and looked out through the cat's eyes.

He turned around and said "it's okay", and it was Jiayang's parents who opened the door.

Jiayang's mother said, "We don't worry, you haven't come down for a long time."

Mom replied: "Mother Jiayang, what happened?"

Jiayang's mother told her what she had heard again. She probably thought of what happened just now, said "wait a minute" and came out with a small bag.

"Are you ready for anything else?" Mom asked us, Jia Yang and I looked at each other and nodded.

The six quickly went downstairs.

We each got into the car, and before we could react, suddenly a person rushed towards us from the crowd.

"Ah——" Jiayang's father yelled in pain. I looked back and saw him quickly kicking the man away and closing the car door.

"Go!" Jiayang's father's voice was dull and powerful!I saw the veins in the corners of Jiayang's eyes bulge, I took a deep breath and stepped on the accelerator.

 This is the first time I write a novel, welcome to comment~(^^)
(End of this chapter)

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