Doom Bakery

Chapter 30 Breaking With It

Chapter 30 Breaking With It
Isn't he an old horse?How did the old horse become a zombie?
I cast a look at Jia Yang, and Jia Yang signaled me not to say anything.

The zombies over there were almost smashed, but a villager was accidentally bitten while fighting with the zombies, and the five young people smashed him to death without even thinking about it, and threw him out of Shangtian Village. A trace of hesitation.

After that, we were asked to return to our residence immediately, and tomorrow we will start building a new wall.


When we got home, we closed the door, and the three of us packed up and sat downstairs.

"That group of people are too inhumane, they just killed Uncle Tai. He hasn't turned into a zombie yet, so he's killing people," I said.

"But Artest was bitten, and he will turn into a zombie immediately." Dad thought for a while, and then said, "But the method is indeed too cruel."

"That's right! And we can do whatever they ask us to do, there is no room for negotiation." Seeing that Jia Yang didn't speak, I said, "Jia Yang, what do you think?"

"Indeed, we are not the same as them."

I looked around, worried that someone would eavesdrop, and said softly, "When we cleaned up the zombies today, that face was clearly that of an old horse. What happened that day!"

"What? Did you see Lao Ma?" Dad continued to say with a look of disbelief, "But Xiao Zhang and the others told me that Lao Ma and Lin Kai escaped that day. Could it be that they were running away? I was bitten by a zombie on the way, so I turned into a zombie?"

"What? They told you that Lin Kai and the old horse escaped?"

There were more and more doubts, and Jia Yang continued my words: "They are lying."

"We can't work with them!" I said firmly.

After listening to the information we learned during this period, Dad finally became suspicious of those five people.If Lin Kai and Lao Ma really escaped, with Lin Kai's ingenuity, it is impossible for him to become a zombie.

The second wave of corpses was most likely caused by those five people. Lin Kai and Lao Ma discovered the plan of these five people that morning, and quickly hid Happy.There is a high probability that they had an argument with these five people, so Lele will hear the sound of the argument.

The old horse has turned into a zombie, so what about Lin Kai?Did he become a zombie too?How fast?
There are countless mysteries in my heart.

"But with our strength, it is difficult to fight against them." Jia Yang carefully analyzed the advantages and disadvantages of us and them.

They are large in number and have persuaded the villagers. It can be seen from this operation that the villagers trust them and agree with all their decisions.

"Why do the villagers believe him? I don't understand."

"After the zombie outbreak, everyone worships the strong."

"Then what shall we do?" Dad asked.

"Follow their plan first and build the wall as usual. Let's look for clues from Lin Kai and Kuai Kuai."


The "rule" of the five people in the farmhouse is extremely tough, requiring us to build the wall according to their ideas. Many times, I have argued with them because I am dissatisfied with their arrangements.

At this time, Dad and Jia Yang will play the role of peacemakers. Dad’s undercover work is more successful than I imagined. Since Dad learned that these people are deceiving us, Dad no longer believes in them. cliché.

Slowly, we gradually discovered that what this group of people are saying now is completely different from what they said before.

What they said before was that they accidentally discovered that we were building a "bamboo wall", but one of them slipped the tongue when we were chatting. They have been observing us. They knew that the first zombie wave happened. They all went to the vicinity of Sihan's house, and they even went out to check the information of the outside world.

After that, they also found the law of the zombies' actions and traveled at night.

"Then did you meet Lin Kai at that time?" Jia Yang asked.

That person was talking happily and was about to speak, but the leader blocked him with his hands, signaling him not to speak any more.

So, they should have seen it.

When Lin Kai and we went out to persuade the villagers, they were also acting.

Maybe they told other villagers that our "bamboo wall" is useless at all, it can't stop the zombies, and it takes a lot of energy, so they suggest that they should not cooperate with us.When they saw that the "bamboo wall" plan failed and the wall was breached by zombies, they trusted the group of five even more.

Now that Lin Kai is missing, if he is found, all the mysteries can be solved, where is he?

It’s another day of wall construction. Now that the rainy season is over and the sun is dazzling and hot, I always feel like fainting. One of the five members has been fighting with me, and he always orders us in an orderly tone.

Finally, I broke out.

"Take care of yourself, what have you been doing today? Standing there and instructing others!" I glared at him.

"What am I doing?! Leaders are much more useful than those who work under the ground like you! You know nothing!"

"Oh! I get it! You just want us to do all the work and then you don't have to do anything!"

"Damn it! You bitch!" He was about to hit me when he said that, but the person next to him stopped him.

"If you can't beat me, you just want to hit me. That's all you have!"

The people next to him began to persuade them to make peace.

"Stop arguing! Keep working! Now that the work is suspended, I don't know when it will be repaired."

"Yeah, don't you want to fix the wall sooner?"

"Yeah, don't be angry."


"Don't waste time, what are you arguing about?"

Hearing this sentence, I couldn't help but said, "Who is wasting time! He has to point here and there! Are you a general, am I your soldier? We will fight wherever you point?"

He hummed, and I continued: "Are you a pig? Can you hum?... Oh! Indeed, you are quite alike in one thing, you are both lazy, too lazy to die!"

"You've only been working for a while, and you're screaming and tired. Don't you also want to sit back and enjoy the benefits?"

"Hehe, I didn't expect to meet an etc at such a time!"

"What do you mean?!"

"I found that you are a bit like a pig! That's stupid! Stupid! Stupid, stupid, and lazy!"

The grievance between me and him has reached its peak at this moment, and he keeps arguing about every word I say.

The leader of the five-member group came to try to make peace, but it was actually a threat, "Stop arguing! What did he say wrong? If you don't want to do a good job, get out! I don't mind another zombie in the pile of zombies." He He rubbed his hands, "It happens that my hands are itchy recently!"

Hearing what he said, Dad and Jia Yang couldn't listen anymore, Jia Yang said: "What do you mean?"

"Xiao Zhang, don't talk nonsense!"

Seeing that the wall is about to be repaired, it seems that they just want to use our labor force, and now their nature is revealed.

"I mean, if you don't want to do it, you can get out!" He glared at us viciously.

At this time, a strong wind suddenly blew up, and the sound of propellers was heard overhead.

(End of this chapter)

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