Doom Bakery

Chapter 45

Chapter 45
After there were only twenty or so survivors left, everyone got along like primitive people, and because of the lack of supplies, we all bartered.

We have no live livestock in our safe house, just seeds and some food.

The villagers raised chickens and ducks in a closed area at home. These chickens and ducks almost did not survive the second wave of corpses. The villagers drove the chickens and ducks back home to raise them for a few days, laying many eggs , duck eggs, and hatched chicks and ducklings.

The ducks like to swim in the water. When there was no water in the nearby river, they ran to the ditch by the wall to swim, but they were eaten by the zombies wandering next to them, and there were not many ducks left.

The villagers raise a lot of chickens, and we exchanged a lot of eggs with them.

Among the survivors was a single man named Lao Gao who moved here from an unknown village a few years ago, probably a distant relative of a family in Shangtian Village.

He gets up early and stays late every day. He grows a lot of food by himself, and there is a millstone at home to grind beans. We wanted to make some tofu by ourselves on this day, so a few of us went out to Lao Gao’s house.

The weather was still very hot that day, and the sun burned people's skin extremely hot.

I was the only woman in the village before, so no one dared to let me go out alone. Now that there are more Tian Li, the two of us are companions, and we often go out together, go up the mountain to pick bamboo shoots, and go to the fields of Shangtian village to water and pull weeds .

After getting along for so long, the villagers are familiar with us and often greet us.

We passed a villager on the way to Lao Gao's house, "Where are you going?"

I replied: "Go to Lao Gao's house to grind beans!"

Looking at each other and smiling, Tian Li, Lin Kai and I continued walking towards Lao Gao's house together.

When stockpiling supplies before, we stocked up a lot of whole grains. This time we picked out most of the soybeans and made them into tofu, preparing to change the taste of the dishes.

I was injured in my arm. Tian Li and Lin Kai have been refusing to let me carry a basin of soaked soybeans. The two of them each carried a plate, and there is still one plate left at home. Jia Yang and his father are preparing in the backyard. The big pot, after we grind it, take it back to cook.

When he came to Lao Gao's house, Lin Kai shouted: "Old Gao!" Lao Gao agreed.

"We want to use your mill to grind beans!"

"Okay! Okay! It's just a little dirty and needs to be washed with water." Lao Gao stood at the door.

"Okay, let's just come."

We fetched water to wash the stone mill, and Lao Gao has been lingering at the door. The weather has been very hot recently, but Lao Gao has been standing at the door. I was a little surprised, so I asked: "Old Gao, what's the matter?"

Lao Gao rubbed his nose with his hands, and said, "Hey, you used my things, and you want to exchange them... for something."

"Okay! What do you want to change when you see it!" I readily agreed. In the past, the villagers wanted to exchange things that were within our tolerance. Most of them wanted to improve the food or change the taste of the dishes.

After hearing this, Lao Gao laughed, turned around and went back to the house, rubbing his pants with his hands.I thought it was a little strange, but didn't think much about it.

After we cleaned the stone mill, we started working.

I scooped soybeans and water, Lin Kai ground them, and Tian Li brushed the soybean milk from the stone mill with a bamboo sieve.

After a while, we were so tired that we were sweating profusely, but we also finished a pot of soy milk.

Lin Kai said that he would take the basin back first, and let us wait here. Tian Li and I were a little tired, so we agreed to Lin Kai.

Lin Kaicai carefully returned to the safe house with a basin of soy milk.

At this moment Lao Gao came over and asked, "Are you thirsty?"

Tian Li quickly replied: "I'm really thirsty."

I was sweating all the time, and I nodded to Lao Gao, "Me too, it's so hot!"

"I have some boiling water here, I'll pour it for you." Lao Gao turned and walked into the house.

Tian Li said: "Let me help you." He followed Lao Gao to the house.

I sat at the door and waited for Lin Kai to come back. I was worried that the flies would fly into the soybean water and drive the flies away.

When Tian Li followed Lao Gao into the room, he could still hear their conversation and laughter from the room.

Like I asked Tian Li before, Lao Gao asked where she was from and how she came here, and Tian Li answered them one by one.

Lao Gao also praised Tian Li for being fast, not the kind of delicate city girl, and said that the city girls who came here before all looked down on him.

Listening to the content of their chat, I was also thinking back to the time when I first met Tian Li... But after a while, there was no voice.

I yelled a few words: "Pear! Pear! Is the water ready?"

"Old Gao?! Aren't you pouring water?"

Walking into the house, they didn't see Lao Gao and Tian Li.

I walked around the room, but there was no sign of a fight. The kettle and teacups were still on the table. Half of the water in the teacup was poured out, and some water spilled out for some reason.

I hurried towards the back door, but I couldn't see the two of them.As he was walking out, he saw that Lin Kai had already arrived with another pot of soybean water.

"Lin Kai, come quickly!"

Lin Kai was worried that the soybean water in the basin would spill out, so he was still walking slowly.

I quickly pulled Lin Kai over and told him to put the soybean water on the ground first.

Lin Kai was still thinking about the soybean water, "But the sun has passed, and it's ruined."

I hurriedly pulled him into Lao Gao's house, searched for him, and described what just happened.

"It's broken! There will be zombies, right?!" Lin Kai guessed.

I started to beat the drums in my heart, or zombies also appeared here, didn't the whole Uedamura fall? !I haven't seen any zombies in the past few days.

The continuous high temperature in the past few days, and because of the last fire, all the zombies who had gathered around the wall went outside. There were very few zombies in the village. I even thought that the zombies were going to be extinct.

"Probably not!" I recalled what I saw in Lao Gao's house just now, "there were no traces of fighting in the house, could they have been taken away by someone?" I guessed.

There was only one family behind Lao Gao's house, so we hurried over and knocked on their door.

"Did you see Lao Gao and Tian Li just now?" Lin Kai asked anxiously.

The eyes of the villagers are a little evasive at this time, and they dare not look directly into our eyes.

Does this person know anything inside? !

We questioned him several times, but the man turned his eyes towards the back mountain, and said falteringly: "Go to the back mountain quickly, don't say I said it..."

I can't care about anything else for the time being, the most important thing now is to find Lao Gao and Tian Li first.We didn't bother to inform Jiayang and Dad, so we ran up the back hill.

We didn't go far, and we heard Tian Li's cry. Along with the crying, her voice was intermittent, as if someone was covering her mouth, and she kept yelling "don't" and "help".

We followed the direction of the sound and finally saw the two people on the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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