Group pet big boss milk Huhu: relying on fortune telling is popular in Beijing

Chapter 101 The little milk baby coaxes Shen Su to sleep~

Chapter 101 The little milk baby coaxes Shen Su to sleep~
"Hehehe, after you left, I actually feel that living is a waste of air."

Lan Zhao's sentence was very light, but what he said was full of infinite sadness.

Chuchu knew why Lan Zhao escorted her and her grandparents all the way, because she wanted to use her to find Liu Ruyan's whereabouts.

She didn't know what Lan Zhao wanted to use to revive Liu Ruyan, but he could be sure that there was nothing he could do except wait, after all, other methods were against the law of heaven!
Even if he revived Liu Ruyan, they were destined not to be able to get together.

Chu Chu secretly sneaked back to his room, it was already late at night, when he entered the door, he saw Shen Su who fell on the ground and fell asleep.

Chuchu opened her small bag, took out herbal medicine to treat the wound on the boy's wrist, and fed him thousand-year-old snow lotus and ginseng.

Sleeping in the middle of the night, the young man's forehead was hot, his sleep was restless, and he had nightmares again and again. Chu Chu pulled down the cup on the bed and covered Shen Su's body, stroking his forehead while cooling down.

"Be good, baby, go to sleep, mother is by your side~"


Half asleep and half awake, Shen Su vaguely saw a little cute baby coaxing him to sleep, he snorted coldly:
Mother, he has never said this word since he was a child!
At this time, another cute and cute little milk voice popped into my mind:
Be good, sleep well, Chuchu will always be by my brother's side~
Chu Chu saw that the boy in his sleep had calmed down, and he also became sleepy. He dozed off for a while, and then fell asleep.

In the early morning, the sun shines through the window, and the fresh air is mixed with the fragrance of magnolias.

Shen Su woke up slowly from his dream, and frowned involuntarily when he woke up. In his sleep, he always felt that there was something soft on his chest, which made him a little out of breath.

Just when he stretched out his hand to pull down the thing on his chest, suddenly the soft thing opened his mouth:

"Chuchu hasn't slept enough yet, Chuchu dozed off~"

The next second, the sleepy-eyed Shen Su's face was slapped, followed by a small disheveled head with two crooked little knots that were right on his nose.

Shen Su, who rarely slept today, was woken up by a sudden slap, and sat up abruptly. The moment he picked up the little girl, his eyes were red, especially the pink in his eyes. , It's extraordinarily seductive.

Chuchu dazedly opened his big watery eyes, yawned at Shen Su, and raised his dimple:
"Brother, you woke up, do you feel better?"

Only then did Shen Su glance around, and found the thick cup on his body, as well as the water basin, handkerchief, and medicine around him, and then he reacted belatedly.

"Thank you." His tone was the same as usual, lightly, with no expression on his face.

Chu Chu likes to listen to him talk very much, but he doesn't talk very much. On the surface, this person is very quiet, but in fact he is very cold.

But being able to hear Shen Su's words was enough to make Chu Chu happy. She grinned happily and smiled sweetly.

But not long after she was happy, she saw Shen Su get up, planning to leave.

Chu Chu frantically followed behind him, trying to tell him that it was dangerous outside, but before he could say anything, he saw a few men in black suddenly following the young man's footsteps.

As soon as the little girl thought of the wound on Shen Su's body, she yelled at the inn:
"Lan Zhao, come and save me, there is a man in black who wants to kill me!"

As soon as the words were finished, Lan Zhao appeared in front of her. When he saw the black-clothed assassin following behind Shen Su, he narrowed his eyes and prepared to get angry, but the little girl suddenly hugged his thigh.

(End of this chapter)

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