Group pet big boss milk Huhu: relying on fortune telling is popular in Beijing

Chapter 113 Brother Shen, You Are Stubborn Like a Donkey!

Chapter 113 Brother Shen, You Are Stubborn Like a Donkey!
"Chuchu saw that Brother Shen was very weak. Grandpa said that eating eggs can replenish energy, so Chuchu wanted to give them to Brother Shen~"

You can't tell him that he is of value to her.

Shen Su put his eyes on her and stared at her for a long time without speaking.

Of course, he didn't reach out to pick up the egg that the little girl handed him.

When Chu Chu saw that he didn't eat, he touched Shen Su's sword with the egg in his chubby little hand, and many seams were split in an instant.

She moved closer to Shen Su's side, leaning her small body tightly on Shen Su's lap, peeling the eggs with her two chubby little hands.

The little girl was so focused that she didn't even notice that the young man beside her was also looking at her intently.

The little girl is carved in pink and jade, soft and cute, with a sweet smile on her face when she peels the egg, but the shallow pear dimple is very cute.

"Brother Shen, Chu Chu eats egg whites, and Ni eats egg yolks, okay~"

She held the peeled egg in her chubby hand, and looked carefully, the little girl's fingers turned out to be pink.

Shen Su accidentally reached out to take the egg yolk in her hand, looked at it for a while, and finally put it in his mouth.

"Brother Shen, after eating Chuchu's balls, Ni will be Chuchu's person from now on."

The little girl said happily, not forgetting to ask childishly:
"Brother Shen, are the eggs delicious?"

Shen Su looked elsewhere and did not answer her question.

Chu Chu didn't expect Shen Su's answer. She knew that this man had a cold temper and a cold face, but his heart was warm.

The young man's heart is warm, Chu Chu learned from him saving her several times, although he always treats her coldly, but when something happens, he really loves her!

While Chuchu was eating the egg whites in her hand, she raised her head and looked at the boy who was much taller than her.

It's been a day since I saw him, but the boy's face is the same as before she went to bed yesterday, pale, even a little weak, a little different from the majestic boy she saw in the past.

The boy in front of her was a little bit popular, but she couldn't see any popularity from the boy she saw before.

Maybe it was because of his injury.

"Brother Shen, are you going to enter the palace?" Chu Chu puffed her cheeks and asked in a childish voice.

Without waiting for Shen Su to speak, the little girl continued to say in a childish voice:
"You can't go in these few days. There will be big bad wolves waiting for you in the palace. The rats in the capital spread the news that you came here, and they are waiting to catch you."

"I am a cat?"

Chu Chu: ".?"

Is the focus on cats?

Shen Su hugged the little girl by the waist and put it on the ground, saying:
"Thank you Miss Ye for your kindness, Shen knows about it."

Chu Chu originally thought that the boy would listen to her, but when the boy turned and walked forward, Chu Chu realized that she was too confident.

"Brother Shen, why are you acting like a stubborn donkey? Chu Chu has already told you that this road is impossible, why don't you listen to Wo's words?"

Anyway, people are still fortune tellers!

This person didn't treat her like a fortune teller at all, he treated her like a four-year-old girl!

What Chu Chu didn't know was that an unknown emotion flashed across the boy's cold eyes.

Chu Chu didn't pay attention to him, since he wanted to die, even if she broke her little pacifier, he would go his own way!
The little girl turned around sullenly, and walked towards Chusheng Restaurant.

While walking, he still didn't forget to look back to see if Shen Su turned back, but he didn't!


Just as Chuchu was walking home, he was suddenly blocked by a female doll.

Chu Chu raised her small head and looked at the girl standing in front of her. Before she could speak, the girl opened her mouth.

"It's you!"

(End of this chapter)

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