Chapter 124 Ye Chuchu, prepare to meet my wrath!
Ye Hao had been looking forward to seeing a dull expression on the little milk baby's face, but he didn't.

No one knows Little Nailboy better than him, he knows that Little Nailboy cannot leave him, no matter it is half a year ago or half a year later.

He has always been sure that the little milk baby will beg for mercy like he did half a year ago, and will be devastated. If this is the case, then he is looking forward to it!
Ye Hao really couldn't help it anymore, the unresponsive figure of the little milk baby made him unable to get any results he wanted!

He desperately hopes that the little milk baby can walk as he imagined in his heart, live a humble and cowardly life, and when he sees him again, he will always only look up!
But why. The current state is not what he thought?

Even in this state, he didn't know what it meant?
Just when he was puzzled, he saw a beautiful woman coming out with a plate of white things, which looked like food. When she saw the little girl, she had a doting smile on her face.

Ye Hao narrowed his eyes, looked at the woman walking towards him, and frowned displeasedly.

However, this was just the beginning, when he saw a white-haired old man hugging a baby, it made him feel even more upset.

Where did the old beggar come from, the little milk baby he once held in his hands was raised by pigs?

While being moved in Chu Chu's heart, he took a casual glance and saw the man's sinister eyes.

After a short moment of astonishment, he became calm, and the corners of his lips slowly curled up.

Now she is no longer the helpless little milk baby half a year ago. Without him, she can still live a good life!

Ye Hao, you still haven't seen what you want to see, not only that, one day, Wo will trample you on Wo, and give you back all of them one by one!

Ye Hao's weird and cold smile stayed on the little milk baby in Old Man Yang's arms. He was not in a hurry to leave, but played with the walnut in his hand, and the expression on his face became more and more sinister.

Uncle Yang entered the inner courtyard with the baby in his arms, and gradually disappeared in front of Ye Hao!
And Ye Hao's gaze still subconsciously fell on the direction just now, watching quietly, a feeling of manic depression slowly rose in his heart, slowly filling his heart more and more.


Ye Hao waved his fist and slammed it heavily on the fortune-telling table of the little milk boy just now, but still couldn't erase the anger in his heart. He clenched his fist tightly and made a creaking sound.

Finally, when he got up to leave, there was a playful smile on the corner of his silent mouth!

It's a smirk!
"Ye Chuchu, prepare to meet my wrath!"

Zheng Er saw that he walked out of Chusheng Restaurant angrily, and he was sending the plague god away with great satisfaction in his heart, so he hurried into the inner courtyard with the gift he had prepared for the little girl.

Since today is Chuchu's birthday, Chuchu decided to spend the rest of the day ready to play.

Most of the people who come to the birthday party are brothers, sisters, uncles, and aunts who have known each other for the first time, so there is no need to be too restrained.

Chuchu pulls Pan Xiaosheng, Zheng Er, and Shen Zhizhi coquettishly:
"Today is Chuchu's birthday, Chuchu wants to play sandbags with my brothers and sisters, okay~"

Chuchu likes to play sandbags.

I like catching sandbags the most, and I can catch them every time.

Hehe ~
When they saw the little milk baby who had been busy making money all the time, they were very happy to suddenly return to innocence. They changed their attitude from the past and nodded with a smile.

Pan Xiaosheng said: "It just so happens that we are four people, in a team of two, and if that team wins, there will be rewards, how about it?"

(End of this chapter)

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