Chapter 130 Chuchu is my soft and cute baby~
"Master, is this soft and cute girl your baby?" Zheng Er's confidant stepped forward and asked.

The young master of his family has always had a good foundation, so it is no problem to be able to give birth to such a soft and cute little girl.

Therefore, when Zheng Er brought the little cute baby in, they guessed that the little girl might be their young master's illegitimate daughter.

Otherwise, how could their young master run away from home, and why would he come to the capital from Shanghe City, I am afraid that it is to prevent the master from knowing that he has an illegitimate daughter.

The master was still counting on him and the eldest lady of the Shen family to become in-laws, so that he could help the Zheng family's business in the future, but now it seems that there is no hope.

Zheng Er looked at him solemnly, nodded and said, "Yes, Chuchu is my young master's baby~ cute and cute baby~"

As a confidant, Shang Xiang was shocked, "Really?"

"Of course it's true." Zheng Er said solemnly, "Look at how cute and soft my young master's baby is~"

Shang Xiang: ".Damn you, do you know you're playing with fire!"

As Zheng Er's confidant and good friend, Shang Xiang knows that Zheng Er has been bullied in Zheng's family, and now he has finally turned around. As long as he marries the eldest lady of the Shen family, then everything that belongs to him can be taken away.

But now?

If Miss Shen knew about it, she would definitely be very annoyed.

By the way, Zheng Er is really weird, he remembers that he doesn't like girls, his father doesn't know how many sisters he gave birth to, and he has never seen one he likes.

Could it be that it was his own, so he likes it so much?
He didn't believe it, Zheng Er didn't like female dolls, he didn't know how many cute and cute female dolls, although they were a little worse than the little milk baby in front of him, but they weren't too bad.

"Zheng Er, you are really awesome. The marriage has not been settled yet, but the child has been born. Aren't you afraid that the Shen family will kill you?"

Zheng Er was silent, playing with Chu Chu's little hands lovingly, and said with a smile: "If you destroy it, you will destroy it, I'm afraid what they will do."

Chuchu pulled his salty pig's hand away with one hand in disgust, turned around, and began to happily enjoy the food prepared for her by the little brother next to him.

Don't want to talk to him at all.

Shang Xiang was stunned. Although Zheng Er was not favored in the Zheng family, at least the people in the house would not give him a good face, but now?

But now, a soft and cute little baby dared to show Zheng Er's face, and didn't even want to talk to him?
Zheng Er smiled embarrassingly, "My family is afraid of strangers at Chuchu, maybe you are so ugly that you scared her."

Unexpectedly, the little milk baby suddenly turned his head, smiled sweetly at Shang Xiang, and said in a childish voice:
"Thank you brother for preparing delicious food for Chuchu. My brother is really a kind and good-looking man."

Zheng Er continued to smile awkwardly: "My Chu Chu has a sweet mouth~"

Shang Xiang: ".You just keep blowing!"

The mouth is really sweet, and the person is really soft and cute, but your cub doesn't like you!
My foolish friend, why can't you understand!

At this moment, Shang Xiang sighed for him in his heart. It was enough to be angry with his biological father in the Zheng family. Now that he has a baby, he still wants to be angry with a child. What kind of wronged friend did Shang Xiang make? ah!

"Okay, I'm going to tell you the business, what are you going to do? Is it possible to really bring this illegitimate child back? Are you really not afraid of being interrupted by your father?"

Zheng Er: "...can you stop swearing in front of my family, Chuchu, what can I do if I teach bad children?"

(End of this chapter)

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