Group pet big boss milk Huhu: relying on fortune telling is popular in Beijing

Chapter 147 Chase Order: The door is right there, walk slowly!

Chapter 147 Chase Order: The door is right there, walk slowly!
You can understand.

No one in this world will treat you innocently good, only plain bad.

Any good correspondence is profitable!
He didn't know what he could do for the little girl in front of him like this?

Chuchu rubbed his little furry head, and said childishly, "Because you saved the nest~ Now that you are in trouble, it's time to go to the nest to save you~"

Hearing this, the light in Shen Su's eyes suddenly dimmed. It turned out that she was kind to him only because he saved her, and it was only because of this reason, nothing else.

"Hurry up, it will get cold if you don't eat it, grandpa said it won't taste good if it gets cold~" Chu Chu saw the young man holding the bowl in his hand, tilting his head and staring at her, without making any further movements, he hurriedly reminded her.

Unexpectedly, as soon as these words came out, the young man ruthlessly threw the bowl in his hand against the wall, and said coldly:
"I don't need your sympathy! I don't need your help either!"

As soon as these words came out, the little girl's watery eyes were suddenly stained with a layer of mist, and she looked like she was about to cry.

The boy watched her coldly, looking at her innocently.

The last thing he needs in this life is other people's sympathy. He doesn't need this kind of thing, and he hates it the most!
The little girl was even more aggrieved by his expression, and the little person who was originally carved in pink and jade was so aggrieved at the moment, she fiercely stood up, looked at him, and complained loudly:
"You are angry, you are angry, why do you take food to vent your anger, did it offend you? Wo will never come to see you again, Wo wants."

"What do you want? Do you want to leave? The door is right there, walk slowly!" Shen Su mercilessly issued the order to evict the guest.

When I first heard the words, I was even more annoyed, and said confidently:

"You are a bad brother, I want to break up with you, hmph, if you waste food, you will starve to death!"

After saying these words angrily, his cheeks were bulging, and he walked out with his short legs in a numb manner.

She was afraid that no matter how much she said, Shen Su would spank her little butt. When running outside with big watery eyes, she still looked at him vigilantly to prevent this man from kicking her little butt.

Shen Su saw her small body staggering and ran out of the door, with a calm expression and no emotion on her cold face.

Chu Chu leaned against the cold wall, and unconsciously focused his gaze on the meals in the wooden box.

The color and fragrance are all good, even the smell of food is in the air.

Thinking that the food came from her sympathy, he felt that this thing was as dirty as the dirt in the gutter.

At this moment, the mice that had been in the cave were mobilized by their hungry stomachs, and after a while, they rushed out of the nest, eating up all the food, leaving nothing behind.

He watched with cold eyes.

"The nest is not here to look for you, the nest is here to get it."

When Chuchu saw the swarms of mice eating her food box clean, she stared intently, and her pink mouth lost its color.

It's so cruel.

Inexplicably, when Chu Chu thought of his fate, he hiccupped in fright for a moment!
Shen Su looked at her coldly, he stood in the dark, she stood under the bright moonlight, as bright and warm as before.

Not knowing what to do, he actually wanted to drag her into the darkness, and sink with him!
However, before he had time to think about it, his weak body was once again invaded by the cold poison, and the number of cold poison attacks has been too frequent in the past few days.

It should be due to the cold, so Grand Master He ordered someone to put him into the coldest prison in Dali Temple, in order to force him to suffer from the cold poison.

(End of this chapter)

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