Chapter 108 Mermaid Legend (15)



Xi Ziling has never seen such a perverted person before. This person is dead, and the corpses are not spared. What is in the head?Brains...

Uh, uh!
Xi Ziling's stomach couldn't help churning!

Teacher Sha Sha hurriedly supported her, glanced at the dangerous Shen Qianli, and said in a low voice, "Don't talk about it, Zi Ling, everyone is a player, even if you kill...kill an NPC, so what?"

"Teacher Shen is very strong..."

Shen Qianli is very strong, she doesn't like people questioning her whether it's momentum or means.

A person who said that he would split the brains of a corpse is more terrifying than a pervert! ——Teacher Shasha bit her lip, why did this kind of person provoke him!
Shen Qianli weighed the axe, as if he was thinking about how to find an angle to get it right, um... the skull will be very hard...

Wen You believed in Shen Qianli, so he stepped forward and grabbed Shen Qianli's hand, saying: "Mr. Shen, don't be impulsive, I believe you didn't kill anyone!"

"It's the seventh day. We've been together for so long. I can see that you're not that kind of murderer. There must be some misunderstanding!"

Shen Qianli: "..."


So she is going to split this head!

"You boy, don't hinder me." Shen Qianli's eyes turned cold, and he was about to push Wen You away, disgusted that he was in the way.

She was unwell last night and was too lazy to turn her head. Today she is sober.

What Shen Qianli cut off was the vine, it couldn't be a human hand, so there must be something wrong with this corpse, the most intuitive way is to split its brain to see, won't it be parasitized by magic plants inside?

She kinda likes the old lady...

Shen Qianli sighed inwardly, and under Wen You's horrified gaze, he swung his ax and smashed it down—"Bang", blocked it! !


This time it was Xi Ziling screaming!


Suddenly, strips of flesh-colored plant roots surged out from the mouth of the corpse's head. They were very thin, entangled and poured out as if to burst the mouth. Some flesh and blood stuck to the swollen stems, like organs. foam!
Shen Qianli reacted quickly. He swung the ax and smashed it down again. It hit the thick rhizome and only sank a little. The speed of its expansion slowed down a bit, but the ax was quickly ejected by it.

Can't beat it with an axe!

"What is this!" Xi Ziling almost vomited, startled and frightened, she covered her mouth, afraid that she would gush out disgusting roots from her mouth like this corpse!

Shen Qianli took a few steps back and glanced at her: "This is Mo Zhi, a surprise that this world has given players, if you can't kill it, everyone will die!"

Wen You grabbed the corner of Shen Qianli's clothes, his face turned pale.

He resisted the feeling of vomiting, "Why didn't you say last night..."


Xi Ziling couldn't take it anymore, broke down and cried: "How is it possible, it's the seventh day! It's only today, why is there such a monster!"

"is that you!"

Xi Ziling pointed at Shen Qianli, and said frantically, "Is it because you angered the mountain god, that's why these monsters eat people!"

"Mountain God shit!" Shen Qianli swears, but his eyes are fixed on the growing and expanding magic plant that is constantly eating away at the corpse. It has changed from the size of an arm to a large ball, and it is still expanding.

"Didn't you all run away last night? What are you doing back today?!"

If Shen Qianli guessed correctly, the rain last night was an early warning. It brought disaster and made people run away, but also gave people hope: the seventh day is destined to be a sunny day, and it is also a trap to lure "food" back!

"Gu... Gu..." The meat stalk squeezed and made a sound, like eating a big fat man in one bite, the meat on the stomach is duangduang!

What are you doing... come back to find you! !
It's hard to say.

"What should we do now?" Cheng Dadong hesitated, asking him to fight this magic plant monster, he would definitely not be able to beat him, he was cannon fodder.

He calmly said: "The villagers have already returned. If this monster runs out, the entire village may be eaten up."

The teeth under the root of the magic plant are lined up in rows, and the swallowing speed is not fast. The main reason is that its body moves every so often, just like a human intestine digesting food, which makes people look disgusting!
Shen Qianli also thinks the same way. The players are back, and the villagers must have returned to the village, so she still needs to fight, right?
It has been daylight for a long time today.

What's missing?
Shen Qianli: "Where's the lens?" Where's the Blu-ray panel next to everyone?

Everyone just remembered now, yes, where is the lens?
Wen You was terrified, thinking of the "audience" camp mentioned in the rules of the game, they are all watching eyes, and said: "Is it because they want to kill us all here, so there is no need to broadcast live today?"

There are "monsters" eating people outside!
"It's possible." Shen Qianli was silent. She dropped the ax and grabbed the cub's hand with big strides. "Don't worry about it, let's run away!"

"Cubs go"

After finishing speaking, Shen Qianli took the cubs and ran out.

"Mr. Shen, you..." Wen You couldn't believe that Shen Qianli was the first to escape.

But that's right, it's the seventh day, as long as you survive the day, the sun will set.They can pass!

The others reacted quickly, pulling past their cubs and running after them!
Xi Ziling also ran out quickly, looked back at the monster dancing roots full of teeth, and thought viciously: There are still many people in the village, and the monster must be able to eat it for a long time.


Shen Qianli ran out of the village directly.

This direction is what she has been looking for for a long time, the entrance to the mountain.

Here, there is a world of "audience" camp outside the lens!

Before the people behind could catch up, Shen Qianli quickly supported Yuzai by the shoulders, made him look into his eyes, and said, "Yuzai, I'll just say the next thing."

"After the wishes of Guagua and Aipu are fully bloomed, no matter what happens, you don't care about it, open the passage, you go home, and don't look back."

Shen Qianli's tone was too firm. Seeing this gaze, Yuzai was a little dazed: those dark pupils, the light shining inside was unpredictable, looking at you firmly, as if wanting to see your heart , give you strength.


"Teacher Shen." Yuzai's voice was very soft, without any fluctuations in his low voice.

The arc of Shen Qianli's mouth slightly raised, his lips parted slightly, and said: "You call me teacher, you can't let you die here, can you?"

"That's pathetic."

This mermaid should be the last mermaid in the world.

And also looks so good-looking.

Shen Qianli: "If the teacher can survive, the teacher will help you to rectify the name of the mermaid clan. You are not ugly at all! You look much better than Xiao Xianrou!"


Shen Qianli knew that once someone left the village, monsters would definitely attack those who left the village!

How can a proud hunter tolerate captive "food" escaping?


Then she left the boat and entered from the mouth.

Then the fisherman got out of the boat and went in through the mouth of the cave.

Initially very narrow, talented people.

At first, it was very narrow, and only one person could pass through.

After walking for dozens of steps, he suddenly became enlightened.


I don't know if there is a peach blossom garden in the village, or outside the "audience".



"Run away!"

"It's out!"

 Thanks for the support of the book friend Lovely Gummy Candy, you are on the list!Thank you for your kindness!Yo~
(End of this chapter)

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