Missy, she has something to do. Is it true?

Chapter 112 Reality: Beast Tamer

Chapter 112 Reality: Beast Tamer

It's a pity that the [-]th Army lost General Shen!

Before Shen Ling was alive, the [-]th Army relied on his prestige to become the top tyrant in the army. How many outstanding soldiers wanted to join the [-]th Army!Now after Shen Ling's death, the [-]th Army still has to rely on his prestige to survive! !

Is this still the mighty and domineering Nineteenth Army that will never yield?This is Lao Lai!

Shen Qianli knew from a young age that his fists had to be hard and his head had to be iron in order to live well.After 22 years of messing around, the local snake has to obediently call her sister when she sees her. Although her reasoning is crude, it makes sense!The [-]th Army is now being bullied. Everyone thinks that the [-]th Army is already a waste army. To put it bluntly, they think it has no backer. However, Shen Ling has a little friendship with the First Marshal and the Second Marshal. Let’s look at other Would the head of the legion, who looked down on people with a dog's eyes, dare to stab a knife in the back?

Since you can't get a strong backer, then become your own backer!

Shen Qianli has only one word: that is ruthless!
Shen Qianli: "Is it possible to sell a live star beast for a very high price?"


The young man's name is Fan Fanyang, and his parents must hope that his career will go smoothly and he will reach the sun... In other words, he can reach the sun quickly as a soldier.

Fan Fanyang's current position is the logistics colonel, and he manages all the logistics of the [-]th Army. Before the [-]th Army also tried to sell star beasts for money and then buy armaments, but the embarrassing thing is: "The star beasts circulating in the market Very few, star beasts are very proud beasts, whether they are ordinary star beasts or purebred star beasts, after they are captured alive by humans, they usually choose to die, so even if we can catch star beasts, we can't wait The day it is sold."

Everyone in the [-]th Army is good at killing star beasts, but no one can tame star beasts.

The profession of animal trainer has been around for a few years. There are some aristocratic children who have been rich all their lives, and they just want to have some fun. They don’t need to go to the battlefield, and they have never seen a real star beast, so they go to the market through some means. If you buy a star beast, the star beast tamed by the animal trainer will not attack humans, just like keeping a pet at home, and it can also be a bodyguard, so the more powerful the star beast, the higher the selling price!
Shen Qianli has understood it, the system 1233 is right, as long as Shen Qianli can capture a purebred star beast alive, through black market transactions, it is no problem to raise such an expensive boy Shen Zhao, let alone raise a legion!
It wasn't long before she knew about people like animal trainers.

System 1233 told her.

The first condition to become an animal trainer is that your mental power is strong enough. If you have a mutated mental power, then congratulations, you have a 99.99% chance of becoming an animal trainer, and you will be popular in any force from now on!The second condition is that you must have a contracted star beast. It is best if it is a purebred star beast, so that when you tame other star beasts, you will not be afraid of being backlashed by spiritual power and dying!
Half a year ago, a beast trainer code-named Vitality appeared in the Federation. I don’t know if it’s a man or a woman. Some people say it’s a man. He likes to wear a black cloak all over his body and a wooden mask without holes on his face. His identity feels special. It's weird, but it's this beast tamer—he has never failed to tame and form a bond with many star beasts.

System 1233 felt that he was playing tricks, and went to check his information, but found nothing.

It can't stand it.

So system 1233 suspects that he is a player.

Half a year ago, that is, when the game started, about six months, enough for many people to change, and the system 1233 mainly suspects that this code-named "vitality" also has a system on him.

Shen Qianli asked it: "You are all colleagues, and you still can't find each other's signal wave?"

System 1233 cursed: "The system also has a different system, okay? Even I can't find it. It must be a coquettish bitch, maybe it's a virus!"

"You're angry."

"Fart! A mere coquettish slut doesn't deserve the attention of my 33rd princess!"

"You're jealous."



"There is no animal trainer in the [-]th Army?" Shen Qianli raised her eyelids, there was no trace of impurity in her cold eyes, her voice was very calm, so calm that there was no tremor in her voice.

This is not a question, but a question.

Fan Fanyang smiled wryly. The other legions also used threats and lures for the beast trainers. They could be promised high-ranking officials, rich salary, money and status, but what could the Nineteenth Army offer?
"Master Shen Zhao sent an animal trainer here before, at the request of the team leader."

Gong Dafu doesn't deal with Shen Zhao, but he has frequent contact with He Yu, and He Yu helped Shen Zhao find the animal trainer.

Hearing Shen Zhao's name, Shen Qianli was silent for a while, and then asked: "That is, is this animal trainer not capable enough?"

No way, the person sent by Shen Zhao.

"Since Missy is interested in taming animals, you can go and have a look." Gong Dafu looked at Shen Qianli's calm face, and it was also a similar face. She used to be so gentle, so tender... so calm Words that could no longer be calm flowed out of his mouth slowly.

"Xiaofan, take her to have a look, sooner or later this place will be hers."

This is an acknowledgment of Shen Qianli's identity and status. Right now they can see Shen Qianli's combat effectiveness, but they don't know if other things can be handled properly.

Beast trainers are so precious outside. Almost a dozen forces can snatch a beast trainer. As for this animal trainer in the [-]th Army, it can’t be said that he is not capable, but his problem is very...serious.

Go straight to see... Shen Qianli's eyelids twitched, okay, this head of the palace is not lazy at all, he is a man of temperament!

"Alright." Shen Qianli nodded in agreement.

"What's so good!" Shen Qianli stood up, and Gong Yu spoke in a hurry. He didn't wipe his nose in such a hurry, and his whole body felt decadent and beautiful: "Girl, why don't you just wear this suit? That's not good, change it to Shen." Just look at that kid's clothes. I thought Shen Zhao would inherit the position of General Shen, but I didn't expect you to be alive... Of course, I am not cursing you. It is a great thing that you are alive. The clothes are ready anyway, so you will wear them !"

Shen Zhao's clothes... A trace of surprise flashed in Shen Qianli's eyes. He thought they had a bad relationship with Shen Zhao, but he didn't expect that even Shen Zhao's clothes for the [-]th Army were prepared. Is this a bad relationship?

The black shirt on Shen Qianli's body was also made according to Shen Zhao's size, so she only needed to fasten the belt, put on the military boots, put on the military cap, and put on the jacket...the clothes represented her identity.

This woman's blond hair is not combed back completely, a strand of hair hangs on the tip of her left eye brow, her palm-sized face is half covered with her head slightly lowered, she wears a big-brimmed hat on top of her head, and the corners of her mouth are drawn coldly. Get up, lift your feet and go out: "Let's go."

(End of this chapter)

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