Missy, she has something to do. Is it true?

Chapter 116 Realistic Zhuge Luo Mansion

"In the second example, the reason why humans think the snatcher is selfish is that they have strong empathy for the snatched person and weak empathy for the snatcher. Humans will put Put yourself in the role of the victim, but not the role of the snatcher. If human beings can better empathize with the snatcher, they will understand the snatcher's behavior to a certain extent, so they will not have so much malice towards him .A person will never do something against his own heart.A person who is considered selfish will never feel selfish.In the mind of a snatcher,may think that he has been treated unfairly by society,so,he wants to do Something to make up for this injustice."

"The reason we cannot understand a man's actions is because we are not walking the road in his shoes."

Shen Qianli can be "anyone", but at this time, she is Shen Qianli. Benli said: "The essence of selfishness is self-interest? Then Ms. Lin Wu, you are the role of the snatcher in the second example. In your In my heart, have I been treated unfairly?"

"Did you encounter something that you couldn't stand in your life in the Star Research Center?"

I can't stand it all my life, forget it.

Couldn't even...forgive.

When Lin Wu heard Shen Qianli's last rhetorical question, she had no expression, not even a trace of fluctuation in her eyes. She admitted that Shen Qianli's two explanations were very pertinent: "These two examples are not different, they are both derived from 'different people'. The situation derived from different empathy abilities is just like Captain Shen, you saw the star beast eating people, bloodthirsty, and you couldn’t relieve your hatred by cutting the star beast into pieces; Flesh and bones, burnt, crushed by knives... I heard them howling."

Shen Qianli nodded. It was true that the scene of the dismemberment case killed a person who loved scientific research. She still asked, "Are all the people inside doing experiments so perverted?"

The two countries do not kill prisoners of war...Look at how much damage those people have caused Ms. Lin Wu.

Shen Qianli understood half of it. Lin Wu had stayed in the Star Research Center before, and she had never seen the tragic death of human compatriots on the battlefield, but she had heard the wailing of the star beasts' flesh and blood in the Star Research Center. Two or three... Countless of them are not the same, even a normal person would be driven crazy.

"??" Isn't the point the mental journey of a smart and beautiful person getting rid of the psychological shadow and holding the script of offering sacrifices to heaven again, becoming the female version of Long Aotian, vowing to step on the world one day?
"I'm tired."

Ms. Lin Wu dropped three words, turned and walked out.

"Hey don't go!"

"Let's talk about fifty cents more!" Women's minds are really hard to guess, I'll scold them perverts for you!You don't even give me any favors, just turn around and leave! !

Shen Qianli still didn't understand half of the problem, and hurriedly followed, feeling a little irritated: So where is your egoism, Ms. Lin Wu, and what is the operation method? Is it to kill all humans and all star beasts?
That's interesting ang.

You can say it, I'm not sure you can learn from it, and one day you can create a deadly game!


After the chat time between Shen Qianli and Lin Wu was over, Lin Wu probably didn't want to chat with her anymore, so he put up a sign at the door that day: Shen Qianli and Shi can't enter! ! !

Bold the words in black!

On the first day Shen Qianli came to the base, he turned black and red in this explosive way.

Some soldiers privately rumored that Shen Qianli was a devil with glowing eyes, and he stretched out his evil hands in an attempt to touch their goddess! ! 【Say Shen Qianli is a slut】

It is also said that Shen Qianli was frightened by the hands, feet, brains and brains in a room full of bottles and jars when he saw the goddess's laboratory. 【Say Shen Qianli is a dick】

It is also said that after Shen Qianli knew that the goddess was a very powerful master of animal taming, he hugged the goddess' thighs and begged the goddess to train more animals, so she was disgusted by the goddess. Language: Shen Qianli is worse than Shi! [Said that Shen Qianli's capitalists shed tears when they saw it]

More to say...

It was only a day later that Shen Qianli found out that these rumors were flying all over the sky, diluting the grief after the battle, but:? ?crooked?Has no one spoken out for me?

Gong Dafu's body had already declined, and after meeting Shen Qianli, he went back to recuperate.

He deliberately reduced his sense of presence in the [-]th Army over the years. Many things were handled by Gong Yu, including military affairs.

Gong Yu is such a beautiful uncle, he has never done anything well except killing star beasts since he was a child, so if you ask him to handle military affairs, it is tantamount to killing him!
Therefore, Gong Dafu's deputy is also the military adviser of the army, Zhuge Luodi, he alone supported the operation of the [-]th Army.

The surname Zhuge is the same as the fifth surname, and they both come from famous ancestors in the history of the Great Xia Kingdom.

Zhuge, the magician, there is nothing in the world that you don't know, and you can count the world's affairs.

People in their family have trigrams in their lives. Some big families will ask people from the Zhuge family to tell their fortunes in order to know the fate of their heirs. However, people in the Zhuge family seldom take action.
It is said that their descendants are very smart, and military strategy and military strategy are not a problem.

There are also rumors that those who win the Zhuge family win the world. Everyone admits that the Zhuge family has smarter brains than many people, but it is outrageous to win the world. If you are so arrogant, everyone thinks that someone thinks that the Zhuge family is not good. It is so mysterious. That Tang monk If you eat meat, you will live forever!

Bah, who would believe it!

Shen Qianli was a little surprised that a member of Zhuge's family was hiding in the [-]th Army. Coincidentally, she could leave Zhuge Luodi to do all the things she didn't like to think about!Then let Luo Huaimin in, she is not a threesome, she must have my teacher!Will it become more and more intelligent (damage) in the future? !

Shen Qianli immediately went to Zhuge Luodi to cultivate her relationship, this time she will definitely not have a chat with Lin Wuba like yesterday!

She will definitely treat Zhuge... Mister! ? ? ?

Shen Qianli almost stared out her eyes, looking at the bald little boy who reached her knees in front of her, breaking the defense of her family, she covered her face, her mental state became worse and worse after coming to the [-]th Army.

She said sternly: "You are Zhuge Luo's residence? The most famous in the [-]th Army, apart from Master Lin Wu, the second Zhuge Luo's residence who is respected, worshiped, kneeled and licked by all soldiers??"

The boy's big eyes were big and confused: "???"

"Zhuge... Dad!" He suddenly jumped off the chair with Ababa, ran towards the small room, and after two or three minutes, he led a person out.

The man who came out was dressed in a black robe, and his facial features were amazingly handsome!
Zhuge Luodi was full of domineering arrogance, and his eyes were as dark as black jade, deep and sharp, and he said coldly: "Who are you?"

【A little knowledge every day】

According to legend, Zhuge Shensuan was written by Zhuge Liang, Liu Bei's military adviser in the Three Kingdoms period. This book has been passed down from generation to generation among the people. It has gone through [-] centuries. It can be measured from personal honor and disgrace, family gains and losses, to the victory and defeat of battles, and the rise and fall of nations. It works like a god.

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