Missy, she has something to do. Is it true?

Chapter 119 In reality, you know how to speak

Chapter 119 Reality·You know how to speak


Zhuge Luodi clapped his hands suddenly, that is, the crisp sound of the two palms together, which made him follow his heart more in the future, and realized another path different from that of Zhuge Patriarchs in the past: "Okay, I accept you as my apprentice, you Then call me sir, from today onwards, you will live with me and handle military affairs with me every day."

With a wave of Zhuge Luodi's hand, Shen Qianli's arrangements were clearly made, and she didn't even need to waste a second, and immediately gave her a question: "I will assign you the first homework now: within three days , to solve the current plight of the [-]th Army’s military resources.”


After Shen Qianli came out of Zhuge Luo Mansion's house, she couldn't find her whole body, so now she has to sleep later than a dog and wake up earlier than a chicken, and she has to take on the responsibility of a legion commander?

I'm only 20 now.

Is there no one to speak up for me? /Death smiles.

Shen Qianli slowly walked back to where he lived.

In fact, Shen Qianli had two ideas to solve the problem of military resources of the [-]th Army.

The first one is to file a complaint directly with the higher-ups and play the emotional card. As the saying goes, children who can cry have candy to eat. No matter how poor they are, tear off the fig leaf and let the big bosses come forward to warn the black cloud base of corruption. The power of the military resources, as long as someone puts pressure on them, the military resources of the [-]th Army can quickly return to the [-]th Army.

However, this approach may solve the current predicament of the [-]th Army, but in the long run, after all, the emperor is far away from the high mountains, and if Heiyun Base records revenge, it will be a loss for the [-]th Army, unless Shen Qianli can have the capital to order the above The boss has been facing her, hanging on to them.

But Shen Qianli is just an heir who came out of a slum and died of her father. Her words have no weight, unless she is very strong, like Shen Ling, otherwise she may use this method to bury the nineteenth army. Bane!
The reason why the enemy's methods are frightening is that their fangs are always pointing at the main artery of your neck... Shen Qianli will never let himself be foolish enough to leave future troubles.

This method cannot be used until there is no other way.

As for her second idea, it is a bit dangerous. If she is not careful, she will be caught by the little tail, and then eaten one by one, and it will tarnish the majesty of Shen Ling and the [-]th Army... But this method, if you take revenge , A tooth for a tooth, an eye for an eye is very relieved.

Alas, Shen Qianli is really about to make a move. She wants to implement the second method. The villain cells in her bones have already clamored to seduce her. Did all the soldiers of the Ninth Army breathe a sigh of relief?They don't take the [-]th Army seriously, bully, oppress, and even give up...

Don't you want to fight a turnaround for the [-]th Army?
Shen Qianli, I remember you didn't come here to be a pug, did you?

You are Master Shen, you are not afraid of anything, don't you want to erase the tall figure of Shen Ling left in the [-]th Army?Let the new belief of the [-]th Army be you, Shen Qianli?
Make a vote, if you are a man, stand up!

Come on, choose the second method, take someone to be a bandit and go grab it, beat them all down, let them change their faces, grab this side and grab that side, as long as the tail is cleared, no one will suspect it at all On your head... After all, the [-]th Army is a "trash" army, and you, Shen Qianli, are just a local ruffian.

Come on, think about the result... They are short of offerings to their superiors, so they have to take out the bottom of their own boxes to fill them. Seeking skins from tigers, who knows that the "tiger" will not bite their own heads?

Oh that's a wonderful plan...maybe a little camouflage?

There are so many powerful legions stationed on Black Cloud Star, aren't all powerful legions friendly?It seems that it is not bad to let them eat dogs.

It seems to be more interesting to add estrangement, as long as a little gossip is released, the brothers will turn their heads and fight, right?


Shen Qianli was on top, his heart was surging, he really wanted to take people to Heiyun base right away, the venue there must be very suitable for the temperament of the master!

Shen Qianli couldn't help but quicken his pace!

She couldn't wait, couldn't wait, couldn't wait, couldn't bear it, and even three idioms couldn't express even a single bit of emotion in her heart.

Yes, she needs to ask Colonel Fan immediately for information about the troops stationed at Heiyun Base...

On the way, Princess 33 didn't stop at all. I'm completely sorry for her sweet and lovely "candy" outfit, like a beautiful woman picking her feet, her voice is much thicker:
[Wow!Master Li is very awesome. There was once a man who raised his sword and broke into an army of [-] star beasts alone, and finally wiped out the opponent at the cost of serious injuries. His reward was as high as tens of millions of federal coins among the star beasts, which is the highest among star beasts. One of the big guys who wanted to kill! ! 】

[Wow, wow, the star beasts used to use federal currency, they didn't even have their own currency. Sure enough, the wild beasts are the wild beasts, so they're just playing tricks! 】

【Um?Your father Shen Ling is actually on the head reward list, but he passed away, but I really want to see you Shen Qianli being chased and killed in various ways. If you can’t kill the old ones, you will kill the young ones. Star beasts will not hesitate to achieve their goals. You Seeing how much they hate Shen Ling, the [-]th Army is a thorn in their side, and look at the army of star beasts who attacked this time, they really want to kill everyone in the [-]th Army. 】

33 There was a lot of babbling and chattering, and at the same time, she felt sad for Shen Qianli, saying that she had no home when she was young, and she survived by picking up trash and selling it for money, ate things from trash cans, and drank water from stinky gutters, Wandering every day, the only garbage dump Xiaojia is a cardboard box...

too pitiful.

It was so tearful.

33 Two whinings: [Woosh Shen Qianli, hurry up and become stronger, you are weak like a small ant now, any purebred star beast can crush you to death, when will you become a finger to kill a person? A star beast wow. 】

33 exclamation.

I found that there are many interesting places in Shen Qianli's world, and some of the famous bigwigs are very awesome. Just searching for their biographies on the star degree can be read as a story.

Also because the deeds of those big bosses are beyond what superhumans did, in the hearts of ordinary people, they are the real gods!

Shen Qianli didn't listen at all.

She was thinking, Gu Baiheng?
This is not coughing her, acquaintance!

However, the strongest swordsman, Li Changhan? ?

Shen Qianli suddenly said, "I remember, Gu Baiheng... didn't he use a knife?"

What do you remember? Pretentious!The knife is in your hand and you haven't returned it to others, you know how to speak.


[You are such a clever little ghost, awesome, you found out the difference! 】

(End of this chapter)

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