Missy, she has something to do. Is it true?

Chapter 123 The Reality He Was Poor and Only Bet 1 Point

[-]% off...

I haven't entered yet, so I want to trick you into spending.

Shen Qianli really wanted to show 33 his trouser pocket, but there was no trouser pocket in the battle uniform, so she rolled her eyes noblely and coldly, "Do you think I look like someone who has money to buy things?"

If you have money, you can't buy it. It's a big injustice.

33 Floating, this action is like a dick looking at you up and down, almost picking your nose, it comforted and said: [Shen Qianli, you must be confident in life, no one will laugh at you just because you don’t have a few steel coins in your trouser pocket, and others will laugh at you. I can't see the inside of your trouser pocket. 】

33 sympathizes with her, and understands her ignorance very well. After all, the game is a great existence: [Oh, do you know if there is any good stuff in it for sale? 】

Shen Qianli let out a disdainful "tsk", expressing her poor ghost's stubbornness.

At this time, the mechanical voice of the arena said: [Please put your hands on the pillar beads on the right. 】

Shen Qianli stretched out his hand to touch it, and the feeling on the right side was quite normal, without the strange feeling of being invaded just now, it was like entering fingerprints and then spitting out an identity card for you.

"What is this?" Shen Qianli turned with his finger holding the card.

The card is about the size of a crystal card, but it is faint blue light, and there is a string of numbers on it, which should be the number Shen Qianli got from the ID card, there is a million...

She turned out to be the 4083882144th player!
For the first time, Shen Qianli felt that there were so many people in her world.

And they turned out to be night owls!
[Look, look! 】

33 suddenly jumped up and shouted: [Shen Qianli, look at how much other players respect and love the game. Basically, [-]% of the players have entered the arena, and you are the only one who is worried about it. Come on, how can you match up with vitality!Your number is too late! ! 】


There are: individual competition and team competition in the arena.

The individual competition is a simple and crude points competition. Winning a game will get 10 points. You can bet on yourself or the opponent before the game. Bet on yourself to win, 1:10, no upper limit.

ha?Bet on each other?
If you lose, you will be eaten.

Only players who are not participating can bet on each other.

The team competition is a team competition with a seven-member lineup, and the players must be of the same level, and players of different levels cannot be in it. At the same time, the points of each player must be greater than 1 points.


I won't talk about Shen Qianli who doesn't even get a fraction.

There are currently no teams participating in the team competition.

After the individual match is opened in the arena module, there will be no empty space on the arena.

Following 33's instructions, Shen Qianli found the nearest entrance to the arena and walked in. The sound inside was amplified several times in an instant, and every player's face was so excited that it was about to explode. They kept waving their hands and shouting. A tense battle is going on!

"Get up, stand up!"

"Hurry up and hit it!"

"Can you do it, little dog!"

"Bah! Bad luck!"

Shen Qianli raised his eyebrows, and accurately caught a young voice. He was so angry that he seemed to tear up the betting receipts in his hand. It seemed that the player on the field was about to lose, causing him to lose money.

There happened to be a position next to the boy, in the corner, which was inconspicuous, but he could see the entire playing field in his eyes.

Shen Qianli thought for a while, then raised her foot and walked over. She was sitting next to the young man. The light here was a bit dim, and Shen Qianli's temperament was relatively cold, so the young man said without raising his head: "Hey brother, this position There's someone!"

"My buddy went to the toilet, he will be back later, you can find another seat."

After reminding Shen Qianli, the young man jumped up irritablely, yelling: "Nimma, you eat soft food, right? A mere low-level magic plant can't handle it. Are you playing house on horseback?"

"The hope of all mankind rests on you. I don't even want to eat a bite of food. The hard-earned money I saved is all suppressed by you because you are a member of the Federation. Are you worthy of your compatriots with this ability?"

"Grass, the head is gone! You are here to treat Mozhi to dinner, right?"

The young man cursed, and then sat silently on his seat. The ticket was useless, and the players on the field would automatically melt when they died, which proved that he lost all his betting capital.

Shen Qianli remained silent. She waited for about 3 minutes, and a blue light panel appeared in front of her eyes, with the information of the two parties marked on it, as well as the number of bets. The countdown was 120s.

The light on her side attracted the chicken coop boy's attention.

Seeing that Shen Qianli didn't move at all, he looked like he was a newcomer to the arena, with a typical stupid look, so he kindly reminded him: "Brother, it's time for you to place your bet."

Shen Qianli still didn't move.

The boy looked at Shen Qianli several times.

Seeing that the countdown was coming to an end, he smacked his lips and leaned closer to Shen Qianli and said, "Brother, you should place a bet. If you don't place a bet in the arena, you will be expelled from the game. You see, you are really poor, even if you bet 1 point That's fine too."

1 credits.

It's not like no one has done this.

Shen Qianli heard the reminder from Jiwotou boy. She didn't move because she saw the message of Mozhi on the panel. In fact, her eyes were already dark, and that was Rafflesia!
The original appearance of the king is impressive!
Even if Shen Qianli knew that the king's cub would not appear here, the king's flower Mozhi on the field was very likely to be one of the king's cubs, but Shen Qianli was still not very happy seeing this magic plant. Adapting, she thought of the dead pup.

In the last 5s, Shen Qianli bet on that player, 1 point.

That player must lose.

Xia Yuanzhi is a very rich second generation, he used the 10 to 1 exchange rate of federal currency in the arena to get a lot of points, enough for him to bet again and again very arrogantly!

After he finished placing his bet, he happened to see the 1 point that Shen Qianli had filled in. He widened his eyes, looked at Shen Qianli's dazzling blond hair, and a noble temperament, silently retracted his shocked chin, and muttered, it turned out to be a Poor!
Almost two minutes into the game, Shen Qianli got up and left.

Xia Yuanzhi saw that the players in the arena were fighting on par with Mo Zhi, so he also followed with a left uppercut and a right kick. Seeing that player had the upper hand and Shen Qianli was about to leave, he even shouted: "Brother, you Wherever you go, you almost won the bet, and the exchange panel will come out later, you have to stay in your position."

Almost won?
Shen Qianli shook his head and said lightly: "He is going to lose."

The receipt in Shen Qianli's hand was useless, so she threw it away without any hassle, leaving Xia Yuanzhi with a back view.

"What a weird person..." Xia Yuanzhi muttered in a low voice when he saw the bill fell on the ground, and saw Shen Qianli's figure almost walk out of the crowd.

Suddenly someone patted the head from behind, "Fuck, it's the next game, who won just now?? Hey, where are you looking!"

Xia Yuanzhi's friend was much older than him, a bearded uncle, and they knew each other very well, so Xia Yuanzhi wasn't angry when someone slapped him on the head.

Xia Yuanzhi scratched his head and said, "I didn't look anywhere, but there was a very strange person, he was very poor and only bet 1 point, well, he just left, and he said that player was going to lose."

Thanks to the new friend Doubleheartbaby for the 6 recommendation votes, thank you Bixin!Thank you for your support!

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