Missy, she has something to do. Is it true?

Chapter 129 Reality This Spot Is Really Auspicious

Chapter 129 Reality·This point is really auspicious

Shen Qianli's actions could not be said to be fast. When the evening came, she led a team of twelve people and quietly left from the base. Encountered star beasts on the road, according to their footsteps, they will soon reach the teleportation point.

Yes, there are teleportation points between bases.

Fan Fanyang also told her that if the teleportation point 016 is destroyed by a star beast, she must come back immediately, and must not be transferred to the second teleportation point, it is too dangerous, Shen Qianli promised that the twelve soldiers will come back safely .

When they left, it happened to be the scene of the sun setting, the setting sun was red, and there was a desolation outside the city gate. It was indescribably lonely and desolate. Is it really correct to put the responsibility on a young man who is only 20 years old? ?
Base conference room.

Gong Yu came in from the door, and Zhuge Luodi was looking at the screen to see off Shen Qianli, his only current disciple.

Gong Yu was still a little frightened at the thought of sending Shen Ling's heir out so boldly. He could see how dangerous Shen Qianli's plan was. The family was unfaithful, and joined forces with Zhuge Luo Mansion to murder the heir.

"Qianli has already set off." Gong Yu wiped his face. He had some doubts whether Zhuge Luodi guided Shen Qianli to make the decision, and said in a deep voice, "Senior Colonel Zhuge, do you think it's okay for Qianli to do this?"

"She's very smart." Zhuge Luodi's voice was flat, he turned around and looked at the tall man with heavy eyes.

He was a head short in front of Gong Yu, and his physique was rather weak, just like the Zhuge family, their brains were too smart, but their bodies were weak, anyway, they couldn't even beat low-level star beasts, so they could fight the five scums properly.

Shen Qianli gave him a surprise.

Zhuge Luodi did not continue the conversation on this topic, but instead said: "Do you know why General Shen Ling has his current status?"

Of course it is powerful! ——This is where Gong Yu trusts his idol so much, the word Shen Ling represents supreme power.

Zhuge Luodi looked at him with quiet eyes, and Gong Yu was speechless. Seeing Zhuge Luodi go to the sofa and sit down, he said solemnly: "Of course the status of General Shen Ling is because of his strength. He is the hero of the entire Federation!"

"Heh." Zhuge Luodi laughed. He rubbed his forehead with one hand, and the indescribable chuckle was thought-provoking. Gong Yu's face was a little displeased. Zhuge Luodi didn't agree with General Shen Ling's strength. ?Or did he feel that General Shen Ling was not worthy of the word hero?
"You're half right. I think it's because General Shen Ling climbed up from the bottom."

Zhuge Luodi didn't have much contact with General Shen Ling, because he and Gong Dafu were friends, especially after General Shen Ling retired to recuperate from his injuries, there were even fewer places he came into contact with.But Zhuge Luodi also studied Shen Ling, and finally came to a conclusion: his background made him more fearless than anyone else, and he had faith in his heart, so he became a great hero of all mankind.

"When Shen Linghengkong was born, there were two marshals in the Federation, including dozens of legion commanders and lords. He was so upright. He was out of place in the world where political seekers played with power, and he had few friends. Of course, it was because He has strength, so it doesn't matter if he is a little arrogant and condescending, his name is destined to resound throughout the Federation, and even the galaxies of other countries. Naturally, he doesn't have to please these nobles, or even powerful people, maybe they still want to see his face! Feeling afraid of Shen Ling... If you had a perfect political opponent like General Shen Ling, would you not be able to sleep every night?"

"But General Shen Ling is dead."

Zhuge Luodi felt that it was a pity that General Shen Ling died too early.

"The current situation of the Nineteenth Army can only be described in four words: lingering."

"Do you know what I saw in Shen Qianli?"

Gong Yu was still thinking about when did General Shen Ling's arrogance and contemptuousness happen, and the topic suddenly came back to Shen Qianli, and he couldn't change it for a while, but Zhuge Luodi didn't ask Gong Yu to answer him, he was asking himself Answering, with a sudden look in his eyes, he said, "I saw an existence that was about to surpass General Shen Ling."

Shen Qianli will surpass General Shen Ling.

Gong Yu didn't believe it, and felt that Zhuge Luodi had exaggerated Shen Qianli too much, General Shen Ling was number one in his mind, no one could surpass him, not even his heir!

Gong Yu said with a bad face: "Colonel Zhuge, Shen Qianli may have the demeanor of General Shen Ling, but what you said is too exaggerated, be careful to slap yourself in the face."

"Major General Gong is worrying too much. A statement from my Zhuge family is not true. Since the major general thinks it is impossible, let's look at it in two days." It's the same, no need to argue about these.

Originally, Zhuge Luodi was still a bit confused about Shen Qianli, but he suddenly saw it clearly on the screen just now, and changed his mind instantly. Maybe when Shen Qianli triumphantly returned, his identity would change. His future master, Shen Qianli is the only one.

"Major General, let's go, I'm going back." Zhuge Luo Di was satisfied with today's harvest, and said goodbye to Gong Yu with a smile, and prepared to go back to his place to deal with military affairs, leaving Gong Yu alone. Make a sound, Zhuge Luodi is in a happy mood, this elm head, a martial artist, how can he see through it?

"Hehe, wonderful, wonderful."

Zhuge Luodi clapped his hands and walked all the way back to his place. Everyone who saw his behavior felt that he was muttering again and wondered if he had fallen ill again?

Shen Qianli, who was far away, didn't know that he had gained a diehard loyalist.

Her target is the 017 base.

The 017 base is different from the 016 base. It is a pure material operation center. It is not close to the 016 base. On the contrary, it is far away.

People like to call it the dock, but don't like to call it the 017 base, because it is too close to the 016 base, which is unlucky.

On the other hand, it can be seen that the current status of the [-]th Army is really low. Without the rise of Shen Qianli, Shen Qianli can't stand it, especially knowing that a large number of military funds from Heiyun base have arrived in the past two days. At the pier, she decisively brought people over to take back everything that belonged to the [-]th Army!
They are so lucky that even God is taking care of them.

016 Teleportation point has not been destroyed.

"...too much grass, it took a lot of time to find it." The captain who spoke was a little blushing, why is there so much grass, isn't it because he has never delivered military supplies from the dock?

Normal, not used often, no grass?

Shen Qianli ignored the bitterness in the hearts of these soldiers. Her hair was tied up in small knots, and she had no image at all. She sat grinningly on the grass, holding the dog's tail grass in her mouth, and scratched the mosquito bag on her face.

When she heard that she had found it, she immediately looked up at the sky, the moon was dark and the wind was high, she was very satisfied: this point is really auspicious.Good luck!
(End of this chapter)

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