Missy, she has something to do. Is it true?

Chapter 131 The Reality She Stopped Pretending

Chapter 131 Reality·She Stops Pretending
If someone dared to arrest Shen Qianli and lock him up, Shen Qianli would definitely punch a hole in that person's head.

Shi Qingzhou, what did he think of Gu Lang?
Shen Qianli is a little regretful that these two are not the protagonists in the game, otherwise she can gossip about their love and hatred. From the side, Shen Qianli is too young, she has never experienced love to the bone but can't get it love.

Under her paintbrush, Shi Qingzhou's face was outlined bit by bit, and finally stained with red dye to color his lips, the finishing touch is like the finishing touch, the person in the painting is like a banished fairy coming to life, very similar, very similar Two points are beautiful.

Looking at the people in the painting, Shen Qianli suddenly felt that Shi Qingzhou's indifference was also an attitude.

"It's very well drawn."

Shi Qingzhou didn't know when he came to Shen Qianli's side, saw himself in the painting, and praised him softly.

"You are better than your master."

Where is Shen Qianli's unlucky master... The corners of her mouth twitched secretly, her eyelids lowered, and she said modestly: "Mr. Shi is exaggerating. I am just an apprentice. Do you like this painting?"

"I like it, of course I like it." Shi Qingzhou raised his hand to touch the blank area of ​​the drawing paper, the paint was not completely dry yet.

His eyes looked at the drawn self, like looking in a mirror, he saw the costume on his body, he didn't know what he recalled, and said, "Do you think I'm belittling myself?"

"???" Can I hear this story?

Shen Qianli was afraid that Gu Lang would come back, she seemed to be losing her ears.

Shen Qianli looked around and found that there was no one. She didn't know if it was hidden in the dark or there was really no one. She made a puzzled expression, and at the same time shrank a little, and said in a low voice: "Mr. Shi... you, you are here Are you having a good time here?"

Living in such a big old castle, with so many servants, eating and sleeping every day, no need to worry about life, no need to worry about being exposed to the wind and sun, living on the streets, and no need to worry about being eaten by star beasts one day. For the suffering people, Shi Qingzhou had a great time.

"No, I'm very happy."

Shi Qingzhou gave an unexpected answer, and Shen Qianli couldn't understand him anymore.

Simply silent.

Anyway, she is stupid and can't say anything good.

"Sanli, do you have someone you like?" Shi Qingzhou asked again, it seems that he may have been depressed for too long today and wanted to chat with someone.

Sanli...ah no, Shen Qianli has it.

"I'll tell you the truth." Her brows were stained with obvious sadness, as if she was recalling the beautiful person in her memory, she slowly smiled unconsciously, and said, "Mr. Shi, there is a person I like very much in my heart." , I fell in love with him at first sight.”

...It's right to see the color.


When Shi Qingzhou heard the word love at first sight, he was a little dazed, and Gu Lang also fell in love with him at first sight.

Shen Qianli saw that he wanted to listen, so she said a little more, anyway, it was made up: "His name is Xiaozhao, and he is a very good person. We met in an orphanage. He is weak. I was reluctant to let him stay alone, afraid that he would think wildly by himself. In fact, I did so much work in the orphanage so that the two of us could live in the orphanage well. I protected him for ten years in a flash. When he became an adult, I told him I wanted to marry him, and he turned me down."

Shi Qingzhou: "..."

He looked at Shen Qianli and suddenly didn't know what to say to comfort him.

Shi Qingzhou thought that Sanli was a man and Xiaozhao was a woman.

Sanli's sweetheart doesn't like him, so he is a bit miserable, especially after taking care of Xiaozhao for so many years and relying on each other, he was rejected, so sad.

Shen Qianli did not ignore the sympathy in Shi Qingzhou's eyes, and Mr. Shi also believed in this kind of story, it seemed that he was very simple.She had some calculations in her heart and continued: "I later found out that Xiaozhao was sick and didn't want to hurt me, a poor boy, so he rejected my marriage proposal. I knew the truth, but I couldn't get any closer. Xiaozhao, he doesn't want to hurt me, I will only make him unhappy if I continue to approach him, I hope Xiaozhao can be safe and sound, and I also know his intentions, if he wants to see me live well, then I will Let him have a good time and let him rest assured."

This is a story of mutual understanding and mutual fulfillment.

Sanli has guarded his sweetheart for ten years, and he is about to achieve a positive result, but his sweetheart is sick and doesn't want to drag him down, so he rejects him.

And for the peace of mind of his sweetheart, Sanli also tried his best to live his own life and satisfy what she wanted to see.

Shi Qingzhou noticed the key point: "Miss Xiaozhao, how much does it cost for treatment?"

"If you are embarrassed to take it, I can lend it to you."

How considerate.

How understanding.

Shen Qianli: "????"

She couldn't say Shen Zhaoga's words.

Just when Shen Qianli was looking for some excuse to decline Shi Qingzhou's kindness, a servant came over and told: Master Lang is back.


"You're back?"

When Qingzhou went to the living room, he saw the man who was going to come back late appeared in the room, his eyes lit up, he could check over and over again if Gu Lang loved him, but nothing was more real than seeing him in front of his own eyes , he may really love this man so badly.

Thanks to Shi Qingzhou's blessing, Shen Qianli met this Lord Lang.

Gu Lang is very young, with sharp-edged face, black and flying eyebrows, proudly straight; his burning eyes, just looking at you calmly, will give you the illusion of infatuated staring; the bridge of the nose is high, and the lips are thick, adding a little Sexy... is a mature and attractive man.

"A-Lang." Shi Qingzhou's eyes sparkled, and he was a little more lively in front of Gu Lang. If it wasn't for the presence of an outsider like Shen Qianli, he might go up and hug Gu Lang to feel his presence.

Gu Lang's dark eyes swept across Shen Qianli's face, and then became gentle, took Shi Qingzhou's hand, and said to him: "Qingzhou, I want to drink the fish soup you made tonight."


Shi Qingzhou was distracted by Gu Lang.

Shen Qianli was sure that Gu Lang knew his identity.

She stopped pretending.

The timidity disappeared, and Shen Qianli's eyes became lazy. He put the easel in his hand aside, walked over, and sat opposite Gu Lang. She looked at him at the same level, full of momentum, and said: " Master Lang, it seems that your news is quite fast."

This also explained why the man came back at night, but suddenly came back during the day.

"Are you worried about Mr. Shi?"

Shen Qianli chuckled, she looked into Gu Lang's eyes, wondering if she was laughing at how funny he looked at people so closely.

Master Lang, what do you want from Mr. Shi?

Shen Qianli didn't say what was on his mind, and was amazed: "I think it's pitiful for you to lock him up here, and you have sent so many people to watch him. I just stepped into this door and you received the news Come back in a hurry, wow, is this necessary?"

Shen Qianli covered his mouth exaggeratedly, and then said meaningfully: "Or, Lord Lang, your weakness is this man?"

(End of this chapter)

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