He wants to live.

It's not about getting stronger.

Nor is it to follow the legendary sun god.

Shen Qianli narrowed her eyes slightly, she frowned slightly, and finally saw this slug in her eyes, this kid is not bad, not crooked, he can be regarded as a high-quality character in NPC, do you want to rely on these little bones to save the world in the end? ?
"How old are you."

"Eight years old."

"I am nine years old."

"11 years old!"

"I am 12 years old!"


Gu Lang is different from Shen Qianli, he hasn't figured out where he is yet.

There is no night here, and under the sunshine, the palace looks even more resplendent. In front of you is a grand palace that is unparalleled in the world. The palace really looks like it is made of gold, silver and jewels. The golden tiles, red gates, magnificent, and There are luxurious palaces inside that are also resplendent and glittering, dazzling, flying pavilions, and majestic.

Generally speaking, the whole palace is full of brilliance, extremely prosperous and noble, and full of grandeur.


In the empty palace, there is only ice-cold solemnity.

——Civilization has created palaces, but it is not so easy to create nobles and kings.

So, what does it mean he's here?
Gu Lang has been looking for the exit for the past few days. The palace is too big, and he didn't finish it. Maybe he didn't find the key place, so he couldn't get out here until he opened the long coral window just now: there is a back garden outside the window. , all kinds of exotic flowers and plants, very bright and beautiful, and there are sixteen flower trees, tall and handsome.

At the beginning of summer at this time, the wind blows and the flowers fall, and thousands of flowers are laid on the ground. Only the backyard is like the first snow falling, which is unparalleled in beauty!
The system finally has a prompt: [Congratulations to player number 176545 for finding the remains of the gods. You can choose to inherit the position of the gods and stay here, or you can choose to give up the inheritance and return to the place where you were born, so as to prevent you from being unclear about the power of the gods. Tell me, the Sun God is the only god in the world with the power of "hotness". He can dispel darkness and bring light and fire to mankind. It is a symbol of the beginning of human civilization. After inheriting the position of the Sun God, you will Become one of the gods in the world. 】

【Choose Inheritance】【Give Up Inheritance】

Two options appeared in midair.

Gu Lang is no longer a child. He has passed the age where he needs to listen to fairy tales to grow up, but he is a man of profound knowledge. In the federal school system, he graduated with full marks on the history of civilization evolution. As an outstanding student , He knew that the name of the sun god in Western history was Helios, the son of Hyperion and Theia, the brother of the moon god Selene and the dawn goddess Eos, the incarnation and personification of the sun, and the The real sun god with the chariot of the sun.

The image of Helios is a tall, burly, handsome and beardless man, wearing a purple robe and a radiant golden crown.

He drives a sun chariot with four fire horses across the sky every day, bringing light to the world.

Become one of the gods! !

This temptation was indeed great, but Gu Lang did not lose his mind.

The Western Greek god system is complete.

A crystal card will not appear for no reason, an excessively powerful crystal card!
Gu Lang clearly knew that the gods of the West and the gods of the East would compete with each other. The ancient Greek civilization in the West had gods, and the ancient civilization in the East also had gods...

At present, no crystal cards such as gods have appeared. Coincidentally, the appearance of the power of the sun god has confirmed his bold conjecture: Suppose, after he chooses to give up the inheritance, he goes out from the game, and it is very likely that he will get a Zhang Jingka, the power above is "Helios", the real sun god.

Gu Lang's research on games is no less than that of Shen Zhao and the others. He even knows that crystal cards have sets of crystal cards. Thinking about a set of crystal cards composed of all gods, it makes people's hearts so hot!

He's going to get it!
Gu Lang didn't dare to breathe hard, and made the choice of [Give up the inheritance].

He can't stay in the game, even if the assumption of this crystal card may be wrong, he will not choose to inherit...

He wants to get out of here alive.


"Does the sun god really exist?" Shen Qianli was also thinking about this question.

It is said that there is a palace of the sun god in the City of Hope, but no one has seen it with their own eyes, and no pictures have been handed down, so it is not convincing!This is the reason why Shen Qianli's mind was jumping sideways repeatedly. She patted the back of her hand on the palm of her hand, yes, it was not convincing, and even hypnosis could not fix her own thinking. This is a flaw!
Shen Qianli had never heard stories when she was a child.

She didn't know the sun god Helios and the sun mother Xihe.

The prototype of Xihe was first seen in the "Shan Hai Jing Da Huang Nan Jing": "Beyond the southeast sea, between Ganshui, there is the country of Xi He. There is a woman named Xi He, who bathes in Gan Yuan every day. , Di Jun's wife, born ten days old."

In the wilderness, there is a mountain named Tiantai Mountain, and the sea water flows into this mountain from the south.Beyond the East China Sea, between Ganshui and Ganshui, there is the Kingdom of Xihe.Here there is a woman named Xihe who is bathing in the sun in Ganyuan.Xihe, the wife of Di Jun, gave birth to ten suns.

So Xihe first appeared in front of people in the image of Rimu.

It is undeniable that she is the creator of human light and the supreme god in sun worship.

As long as Shen Qianli has been to school, she can know that this is not a trap set by the game but a real god.

Of course, the power of a real god can overwhelm mountains and destroy the world. The game can’t do that. It’s already very good to be able to reproduce one-tenth of the power of a god. To reach ten, it depends on the summoner. myself.

After the little monkeys finished eating the baked potatoes, they squatted beside Shen Qianli, looking at her hair with adoring eyes, wow, wow, wow.

"The Sun God lives in the tallest palace in the north. Lord Sanli, how tall is the tallest? Will it be taller someday?"

"Does the sun god have two heads and four hands? He must be very strong and able to protect everyone from being eaten by sand monsters!"

"Master Sanli, you live with the Sun God every day, can't you tell him that the sun is not so powerful? We all have no water to drink!"

"Master Sanli, when will you return to the sky, can I visit you?"



Shen Qianli's head grew bigger.

How do I know how many heads and hands the sun god has?How do I know how tall the palace is?Why do I tell the Sun God's sun not to be so powerful?How do I know that I used to live in the sky! ?

Really, challenge my temper.

"Shh." Shen Qianli closed her eyes, then opened her eyes and put her finger on her lips in a booing gesture, signaling that she was going to sleep.

"..." Everyone didn't dare to speak, and silently found a place to curl up and sleep together.

"Master Sanli..." Only the little monkey, looking at Shen Qianli with his arms folded on his chest, his eyes closed and his head tilted, slept for a long time, afraid that "he" would disappear when he closed his eyes, so long that he would fall asleep whenever he fell asleep. have no idea--

Today he met the god who saved him in his life.

The existence of "him" is as dazzling as the sun god, and will always be in my memory and immortal.

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