Missy, she has something to do. Is it true?

Chapter 153 Is there any partner in reality?

Chapter 153 Reality·Is there a sexual partner?

Here, Base 016.

It has been eleven days since Shen Qianli lost contact.

"Is there still no news from her even though she's thousands of miles away? How many days has it been?" Gong Yu rushed to the military machine room as soon as he returned from the clearing operation, and Zhuge Luodi was also there, which was rare.

Gong Yu glanced at him, and he couldn't help it. After all, he was his disciple. Forget it, he was too lazy to tease him and give him some face.

According to the team of 13 people who came back, Shen Qianli prevented them from contacting them in the "Ant" plan, and told them not to worry about anything but to bring back military supplies... The mission was executed very well and smoothly. The people in the team were inexplicably in awe: It’s really awesome, the leader seems to predict it! !
Everyone was so relieved about Shen Qianli and had forgotten that she was a new officer. Now she was fine. Everyone in the regiment had food to eat, but the regiment leader didn't know where he was.

What if something happens?
bah bah bah.

Gong Yu, once the military resources matter is resolved, he will have nothing to do. Moreover, after Shen Qianli lost contact, he began to carry out the star beast elimination operation. Later, he simply went on the field in person, and did not kill to vent his sullenness. He probably To explode.

There is another reason why Gong Yu is so anxious: "He Yu said they will arrive at the base tonight."

"Didn't Qianli say she was a...player?" Gong Yu didn't understand, and he didn't know the danger involved. Anyway, someone who understands is coming soon. "We'll ask He Yu more clearly when they arrive to see if Qianli has entered the game. ”

What game, players, crystal cards... Summoner.

It doesn't take long to figure it out.

"It's good to come."

There are more urgent matters at the moment.

The Vice-President of the Palace let out a long sigh, not sure if he was relieved or not. He raised his hand and rubbed his temples. His eyes were a little dry and stinging. He couldn't help but think that his illness was due to his old age and his body could not bear it.

He relieved his fatigue and said in a deep voice: "Gong Yu, have you figured out where the star beast's lair is? Since Shen Zhao has arrived, I think the legion's support will arrive soon. As soon as it arrives, we must cooperate with them as soon as possible." Clean up the star beast nest and give an explanation to the people."

"The succession of the commander of the [-]th Army is a big deal. Although Qianli did not take part in this battle, we must wash away the shame of the [-]th Army being almost wiped out by the Star Beast. We must fight well and win well! We must also let the entire empire know , the lion regiment of the Nineteenth Army finally wakes up amidst the deep, bell-like roar of a lion!"


Gong Yu had not been so excited for a long time. The Lion King was dead and the new Lion King was still a cub. Those who were left behind by the old Lion King would try their best to support the new Lion King. He said excitedly : "When Qianli comes back, I will give her something like...a new born Nineteenth Army!"

He also wanted to say that the [-]th Army had a second spring.

Afraid that Gong Dafu would beat him.

But it’s still full of energy!


He Yu said he would arrive tonight.

It's really unambiguous.

Their boss compressed the time for two days and rushed to the Black Cloud Border 016 base first!

"General Shen Ling of the 001th Army, the honorary warship No. S[-] requested to land. Please give instructions after receiving it!"

The captain's ship of General Shen Ling.

"It's the captain's ship!"

"Oh my God!" How many people burst into tears. The [-]th Army has not received a landing application from the regimental commander's ship for a long time!

"We're finally here!" As soon as the ship door opened, He Yu was the first to walk down and stretched. The haggard look on his face was not much worse than that of Fan Fanyang.

Fan Fanyang was in charge of reception.

"Hey, Colonel Fan!" He Yu smiled, bared his big teeth, and raised his hand towards Fan Fanyang affectionately, "Why haven't we seen each other for a long time? We have aged a lot."

"Hello, Lieutenant."

Fan Fanyang's face was haggard and his eyes were black and blue, as if he had been sucked dry by a goblin.

This was not the first time that he and He Yu had dealt with each other, so when faced with He Yu's fierce enthusiasm, he felt no emotion at all. He even wanted to punch him on the smiling face. He suppressed his violent thoughts and calmly stretched out his hand. Both sides shook hands.

"Where's your boss?"

"The deputy captain has something to discuss with Colonel Shen."

Of course, Gong Yu and Zhuge Luodi also have something to do.Fan Fanyang simply asked them to sit together.

It's late at night and there are so many people.

"Is there anything we can't talk about tomorrow?" He Yu took a look at the situation in the base. The guards were strict and orderly, and it felt pretty good.It should be that Shen Qianli's arrival alleviated the star beast crisis, and now it seems to have gained popularity, but it is still far behind General Shen Ling's Nineteenth Army.

"Colonel Fan, why didn't you see Shen Qianli?"

It shouldn't be, the boss has come smelling it, there's no way Shen Qianli wouldn't be enthusiastic about the boss.

"Oh, the thing you asked about if you can talk about it tomorrow is about the leader."

Fan Fanyang had no expression on his face. He raised his hand to take a picture of He Yu's arm on his body. When he saw Shen Zhao getting off the warship, he strode over and said, "Colonel Shen, the deputy commander is waiting for you in the military aircraft room."

In the dark night, Shen Zhao was a little sleepy.

He was not wearing a military uniform, but simply wore a shirt. The collar of the white shirt was slightly open. His whole person was docile and quiet. When he heard Fan Fanyang's words, he nodded to him, "Okay."

"Lead the way." Shen Zhao's voice was low, magnetic, hoarse, lazy, and sexy.

"...Please come with me." His ears were tingling!
Fan Fanyang met Shen Zhao, the adopted son of General Shen Ling, a long time ago.

Shen Zhao's appearance is famous for being beautiful, cool, gentle and harmless, and his temperament is like the gentle breeze in spring. Just standing there is a scenery that one will never tire of...

Okay, Shen Zhao himself, he is a little tired at this time.

Fan Fanyang admitted that he was really straight.

The unparalleled Shen Zhao didn't notice Fan Fanyang's subtle changes, his mind was empty.

Who is he.

What is he going to do.

Why don't you sleep at night?

Tsk, Shen Qianli... isn't here.


Military aircraft room.Because it was dark, all the lights were turned on.

"Hello, Deputy Commander Gong."

He Yu and the others followed Shen Zhao.

The two sides meet.

"Hahaha, you guys are here."

When Gong Yu saw He Yu, he immediately laughed and stepped forward to pat him on the shoulder. He squeezed the muscles of his arm with a smile, "Okay! Good boy, it's been a while since we last met, and you're already so strong. How about it?" , have you found a partner?"

"I remember you are older than Xiaowu, right?"

"You have to hurry up! If I didn't have a daughter, I would have taken you home to be my son-in-law! Hahaha, hahaha!"

"Hehe, hehe." He Yu laughed a few times, his shoulders were slapped so hard that his bones creaked.

Why is Colonel Gong here? He has met his match.

Do you have a sex partner?

Good guy, I can't avoid you even if I avoid my mother!
He Yu quickly said: "It's getting late, let's make a long story short, there are still a lot of things to do tomorrow, Xiao Wu! Xiao Wu, here are the information I asked you to collect!...Ahaha, you all want to go further about the game. Let’s understand it, right?”

"That's right!" Gong Yu clapped his hands and almost forgot about the business, "Come on, come on, tell us."

He Yu and Wu Yingzan stayed and successfully opened the topic. These are all elders, and their status as the boss is a bit embarrassing. Putting aside these things, it depends on the two of them whether they can get closer through official business tonight!
The two of them took out a few pieces of information, and the first thing tonight was to explain everything about the game, the arena, and the crystal cards.

Gong Dafu glanced at Shen Zhao, stood up, and took the lead to walk to another room.

(End of this chapter)

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