Missy, she has something to do. Is it true?

Chapter 155 Real love is so blind

Chapter 155 Reality·Love is blind

Shen Zhao: "..."

The name his father gave him, Zhao, Mingye, means to illuminate the surroundings and illuminate others... He has been taught like this since he was a child, to be a bright and beautiful person, and to be positive.

Shen Zhao was silent.


Gong Dafu laughed enough, and then he patted his thigh and said, "I lost my temper. Please forgive me. After all, I haven't been this happy for a long time." Shen Ling died, and he was really not happy anymore.

"You are right, your father has great expectations for you."

Gong Dafu stood up and paused when he walked to Shen Zhao. Thinking of his physical condition, he didn't take his hand off Shen Zhao's shoulder. "Let's go, I'll take you back to sleep."

The person in the other room who stayed up all night: "???"

Gong Dafu walked leisurely on the road, feeling happy in his heart. According to Shen Ling's usual style, the word "zhao" must mean looking at himself in the mirror. After all, he is not that well-educated.

Shen Zhao this child.

These comrades have all seen it.

Maybe Shen Zhao forgot what happened when he was a child.

When he was a child, he only hid in Shen Ling's arms, gloomy and pitiful.

time flies.

Gong Dafu looked at the onion-like young man next to him and smiled happily, Shen Zhao, you just need to follow your father's expectations and look at yourself in the mirror.

See how much better you are now and how much better you will become in the future.

Gong Dafu: Lehehe, hehe, hehe.

Shen Zhao, who has a keen eye, said: "..."

Sure enough, there was something wrong with the name my father chose!

That's not what it means. What does it mean?

So in the middle of the night, Luo Huaimin, who had slept well, received the order from his boss. His tone was as cold as ever, and it seemed a bit colder tonight.

Shen Zhao: "Aren't you the best in ancient literature? Go check to see if my name has any other funny meanings..."

Luo Huaimin: "???" What?

I woke up immediately!

Old Bridge Bean Sack, you haven’t said anything yet but who is laughing at you!

the next morning.

He Yu and the others stayed up all night.

On the other side, Shen Qianli also just came out of the game forum.

The servant told her that the meal was not moved at all on Qingzhou.

"I see."

Shen Qianli's eyes were bloodshot. He hadn't worked so hard for someone else in a long time.Ever since she came out of the game and opened her eyes, she hasn't closed her eyes for a whole day and a night. If something happened to Gu Lang in the game, she is the most responsible. If she hadn't been willful and reckless, Gu Lang would not have been killed, and Shi Qingzhou would not have lost him.

She went to the game forum and asked if the players who failed the game could be saved...

1233 is also really avoiding suspicion. For a system that usually has such a big mouth, it gritted its teeth tightly and refused to disclose any information.

However, its attitude showed that there was still a way to save it, but she hadn't found it yet.

Shen Qianli knocked on the door and whispered: "When Shi Qingzhou came out to eat, you haven't eaten anything for a day and a night."

"Gu Lang is dead. You can't accompany him to die for his love." Shen Qianli leaned against the door, pretending to be relaxed. In fact, she couldn't be relaxed at all. She said, "What if you starve to death now, I will Gu Lang was saved? How can I compensate him for a wife? "

"Can you save him?"

Hearing Gu Lang, Shi Qingzhou reacted.

Shi Qingzhou opened the door.

"Not yet." Shen Qianli folded his arms and leaned against the wall. He was also very hungry and pretended to be relaxed. "By the way, I forgot to formally get to know you."

"My name is Shen Qianli. I am the new commander of the [-]th Army. I am also a high-level player of [Survival Game]. Gu Lang knows my identity. He made a deal with me and cooperated to enter the game."

"I don't think Gu Lang will tell you about the game. The game's magnetic field gives priority to covering the star systems with large populations. There are very few players on Black Cloud Star, let alone improving the game. Gu Lang wants to enter the level-up game and form a team. Players in the game will recommend nearby high-profile players, and my identity should have been revealed to him by the game."

Teaming up with high-level players can increase the pass rate.

The game has good intentions in order to allow everyone to level up (fuck, cross it out, it’s just deception).

Shen Qianli: "I discovered on the first day I came here that you have a machine in your house that interferes with the game's magnetic field. Gu Lang is protecting you."

"He doesn't want you to enter the game."

Shen Qianli's home, Siji Yunding Apartment, also has the same magnetic field interference machine.

But didn’t she still enter the game?
It shows that this thing is not very useful, and what is supposed to come will still come, sooner or later.

Sure enough, love is blind - Shi Qingzhou only knows a little about the game. If Gu Lang is not there one day, Shi Qingzhou will enter the game!
Shen Qianli opened her collar so that Shi Qingzhou could see her tattoo: "After you become a player, after you clear the game twice, your game number will be marked on everyone's body. With this number, you can enter the game forum."

"The forum has everything."

"Then, how to save A Lang?!"

Shi Qingzhou's eyes lit up, as if he saw a little hope.

Shen Qianli spread his hands and said, "I didn't find it."


The hope in his eyes suddenly disappeared.

Shen Qianli quickly comforted him, "Don't be so frustrated. Just because you can't find a method now doesn't mean you won't find it forever. There are crystal cards with various powers in the game. There will always be one that can save Gu Lang."

Think about it, if Shen Zhao died in the game, she would still be desperate. Maybe she would be even crazier than Shi Qingzhou and tear down the game?Smash it, blow it up?
"So. If you want to save Gu Lang, you must use the power of the game!"

"I think you have to stay with me."

Shen Qianli felt a little guilty.

One second she was thinking of Shen Zhao, and the next second she decided to take a man home... However, she was doing this out of loyalty, and definitely not because she had any shady concern for her male sister-in-law!
What if Shi Qingzhou enters the game and dies as soon as she steps forward?
She could say that there would be a way to save Gu Lang because the game Gu Lang entered was his own level-up game.

Ordinary copies are really dead when they die.

There should be something special about the level-up game, but I can't explain it.

There is an intuition...

Shen Qianli didn't know if what he was thinking was right. It would be great if Shen Zhao was here. He would definitely have a way.


Shi Qingzhou did not say whether he agreed or not.

Shen Qianli advised: "Although I may not be able to protect you, I still can't leave you here alone. If you can't trust me, there is also Shen Zhao. Have you heard of Shen Zhao? He is the third A group of gamers (she guessed), and the people under him are better than me."

Agree quickly, I'm afraid Gu Lang will come to ask for my life in the middle of the night.

Shi Qingzhou glanced at Shen Qianli, turned around and walked back to the room. Within a few minutes, he took out Gu Lang's star brain. He said, "A Lang knew that something might happen to him and had already made arrangements. He is from the Gu family. Head of the family, now that everyone is gone, I want to go back to the Gu family and give this to my grandfather."

(End of this chapter)

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