fiery white rose

Chapter 243 Gifts

Chapter 243 Gifts
In the heart of Mu Xiaoxi's mother, she understands that true happiness comes from the warmth of family, the care of family and the company of her lover.She hopes that her daughter can find these precious things in marriage instead of being deceived by vanity and wealth.

She decided to face the hypocritical concern of these relatives with a calm and rational attitude.She will not let their words and actions affect her definition and pursuit of happiness.She will continue to care for and support her daughter. No matter how her marriage changes, she will stand by her daughter and give her real warmth and support.

Mu Xiaoxi's mother knows very well that money cannot replace true love and happiness. She will use her firm belief and love to protect her daughter so that she can find true happiness and satisfaction in this rich and complicated world.Regardless of whether she has wealth or not, she is more concerned about whether her daughter is happy and surrounded by love.This is her most important mission as a mother, and she will use her actions to interpret it.

After the relatives left Mu Xiaoxi's house, some of them looked like they were leaving quickly. They hurried to their vehicles or took a taxi to leave.The wealthy marriage in front of them brought them an opportunity. They planned to go home and find some gifts to curry favor with the Mu Xiaoxi family in advance, hoping to share some of the benefits of being rich.

A relative hurried to his vehicle with a sly smile.He counted the time in his mind, hoping to go home as soon as possible and buy some luxury goods as gifts.He believed that such a move would please his wealthy daughter-in-law and her husband and gain some special treatment for himself.

Another relative hurriedly opened his mobile phone and searched the website of a high-end brand.His mind was filled with Mu Xiaoxi's luxurious wedding and her husband's wealth.He thought that if he could give him an expensive gift, maybe they would be closer to him and even give him some financial help.

Another relative stood hurriedly on the roadside with cash in his hand.He planned to find a high-end store to pick out some brand-name clothing or jewelry for Mu Xiaoxi and her husband.He was full of expectations, hoping that such a move would make them pay more attention to and value him.

They rushed home eagerly in order to show their flattery and flattery to Mu Xiaoxi and her husband as soon as possible.They believe in the power of money and luxury goods and hope to gain some special treatment and attention through these.

These relatives were full of expectations on their way home. They were eager to show their vanity and luxury in front of Mu Xiaoxi and her husband.They hope that through such performance, they can occupy a place in the family of a wealthy daughter-in-law and gain some financial and status benefits.

However, they did not realize that Mu Xiaoxi's mother did not value these material things. She was more concerned about her daughter's happiness and inner satisfaction.Although these relatives intend to obtain some benefits through flattery and flattery, they do not truly understand the importance of family warmth and affection.

Family love cannot be replaced by money and luxury goods. Mu Xiaoxi's mother hopes that her daughter can find true love and happiness in marriage instead of being bound by material things.She will protect her daughter with her firm belief and love. No matter how tempted the outside world is, she will always stand by her daughter's side and give her real warmth and support.

Mu Xiaoxi's aunt returned home in a hurry. As soon as she entered the door, she hurriedly changed clothes and prepared to go out.Her husband frowned at her and asked in confusion: "What happened? Why are you in such a hurry?"

Her aunt hurriedly arranged her clothes while replying: "Haven't you heard? Mu Xiaoxi married into a wealthy family! Their family held a luxurious wedding, and I just went to attend it. We must hurry up and buy some expensive items. Gifts to show our blessings and support for them."

Her aunt's words made her husband even more anxious. He frowned and said, "Marrying into a rich family? This is not good news! How can you believe in these vanity things so easily? We should care about Mu Xiaoxi's happiness, and Not her husband’s wealth.”

Her aunt looked at her husband with some confusion, and continued to explain: "You don't understand, marrying into a rich family means that we can enjoy more benefits. If we can please Mu Xiaoxi and her husband, maybe they will give We have some help to make our lives better.”

After hearing her aunt's explanation, the husband shook his head even more anxiously: "Have you ever thought about it? Such flattery and flattery will only make us lose our dignity and respect for ourselves. We should respect Mu Xiaoxi's choice and her happiness. It’s not just about money and status, it’s about true love and affection.”

Her aunt's husband's words made her think deeply, and she began to reflect on her own actions and thoughts.She slowly realized that true happiness comes from inner satisfaction and the warmth of family, not from fawning and chasing material enjoyment.

After a moment of silence, her aunt put down the clothes in her hands, walked to her husband, and said softly: "You are right, I was wrong. We should support and care for Mu Xiaoxi, instead of being confused by vanity and interests. We will give Her true love and support have kept her happy in her new family."

Her aunt's husband smiled and held her hand, expressing his understanding and support for her.They understand that family warmth and affection are the most important, and they will treat Mu Xiaoxi and her family sincerely, and will give them real care and support regardless of whether they have the aura of a wealthy family or not.

With her husband's persuasion, her aunt gradually calmed down.She recognized the need for courtesy and decided to prepare some gifts as a sign of respect.She turned around, looked at her husband, and said firmly: "You are right, we should still prepare some gifts. This is a courtesy and an expression of our blessings to them. But we should not pursue vanity and material things too much. Instead, choose gifts that are sincere and meaningful.”

Her aunt's husband nodded in approval.He understood what her aunt meant. They should not only prepare gifts, but also choose gifts that could express sincerity and concern.He walked up to her aunt, patted her shoulder gently, and said, "Let's go shopping together. We can choose some gifts that suit their tastes and preferences, so that they can feel our care and blessings."

Her aunt smiled and nodded, looking at her husband gratefully.They understand that when facing a wealthy marriage, sincerity and concern are the most important.They decided to treat Mu Xiaoxi and her husband with sincerity, not just through gifts, but more importantly, by conveying sincere emotions.

They held hands and walked out of the house together, preparing to go to the mall to buy gifts.Their demeanor appeared calm and determined, no longer anxious or panicked.They know that preparing gifts is an expression of respect and courtesy, but more importantly, it conveys sincerity and care in the process.

In the shopping mall, they carefully select gifts, not pursuing luxury and expensiveness, but focusing on the meaning of the gift and its compatibility with the recipient.They discussed and asked each other, hoping to choose the most suitable gift.

Her aunt picked up an exquisite handicraft, looked at her husband and said, "This handicraft is very exquisite. It represents the unity and warmth of the family. It is suitable as a gift for them."

The husband nodded in agreement, and they also chose a book with profound meaning, hoping to bring wisdom and inspiration to Mu Xiaoxi and her husband.They no longer pursue luxury and ostentation, but focus on the connotation and emotional transmission of gifts.

After shopping, her aunt and her husband returned home with carefully selected gifts in their hands.They looked relaxed and content, knowing they had made the right choice.They understand that sincerity and concern are the most precious gifts. No matter whether they are wealthy or not, they will treat Mu Xiaoxi and her husband with love and sincerity, and give them their most sincere blessings and support.

Her aunt came to Mu Xiaoxi's mother's house full of expectations with carefully selected gifts.She rang the doorbell gently. After Mu Xiaoxi's mother opened the door, she looked at her aunt in surprise and asked, "Oh, her aunt, why are you here? Is there something wrong?"

Her aunt handed over the gift with a smile and said, "Auntie, this is a small gift I prepared for Mu Xiaoxi to marry into a wealthy family. I hope it can express our family's blessings and concern for her."

Mu Xiaoxi's mother took the gift, looked at her aunt with a little worry and said: "Her aunt, we appreciate your kindness, but you don't have to worry so much. Mu Xiaoxi marrying into a wealthy family does not mean that we need to live a high life. A luxurious life, we just hope she can be happy."

Her aunt shook her head gently and said firmly: "Auntie, this gift is not to show off or pursue luxury, but to express our care and blessing for Mu Xiaoxi. We don't care about the aura of a wealthy family. But I hope she can be happy and happy."

Mu Xiaoxi's mother felt her aunt's sincerity, and the worries in her heart gradually dissipated.She patted her aunt's hand gently and said gratefully: "Her aunt, thank you for your concern and blessings for Mu Xiaoxi, but our family does not need any material support. We hope she can have a happy life. Marriage, and happiness does not depend on wealth and status.”

After hearing what Mu Xiaoxi's mother said, her aunt smiled slightly and nodded to express her understanding.She understood that Mu Xiaoxi's mother was expressing concern for Mu Xiaoxi's true happiness, rather than pursuing external vanity and material things.

Her aunt said softly: "Auntie, I understand what you mean. Our whole family hopes that Mu Xiaoxi can find true happiness and not be bound by any external conditions. This gift is just our thoughts and blessings for her. I I hope you can accept it."

Mu Xiaoxi's mother pondered for a moment, then finally nodded and accepted her aunt's gift.She knew her aunt's sincerity and understood it as a courtesy and expression.

Her aunt and Mu Xiaoxi's mother sat down together, and they exchanged their expectations and blessings for Mu Xiaoxi.Her aunt expressed her care and support for Mu Xiaoxi, and Mu Xiaoxi's mother also thanked her aunt's family for their care and love for Mu Xiaoxi.

Their conversation was full of warmth and understanding, and they all hoped that Mu Xiaoxi could be happy in his new family.They understand that no matter whether they have the aura of a wealthy family or not, true happiness is based on family affection, care and sincerity.

Finally, her aunt and Mu Xiaoxi's mother drank tea and chatted together, sharing each other's mood and expectations.They gradually relaxed and smiled, showing an atmosphere of cordiality and friendliness.They understand and support each other and hope that Mu Xiaoxi can find happiness in marriage.

This conversation and interaction gave her aunt a better understanding of Mu Xiaoxi's family and values, and also made Mu Xiaoxi's mother feel the sincerity and kindness of her aunt's family.They realize that in marriage, material things are not the most important, but the transmission of sincerity and care.

Her aunt and Mu Xiaoxi's mother established a deeper emotional bond through the exchange of gifts.They decided to support each other in a close relationship and work together for Mu Xiaoxi's happiness.

When saying goodbye, her aunt and Mu Xiaoxi's mother hugged each other and blessed each other.Their expressions looked relaxed and gratified. They understood that gifts are just an expression of emotion, and true emotional connection is based on mutual understanding and support.

Her aunt walked out of Mu Xiaoxi's mother's house, filled with joy and hope.She understands that whether she prepares a gift or not, the most important thing is to convey sincerity and care.She decided to treat Mu Xiaoxi with sincerity and love in her marriage, and support her in finding true happiness.

The constant stream of gift-givers in front of Mu Xiaoxi's mother's house brought a lively and festive atmosphere to the whole family.Relatives, friends, neighbors and colleagues came to send blessings and gifts, showing their deep blessings and concern for Mu Xiaoxi and her family.

First, Mu Xiaoxi's relatives stepped into the house one after another, holding carefully wrapped gifts in their hands.They were dressed in costumes and greeted Mu Xiaoxi's mother with smiles on their faces.Relatives exchanged their blessings and expectations for Mu Xiaoxi with each other, conveying the warmth and unity of the family.

Later, Mu Xiaoxi's friends arrived one after another, bringing with them a variety of gifts, including exquisite bouquets, carefully crafted greeting cards, and some special small gifts.Friends laughed and talked with Mu Xiaoxi's mother, sharing their beautiful memories and blessings for Mu Xiaoxi.They recalled every bit of the past together, showing the sincerity and long-lasting friendship.

Not only relatives and friends, but also Mu Xiaoxi’s mother’s colleagues came to send their blessings.They brought a variety of carefully selected gifts, ranging from practical household items to high-end tea and gourmet food.Colleagues communicated with Mu Xiaoxi’s mother about work and life, wished each other well and expressed their gratitude to her.

In addition, Mu Xiaoxi’s mother’s neighbors were not absent either.They carry their own thoughts and bring homely gifts such as fruits, cakes and pastries.Neighbors talked enthusiastically with Mu Xiaoxi's mother, sharing the joy and concern among neighbors, filling the entire community with an atmosphere of warmth and unity.

Each gift-giver brought their own blessings and care, and their arrival made Mu Xiaoxi's mother feel extremely warm and grateful.She talked cordially with each gift-giver, expressing her gratitude and welcome to them.She accepted every gift, no matter how big or small, with a sincere smile and expressed her blessings and care for everyone.

The gift-givers came not only to give gifts, but also to share the joy and joy of this special moment with Mu Xiaoxi’s mother.They celebrated with Mu Xiaoxi's mother, savoring the warmth and joy together, making the whole scene permeated with a strong sense of humanity.

Mu Xiaoxi's mother felt the love and support from relatives, friends and neighbors.She understood that behind this gift were good wishes for her and Mu Xiaoxi, and she was sincerely grateful to every gift giver for their arrival and blessings.After the gift-givers left, Mu Xiaoxi's mother sat quietly on the sofa in the living room, recalling the scene of this day, and her heart was filled with gratitude and happiness.She deeply understood that the arrival of these gift-givers was not only to celebrate Mu Xiaoxi's happy event, but also to express their love and blessings for her and the entire family.

She realized that behind this endless trend of gift-giving lies the deep emotions and bonds between people.These gift-givers not only come to give gifts, but also convey their respect, blessings and deep friendship to her through gifts.Their arrival made her feel that she was not alone. She had the support and care of so many people, which made her feel warm and comforted.

Recalling the blessings and gifts from the people who gave them, Mu Xiaoxi's mother decided to give back to them with the same sincerity.She will keep every gift with care, cherish every blessing, and express her sincere gratitude to every gift giver at the right time.She hopes to convey her deep blessing and care to everyone through her actions.

Mu Xiaoxi's mother was sitting in the living room, feeling the festive atmosphere permeating the home.She understood that the arrival of these gift-givers was not only to celebrate Mu Xiaoxi's happy event, but also to share this joy and happiness with her.She was grateful to every gift-giver who came because they made this special moment even more memorable and beautiful.

The blessings and support from gift-givers made Mu Xiaoxi's mother more determined. She was determined to face the challenges and difficulties in life with a more positive attitude.She will use her own actions to repay the care and blessings of these gift-givers, and strive to create a warm and harmonious family environment so that every gift-giver can feel her sincere gratitude and selfless dedication.

Mu Xiaoxi's mother's heart was filled with gratitude. She hoped that these gift-givers could find happiness and happiness in their lives.She is determined to pass on this love and warmth, so that more people can feel this joy and care, and fill the world with more warmth and friendship.

After the gift-givers left, Mu Xiaoxi's mother sat quietly on the sofa, immersed in joy and gratitude.She understood that the arrival of these gift-givers was not only to celebrate Mu Xiaoxi's happy event, but also to express their love and blessings for her and the entire family.

She deeply understands that the arrival of these gift-givers is a precious gift, an affirmation and reward for her hard work and selfless dedication.She will always be grateful, remember the kindness and blessings of these gift-givers, and pass on this love.

Mu Xiaoxi's mother was sitting on the sofa in the living room, looking around and feeling a little suffocated when she saw the room full of gifts.Although these gifts represented people's blessings and care, they also brought a heavy burden and pressure to her.She understood the good intentions of these people, but she couldn't bear the constant flow of gifts.

An impulse surged in her heart, and Mu Xiaoxi's mother felt that she could not stay here any longer, otherwise she would be annoyed to death by the gifts.She decided to run away that night to find her daughter and create a free and simple life for them both.

All kinds of thoughts flashed through the mother's mind, and she began to pack up everything in the house.She carefully picked up the box full of gifts and placed them into a large bag.She didn't want to leave any traces in case anyone noticed her departure.She packed up the greeting cards one by one and put them into her pocket, hoping to reply to their blessings at the right time.

Mu Xiaoxi's mother was thinking about her next move while cleaning up.She understands that leaving this home will not be easy and she needs to carefully consider every step.She began to pack her and Mu Xiaoxi's luggage, taking only the most necessary items so as not to cause too much difficulty in leaving.

She carefully closed the suitcase and hid it at the bottom of the closet.She didn't want anyone to notice that she was ready to leave, and she was afraid that such an action would cause unnecessary disturbance and distress.

After finishing cleaning up, Mu Xiaoxi's mother looked up at the room and felt a deep sadness.This home was once a warm haven for their mother and daughter, but now she feels she can no longer stay here.She is determined to find them a new home, a place that can give them freedom and peace.

Mother looked around the room to make sure nothing was missing, then she carefully closed the door.She quietly came out of the house, dressed in plain clothes and with a wide-brimmed hat on her head to hide her face.She crossed the streets carefully, avoiding the lights for fear of being spotted by someone she knew.

She came to the station and bought a ticket to the city where Mu Xiaoxi might appear.She found a corner, sat down and waited for the train to arrive.Her heart was full of anxiety and expectation. She hoped to find her daughter as soon as possible and give her a warm and stable living environment.

The train finally arrived. Mu Xiaoxi's mother got on the train carefully and found a corner to sit down.She felt exhausted, but her heart was full of determination and courage.She knows the road ahead won't be easy, but she is determined to fight for her daughter's happiness.

In the car, she was immersed in her thoughts, recalling the good times with Mu Xiaoxi.She imagined their reunion, her daughter's smile and her warm embrace.These images gave her the strength to move forward with determination.

Mu Xiaoxi's mother knew that she faced many unknown challenges and difficulties, but she believed that her decision was the right one.She believes that as long as she persists, she will be able to find her daughter and give her a better life.

As the train slowly pulled out, Mu Xiaoxi's mother looked at the scenery outside the window, filled with hope and determination.She knows that although the road ahead is full of hardships and challenges, she believes that she and her daughter will face and overcome it all together.

She closed her eyes quietly and prayed silently, hoping that her daughter could feel her love and missing her.She vowed that no matter how many difficulties and obstacles she encountered, she would persevere in looking for her daughter and give her a warm and stable home.

Mu Xiaoxi's mother was sitting on the train, filled with expectations for the future.She is ready to face everything. She believes that mother and daughter will reunite again in the near future to create their own happiness and beauty together.

Early the next morning, people who came to give gifts came to Mu Xiaoxi's house as usual, but were surprised to find that the door was closed and there was no sound of greeting.They felt depressed because they had been looking forward to meeting Mu Xiaoxi and her daughter and sharing their blessings and concerns with them.However, reality gave them an indifferent answer.

A middle-aged woman pointed to the closed door, frowned and said: "It seems they have really escaped from us. We have given so many gifts and cared for them for so long, but they are not at home. This is really disappointing. ”

Another older gentleman sighed and said with some sadness: "Perhaps we have brought too much pressure and burden on them. They may feel that they cannot cope with these gifts and care, so they choose to escape."

A young lady frowned and interjected with a puzzled expression: "But our intentions are good. We just want to express our care and blessings to them. Why don't they accept it?"

A young man thought for a moment and said: "Maybe we need to reflect on our methods and attitudes. Maybe the care we give is too impactful and they can't adapt. Maybe next time we should be more nuanced and give from their perspective. The support and care they really need.”

During the discussion, people's emotions gradually calmed down and they began to think about whether their actions were appropriate.They understood that although their intentions were good, their methods may have caused too much pressure and trouble for Mu Xiaoxi's mother and daughter.

A young mother said with emotion: "Perhaps we should respect their choices and give them some space and time. Our care and blessings do not necessarily have to be expressed through gifts. We can use another way to let them feel our care." Genuine and supportive.”

Gradually, people began to accept this fact and understand the choice of Mu Xiaoxi and her daughter.They decided to put aside their disappointment and confusion, respect the decision of Mu Xiaoxi's mother and daughter, and hope that they could find the lifestyle they wanted.

Before leaving Mu Xiaoxi's house, they silently blessed Mu Xiaoxi's mother and daughter, hoping that they could find happiness and peace.They decided not to interfere too much, but to let Mu Xiaoxi and her daughter decide their own lives, giving them support and understanding.

This unexpected event triggered people's reflection on care and concern, and they realized that true care and blessing do not necessarily need to be expressed in material ways.They decided from now on to pay more careful attention to the people around them, respect their choices, and provide real support and care.

Mu Xiaoxi and her daughter are pursuing their own happiness in a city far away from the hustle and bustle.They may no longer accept care and gifts from the outside world, but they will always remember those people. Early the next morning, the people who gave the gifts came to Mu Xiaoxi's house at the agreed time, only to find that the door was closed.They were very disappointed and depressed.For a time, discussions filled the air.

A middle-aged man frowned and said, "It seems they don't want to see us at all. They are not at home even though we prepared the gifts so carefully. It's so disrespectful!"

A young woman smiled bitterly and said: "Maybe they went out for urgent matters. We can't draw conclusions prematurely. We should give them some time and wait for their return."

Another older gentleman expressed concern: "However, the purpose of our giving gifts is to express our care and blessings. Are they dissatisfied with our feelings when they avoid us like this?"

A middle-aged woman thought for a moment and said: "Maybe our way of caring is not appropriate enough. We may have given them too much pressure and trouble, making them feel uncomfortable. Next time, we should be more cautious in expressing care and respect their Feelings.”

During the discussion, people began to reflect on their own behavior and attitudes.They understand that although their intentions are good, they may not take into account the true feelings of Mu Xiaoxi's mother and daughter.

A young man sighed and said: "Maybe we should think more from their perspective. The care and blessings we give do not necessarily have to be expressed in material ways. Maybe we can give them some space and Time, let them feel our sincerity.”

After Mu Xiaoxi's mother spent some time outside, she finally decided to call her daughter Mu Xiaoxi and tell her that she was back.When Mu Xiaoxi answered the call, her mood suddenly became excited and concerned.

Mu Xiaoxi's mother's voice was full of warmth and expectation: "Xiaoxi, mom is back! I'm already at the door of the house, can you come out to see me? I miss you so much!"

Mu Xiaoxi's voice revealed joy and concern: "Mom, you are finally back! I miss you so much! Are you okay? Have you encountered any difficulties?"

Mu Xiaoxi's mother felt her daughter's concern and replied gently: "Everything is fine for me and I haven't encountered too many difficulties. During this period of time outside, I missed you and thought about you every day. Although we were separated It's been a while, but mom has been missing you and caring about you."

Mu Xiaoxi said with a little choked up: "Mom, I have been missing you and looking forward to your return every day. I am so worried that you will suffer and get tired outside. Do you eat and sleep well? Is there anyone to take care of you? "

Mu Xiaoxi's mother said soothingly: "Baby, don't worry, mom is living a good life outside. Although it is a bit hard, I have always maintained good living habits. I have many friends and colleagues around me, and everyone looks after each other. I will take care of myself."

Mu Xiaoxi sighed softly: "Mom, I really miss you and want to live with you. When can you come back to stay with me?"


(End of this chapter)

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