She also asked Chu Yuheng and Tang Shuyi, even Gu Yanliang, and several men gave her some very unreliable suggestions.

Among them, Chu Yuheng and Tang Shuyi did it on purpose, and Gu Yanliang was a real straight man.

Jiang Xiangli never knew who played the role of big speaker in her circle of friends, and even attracted Shen Longlin.

Shen Longlin stubbornly insisted on helping her, she felt that if she didn't agree, she would cry and make trouble and hang herself.

"Sister-in-law, let me tell you, I am very experienced in this matter, please let me be your prop group!"

Jiang Xiangli looked at him suspiciously, and said with great distrust: "Why can't I believe it?"

"Hey! Don't believe me. Anyone who knows me knows that I am very reliable. Those who say that I am unreliable are all jealous of me. As far as my strength is concerned, the world can learn from it!"

She turned indifferently and said, "Oh."

"If I don't participate in my brother's life-long event, I will regret it for the rest of my life! Little sister-in-law, why are you so cruel! Sad! Distorted! Dark crawling! How about this, I will provide you with whatever you need, and you will be satisfied!"

Shen Longlin didn't want this matter to get dirty, he was born to join in the fun, if he didn't get involved in such a big matter, he would have to slap himself a few times when he sat up in the middle of the night.

It was his words that Jiang Xiangli was waiting for, she stopped in her tracks, and said to him with a long way to go: "I need helicopters and roses."
Jiang Xiangli's plan progressed even faster after getting caught by Shen Longlin, who loves to join in the fun, and took advantage of it.

According to Qu Jinghao, if there is no helicopter for marriage proposal, it is like cooking without coriander.

As a coriander neutral party, Jiang Xiangli didn't think that coriander was very important and dispensable.

But Qu Jinghao told her that it would be too low for her to think so, people in this world who don't understand coriander will be in trouble, coriander is an eternal god.

"So you like cilantro?"


Shen Longlin really got her a helicopter, he said it was his private helicopter.

Jiang Xiangli nodded affirmatively, and said, "Young man did a good job. Can you drive?"

"will not."

Shen Longlin was so lazy, he had thought about taking an exam, but it was too troublesome, so he gave up directly.

He bought the helicopter after saving money for a long time. At that time, he sent it to Moments to fill a cup, and then put it aside to collect ashes.

Jiang Xiangli repeated the old trick, turned indifferently and said, "Oh."

"It's okay, I can be assigned as a pilot."

"Well, still a good boy."

On the day of the proposal, Jiang Xiangli put on the high-end dress she bought with a lot of bleeding.The hem of the dress was covered with pearls and diamonds, and she would feel sorry for a week if she lost one.

She combined the suggestions of several people and designed a plan that she thought was perfect. This plan was as perfect as a comet hitting the earth, and it was also exciting.

This day is also good, suitable for marriage, she likes it very much.

Because she wanted to reflect the coolness of the helicopter, she fixed the proposal at night in Lin Weiwei's private garden.

[At [-] o'clock in the evening, come to Xueshan Garden, I have something to do! 】

【(Doubtful GIF)】

[Typo, Yueshan Garden, the hateful nine keys]

Although there was a small episode, it was nothing to her, it was just a typo, it was harmless.

Shen Jiangye, who didn't like to ask questions, arrived at Yueshan Garden on time. He remembered that this was Lin Weiwei's private garden.Before, Shen Longlin brought his cronies to make a fuss once, and damaged the rose bushes in the garden, and asked him to borrow money to pay for it.

He saw Jiang Xiangli standing under the jasmine tree from a distance, and saw her waving to him.

The evening wind blows towards him with the faint fragrance of jasmine, which is refreshing.

The moonlight shone on her face, and her gentle smile was close at hand, making him quicken his pace.

The moment he approached, the smile on her face disappeared and was replaced by a probing look.

She said almost seriously, "I want to tell you something very important."


"I don't want you to be my boyfriend anymore, let's break up."

Shen Jiangye's first reaction was that she was joking, because no one would want to break up and dress as a diamond elf. This dress looked like she was going to a banquet.

He asked: "Li Bao, have you watched too many TV dramas?"

She coughed hard twice and said, "No, I didn't watch TV dramas."

"Is it too cold? You're coughing, would you like to wear my coat?"

After he said this, she coughed even worse, and waved her hands again and again.

"Ahem! Don't."


Before he could say anything, a strange musical sound sounded above their heads.

You are getting married ~ the groom is not me ~
The colorful lights of the helicopter are comparable to the lights used in nightclubs, and Cao Wanjiang's moving singing "resounds through the sky".

Seeing that the time had come, Shen Longlin threw down the prepared rose petals one by one.Later, he felt that the speed was a bit slow, so he fell directly down instead.

It's a pity that he didn't control the strength very well, coupled with the wind making troubles, the rain of rose petals hit Jiang Xiangli like a head and face.

She was speechless, the hateful Shen Longlin, it's fine if you play the wrong song, what are you pouring on her face?Are you trying to spoil her perfect look? !
She searched online and found that Shen Jiangye hadn't released a song, so she planned to use a classic song that she could sing.

She was thinking about it and didn't remember what song she could sing, so she simply searched for "marriage proposal song" on XX Music, and found a playlist.

The songs Lu Xiyan raps and sings must be popular and straightforward, so that the other party can feel her heart, so she picked a song "Is it okay to be my wife" from the playlist.

Then I would like to ask, why did her "Will you be my wife" become "You are getting married"?
Since it's already embarrassing, she won't be afraid of embarrassment anymore!

She took out a box of rings that she had prepared from the table behind her and threw it in front of him with a bang, saying, "Marry me!"

Afterwards, a group of people rushed out from the garden, each of them holding a heart-scented candle, and they started posing around them.

They didn't leave after putting it on, they just stood by and yelled, "Marry her! Marry her!"

Even Shen Jiangye, who had seen many big scenes, was stunned. This was the strangest marriage proposal he had ever seen in his life, and it still belonged to him.

In the pitiful singing of "Marry her" and "You are getting married", and under her firm gaze of joining the party in place, he finally said those three words.

"I am willing."

The happy diamond spirit didn't know which ring to wear for him for a while, so he simply took his hand and put all ten fingers on.


Jiang Xiangli finally let go of her expression of choking on eating in his eyes, and covered her face with a happy smile.

She kissed the back of his hand devoutly, and said, "Girl, it's Boss Ben Ba who came late and kept you waiting."

(end of text)
There's also a sideshow

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