Chapter 1 1. Evil mother-in-law doesn't want to run away (full text is free)

"Mother! Daughter-in-law, please! Don't sell Xiaoman, okay? Daughter-in-law promises that she will eat less food and work more in the future! So is Xiaoman! She can also help with the housework, such as lighting fires, digging wild vegetables, Can pick up firewood, please, mother! Don't sell Xiaoman!"

The dark and thin young woman cried hoarsely, knelt on the ground, and kowtowed vigorously to the same dark and thin middle-aged woman lying on the wooden bed.

"Mom, I'm afraid, woo woo woo..."

A little girl about two years old, as thin as a radish head, with a big head on a slender frame, she knelt beside the young woman, her dry little hands tightly gripping the hem of the young woman's clothes, because she was thin And the eyes that looked bigger and bigger were full of fear.

Although she didn't understand what "sold" meant, she knew that "Xiaoman" referred to herself, and her mother was crying, and she was in a panic when she cried.

She didn't dare to cry loudly, because the grandma lying on the bed would get angry, scold her, and say she would "sell" her.

Then her mother will be like this now...

The black and thin old woman lying on the bed struggled to open her eyes amidst the cries of one big and one small, and looked at the roof where the sun could be seen above her head. She couldn't recover for a long time.

Did she really time travel?

She also traveled through time and was reborn as a vicious grandma who opened her mouth and kept her mouth shut to sell her granddaughter?
I still remember the last time when she opened her eyes, she faced a sharp arrow flying towards her head, and then she felt a pain between her brows, and she didn't know anything.

Open your eyes again, it's now.

Can't she change her body?She doesn't mind being ugly, she doesn't want to die early!

There was still the crying of the young woman in my ears, Jiuyue, who was in an agitated mood, was in no mood to answer her, opened her dry and peeling mouth, and said in a dry voice:
"Liu Shi, you all go out."

Fortunately, she is an out-and-out Qilu person, even if there is more than one dialect in a city, she can still say a few words "恁恁我听".

Liu still wanted to cry and beg, but she was afraid of offending her mother-in-law, what if she thought about selling Xiaoman again, she could only hold her daughter's hand and go out lightly.

"Mother, is grandma (grandma) going to sell Xiaoman?"

The girl blinked her big innocent eyes, where the previous fear was gone.

"Don't sell Xiaoman, mother won't let your grandma sell you, no!"

Liu Shi hugged her daughter tightly, tears streaming down again.


The girl responded, and patted her mother's arm lightly with her small hand, just like her mother patted her back lightly when coaxing her, but her arms were too short to reach.

Jiuyue on the bed listened to the conversation between the two women outside, her brows were wrinkled into Sichuan characters.

The original owner, Yue Shi, was named Jiuyue. Her husband died early, and then the mother-in-law’s pain of bereavement spread to Yue’s mother and son.

As a widow, the original owner wanted to support a family and not be bullied. Naturally, the more aggressive and vicious the better.

Gradually, in the eyes of everyone, the original owner became a well-known evil mother-in-law in the whole village.

Let's not talk about why she was pierced by a sharp arrow when she traveled through for the first time. She didn't have the memory of the original owner who lived her whole life. She couldn't figure it out, so she could only take a step forward.

They come, the security.

From the current point of view, the most important thing is the three-year famine. She really doesn't want to escape the famine!
We must quickly find a way to solve the problem of famine.

Looking at the three cheap sons, the eldest daughter-in-law and the eldest granddaughter sitting around the table, and then at the bowl of boiled wild vegetables in front of each of them on the table, Yue Jiuyue only felt a headache. The whole family wanted to eat, But how to solve it?
With her eyes closed, she poured down the wild vegetable soup in the bowl, chewed the wild vegetable casually for a few times, and then swallowed it whole, leaving her mouth full of a strange taste even though she slapped her throat.

Even after drinking a bowl of wild vegetable soup, I was still so hungry that I wasn't really hungry at all.

"Mother, it's because I'm useless. I can't dig any more wild vegetables, which makes my mother hungry."

"Mom, it's useless for me. When I go to the deep mountains tomorrow, no one from the village dares to enter. There must be a lot of wild vegetables in it!"

"Mother, let's go for a walk in the deep mountains together tomorrow, and I will definitely fill my mother up tomorrow!"

Seeing Yue Jiuyue's expression of suffering, hatred, and lovelessness, the three sons immediately took a sip of the wild vegetable soup with few wild vegetable leaves in the bowl, and patted their chests and promised.

"Okay, what kind of deep mountain are you all going into! Do you think that Ye is too slow to die? Or are you in a hurry to go underground to find Ye's father? Everyone hurried back to the house to sleep!"

Yue Jiuyue imitated the original owner's way of speaking, scolded the three sons, and drove them back to their room, only then breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, they didn't reveal their secrets, but the three sons of the original owner are really filial. The family situation is so bad, and each of them still wants to find food for their mother.

It's just that she, a big girl who has never been married before, suddenly became the mother of three big children, and she really couldn't accept it for a while.

"Mother, then, I'll go and choose wild vegetables for tomorrow's breakfast, so you can get sleepy earlier."

Liu didn't dare to look up at Yue Jiuyue. After she finished speaking with her head down, she immediately picked up Little Carrot's head and went out, as if she was Grandma Wolf.

Yue Jiuyue sighed, and only realized when she went back to the room and sat on the edge of the bed to take off her shoes. She didn't wash her feet or wash her hands, did she just sleep like this?

How else could it be?Now it is the second year of the drought, the water in the house is picked up bit by bit by the sons who climbed two mountains, and it is saved for food. How can she use it to wash her face and feet? It is not only a waste Water is still wasting the fruits of labor of the three sons!

That's all, do as the Romans do when you go to the country, and you will get it.

Yue Jiuyue was lying on the bed, his stomach was growling with hunger, and he didn't feel sleepy.

I have to go out tomorrow to see what good things are on the mountain, I can't stay at home and wait to starve to death.

[Drip, No. 2023 mall is starting...]

 Hello kids!I hope that the treasures who like "Evil Mother-in-law" will give a lot of support, and those who don't like "Evil Mother-in-law" please be merciful~

(End of this chapter)

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