Chapter 21 21. Stop at the critical moment

After waiting for everyone, the patriarch and the five elders appeared, and the scene immediately became silent.

Who dares to speak out?This is obviously something big happened!Otherwise, there is no need for five clan elders to appear at the same time!
The village chief supported his father to sit in the position of the patriarch, and the other five patriarchs were also supported by the younger generation of the family to sit down. After the patriarch nodded, the village chief stepped forward to speak.

"Grandparents, aunts, aunts and aunts, I called all of you over early this morning, and invited our patriarch and elders. You can guess it even if you think about it, because the third sister-in-law of Chaodong's nephew's family said yesterday Herbs.

Let’s talk about it, after the night came (last night) my cousin Chaonan had already told the patriarch how much medicinal materials and the prices of medicinal materials were charged in the town’s medical clinic. , These are collected to teach the apprentices in the medical center how to prepare medicinal materials, and the price of each medicinal material is different, sweet grass root is three cents a catty, chicken wine is seven pennies a catty, carnation is a penny a catty, old crow’s eye is ten cents a catty. One catty of pennies, two pennies per catty of fine grass. "

Before the village chief continued to talk, everyone didn't pay much attention to how many medicinal materials the clinic received. They only heard that the price of medicinal materials was ten cents a catty, and one penny a catty, so they immediately chatted about it.

"Oh, Lao Crow's Eye is ten Wen a catty! I dug up more than four catties in the night! That's forty Wen!"

"My family doesn't dig very much. Old Crow's Eye digs more than a catty. Doesn't the chicken drink wine for seven pennies a catty? My family digs two catties. Put together, it's worth forty pennies!"

"Ah! My family dug a lot of fine grass, which weighed more than four catties, and everything else was less than a catty. The total amount was only ten yuan."


There are those who are very happy because they have dug a lot of high-priced medicinal materials, and some who are digging a lot of low-priced medicinal materials and are beating their chests. Various voices under various emotions are intertwined and become more and more noisy.

"Everyone be quiet! Be quiet!"

The village chief yelled a few words louder than all the voices present combined, and only now became quiet again.

"Listen up, everyone! The medical center only charges [-] catties for each type of medicinal material that has just been dug up. Because the price of each medicinal material is different, the patriarch and the elders discussed a solution overnight."

The village chief paused when he said this, and the villagers present couldn't wait to ask:
"Da Bangzi, what kind of solution is it, you say it!"

"Yeah, Dabangzi, what's the matter with you? Why do you stop at the critical moment? Keep pulling!"

The village chief could only stretch out his hands, palms down, and pressed down, explaining again and again:

"Grandparents, aunts, aunts and aunts, I can't catch my breath after talking about such a series of words, so you all quietly listen to me and continue talking!"

The representatives of each family who randomly found a stone and sat on it immediately burst into laughter.

"It's like this, after the night comes, the patriarch and the patriarchs are thinking of distributing the total amount of money for this medicinal material to each household equally.

The total price of the five kinds of medicinal materials is two or three renminbi. There are 39 households in our village, and 38 households can get 59 copper coins per family, and one family has one less copper coin, which is 58 renminbi. to our house.

So, next it is the turn to weigh the medicinal materials, and please grandparents, aunts and aunts, go home and bring the best medicinal materials from home. "

 happy new year~~
(End of this chapter)

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