Chapter 282 282. She is not a sensible person
Why did Yue Jiuyue ask the three brothers to clean up the house?

The three brothers just cleaned up the three houses, moved the chickens and rabbits to the two houses where their family slept, and moved two sacks of grain into the house. They are tidying up the thatched house. The village chief and the village chief The lady was wearing a coir raincoat and a bamboo hat, and came to the door suddenly.

Greeting each other, after being reminded by the village chief's dry cough several times, the village chief's wife bit the bullet and bluntly stated the purpose of coming here this time.

"Well, Chaodong Niang, it's like this. The houses of these uncles and uncles have flooded. They are all lonely old people, and there is no younger generation at home to look after them. If there is a collapse at night, this life will be destroyed. It's about God, isn't it?

The houses of other people in the village are not enough for our family to live in, so thinking that Yee's family has just built two houses, I want to come over and ask, can they be crowded in Yee's house?Don't worry, they bring their own food, pots and pans, clothes and bedding, so you don't need to take care of them! "

Naturally, Yue Jiuyue would not disagree, since they all belonged to one village and one family, and the people who came were all elderly widows and widows, so she would not refuse.

"Okay, I just cleaned up the house. The two rooms behind the house are free to live in. However, there is nothing in the room on the west side. Nye go over and have a look and see what else needs to be brought here besides the bed. Don't wait until the time comes. Something is missing."

"Okay! Then I'll go and have a look."

The village head's wife thought that Yue Jiuyue might not be able to persuade Yue Jiuyue after all her words, but she didn't expect that people had already guessed that he would come, and even vacated the house!
Hearing this, Village Chief Lin wanted to praise Yue Jiuyue for "understanding the righteousness", but felt that the verbal praise was too vain, and he didn't know how long this situation would last, and he couldn't think of any situation in the future. He simply didn't say anything, he just remembered Yue Jiuyue's goodness in his heart, thinking that if he could survive this disaster, it would be better to give some benefits.

Yue Jiuyue asked Lin Chaodong to lead Village Chief Lin to look around, and prepare for anything that was missing. Their family has already moved out of the house, so they can't just let their family prepare everything.

But the village head's wife took Yue Jiuyue's hand and praised her as "benevolent and righteous" and a "reasonable" woman, which made Yue Jiuyue want to roll her eyes.

She doesn't want to be a "reasonable" woman. You can tell when you hear these three words that you can only get the "title" of the kind of people who suffer. She just can't bear to see those old people who have worked so hard all their lives. I am old and have troubles, but I don't even have a place to shelter from the wind and rain, and I am despised by the family members.

That's it.

Fortunately, the yard of her house is not big, so Village Chief Lin came back after a while, and the village chief's wife finally left.

"Mom, so Yee already guessed it!"

Liu exclaimed.

She didn't expect that her mother-in-law asked the family to pack up and vacate all the houses except these three houses. She had already guessed that the village chief would come to find them and put a few elderly people without children in the village in their homes. .

What kind of mind is her mother-in-law?He even expected this!No wonder her mother-in-law was rewarded by the emperor!
"Ah! Those few elderly families in the village rarely go out at ordinary times, just to avoid burdening the village. Their houses are also dilapidated and can't be broken any more, so they usually just make do with it, but this time is very dangerous. "

(End of this chapter)

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