The yard was not sheltered from wind or rain, so he could only stay at the inn for one night, planning to find another yard the next day.

Unexpectedly, people will not refund the money.

Dare he say no?
In fact, he was daring at the beginning, so he was beaten and thrown on the street.

That group of people is also very experienced, they don't hit people in the face, they only hit him so that every part of his body hurts.

There was no other way, he had no choice but to suffer this boring loss, and then changed to another dental shop. It took two days to rent a yard that was not bad.

Then the family of three went to see the doctor together...

This is the third time he has taken his wife and children on a long trip. He thought that someone could help him this time, but in the end he had to rely on himself, and there was one more person to take care of.

"Didn't I give you money? Didn't I tell you that as long as the house is airtight and rain-proof, can be lived in, and the price is right, then you can just rent it out!

Are you stupid!I'm hungry (hungry), thirsty (thirsty), and it's not like I don't have money. Don't you know how to buy food for yourself?Don't know how to buy water yourself?Why do you have to save those pennies! "

Lin Chaodong felt that he was about to collapse.

When the waiter in the shop brought Daniel's soup and medicine, Lin Chaodong watched him finish drinking the medicine, and didn't have the strength to say anything else, so he closed the door and went back to their room.

"How is the big cow?"

Liu Shi asked worriedly.

"It's okay, the doctor said it was heatstroke, it's not serious, just rest and rest."

Lin Chaodong lay down on the bed, closed his eyes and said.

"It's fine! Don't get angry, Ye. Isn't Daniel just trying to save money? Besides, he's still a child. It's the first time he's doing something by himself. He must have no idea. If you dare to enter the inn, you are afraid of spending money, and you will be fine in the future."

Liu Shi hugged the child and persuaded her gently, although she was also a little unhappy, but the incident had already happened, Lin Chaodong was already on fire, if she complained a few more words, it would add fuel to the fire.

"Well, I see. Then tomorrow I will look for a house, and you will wait at the inn."

Lin Chaodong opened his eyes and sat up, reaching out to hug the child.

Seeing this, Mrs. Liu smiled softly, and gently put the child into Lin Chaodong's arms. Looking at Lin Chaodong's skillful movements of holding the child, he knew that he did not miss it.

"Da Zhuang, this is Qi Nan Prefecture. Do you like it here? If you like it, study hard in the future. If you can get the number one scholar in the exam, then you and I will be able to enjoy the glory of Ye Niang and go to the capital." !"

Capital city, ever since Yue Jiuyue said that if Liu's and Da Zhuang's health could not be cured in Zhoucheng, he would go to Beijing city, Lin Chaodong had a dream in his heart.

He is going to the capital.

Not to see a doctor, but to live in the capital.

Living in that bustling big city, you can see those princes and prime ministers every day, wearing silk and satin, eating delicacies from mountains and seas, and drinking fine nectar. On that day, it was better than living gods!

Lin Chaodong didn't know that there were civilians in the capital, so he only entrusted his dream to his son, hoping that his son could help him realize it.

"You're just dreaming! It's still the number one! Why is it so easy to get the number one?"

Liu Shi patted Lin Chaodong lightly, but the corners of her mouth were raised high.

"Why, it's not a piece of cake for our son to be the champion!"

"Yes yes yes! Your son is a Wenqu star descending to earth..."

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