Chapter 42.

Yue Jiuyue also specially picked out a vintage fishing net, which was made of coarse cloth and hemp as raw materials. When it was propped up, a flock of birds were making trouble. A pot of stew.

Fortunately, hard work pays off.

"Grandma! Chen Zi (bird)! Mother! There is Chen Zi!"

The two-year-old Xiaoman was lying on Liu's body in a bit of sleepiness. The little person was listless. Only when he heard a sound, he straightened up curiously and looked towards the sound.

This time too, upon hearing the fluttering sound, Xiaoman looked over curiously, and at a glance saw Yue Jiuyue grabbing the sparrows in the fishing net, and putting them one by one into a bamboo basket with a lid , and immediately stretched out his hand to grab it, and his small body was still bouncing around, Liu Shi almost didn't hug him.

When Liu Shi put the child on the ground and let her run by herself, she raised her eyes and saw sparrows in the fishing net. There were so many sparrows. He let out an "Oops" in surprise, and hurried forward to help.

"Oh! My mother is here! Why are there so many Jia Chenzi (sparrows)!"

Liu's eyes were only for the birds, and she didn't notice that the fishing nets for the birds were something that was not available in the bare house.

Yue Jiuyue wanted to quickly put away these sparrows when there was no one at home, and then hide the fishing net in the space.

Now, let's put it badly, let's do what we like.

"There are too many family members, and I can't get rid of them no matter what. I will find a way to catch all these family members, so as to save them from eating wheat again."

Yue Jiuyue explained with a guilty conscience.

Fortunately, Mrs. Liu didn't care about the details, and focused on the sparrow, which is all meat!

After Mrs. Liu helped catch all the sparrows into the basket, he caught another one with a rag head tied to one leg for Xiaoman to play with, and put the rest away for the three wheat-cutting brothers when lunch was ready. After sending it over, I returned home in a hurry and started boiling water to remove the feathers of the sparrows and disembowel them.

The three Lin Chaodong brothers: ...

What happened to his mother-in-law/their sister-in-law?Usually quite capable, why are you still "lazy" at the critical moment of harvesting?

Where is Liu's being lazy, and it's not intentional not to say it, the main reason is that the partition wall has ears. If someone finds out that there are countless sparrows in their house, will they be separated?Or split it out?

The whole village is a family, so whose family is it distributed to?Doesn't matter who?Isn't that offending people for nothing!
Therefore, Liu Shi chose not to say anything, and see what her mother-in-law did, she would not care anyway.

Yue Jiuyue really didn't think so much, she thought these sparrows ate wheat and caused her to run for a long time, so she thought of a solution once and for all, but she didn't expect that these sparrows, although they don't have much meat, are rarely eaten in the village all year round The last bite of meat!

So, after Yue Jiuyue had her meal, she continued to sit leisurely on the stool looking at the wheat, and went up to the mountain to turn it in the sun from time to time. Even if there were sparrows to make trouble, it would only be one or two. She really relaxed for an afternoon.

"Grandma, eat, Chen Zi."

With a cooked sparrow in each hand, Xiaoman ran towards Yue Jiuyue with unsteady feet.

Yue Jiuyue looked surprised, isn't Liu Shi most afraid of her being alone with Xiaoman?Why did you ask Xiaoman to bring her food?
 Watching the Spring Festival Gala, on New Year's Eve, I also arrange a delicious meal for Jiuyue's family~

  ps: Sparrows are protected birds and cannot be caught!

(End of this chapter)

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