Chapter 469 469. I really miss the upper and lower bunk beds
"Is it for adults only?"

It has been said that the child is regarded as a head-to-head, this matchmaker should not be so shameless, and suddenly count money with her, right?
Mistress: (#-.-)
Forgot, she said before that the children are all head-to-head, if I knew it earlier, I should have asked for two taels of silver by myself!Even if one person sells two taels, that would be a blood loss!


One word, the prostitute said with gritted teeth.

Yue Jiuyue was happy, and when the matchmaker brought the deed of sale, she happily took out nine taels of silver, paying the money with one hand and the deed paper with the other.

"The old lady is a real person. After you follow the old lady, you must work hard and don't be sent back. At that time, there will be no such good place to go."

The toothmaid can be regarded as beating them.

This group of people used to be aloof, but they suddenly fell into the mud. They might not be able to accept it for a while, but at present it is their best way out.

After all, this is a rural area, so there is no need to be too servile, and there will be no concubines.

But in case someone returns the product, the designated place to go to is not a good place, such as a courtyard or a building, it is entirely possible.

"Yes! We will work hard!"

Fourteen people responded in unison.

They also know that it is good enough to keep their innocence, otherwise, if they really get dirty, even if they have a chance to go back in the future, they will not be able to go back.

Yue Jiuyue came out for a trip and gained a lot.

With the newly bought fourteen people, Yue Jiuyue generously let everyone ride in the bullock cart.

Looking at the fifteen copper coins spent, Yue Jiuyue regretted it painfully. If she knew she would have driven the ox cart out by herself, it would not cost a few copper coins if the ox cart stopped outside the town.

When they arrived at the entrance of the village, a group of people got out of the car and completely stunned the people who were doing farm work near the entrance of the village.

So the older people are here to visit relatives?

But they didn't bring gifts, and they still carried small bundles in their hands, which looked more like they had come to seek refuge with relatives.

Huh?Why is Lin Yue's widow also in the crowd?Is it a coincidence?
Could it be that these people are all here to join their family?

That's right, in their village, their family's conditions are the best. The news that the emperor rewarded their family with 500 taels of silver must have spread throughout Donghua.

Thinking of this, everyone felt a little gloating, all eagerly waiting to eat melons.

I don't know how Lin Yue will deal with this family?

How many meals, how many nights to stay, and then drive out?

Or keep those people at home and let them work as free long-term workers?
Or, just kiss each other directly?

Looking at the two thirteen or fourteen-year-old girls, as well as the pretty woman in her twenties or thirty, some people would inevitably come up with bad ideas.

Of course, I'm just watching at the moment, even if I have an idea, I have to figure out the situation before I say it.

Yue Jiuyue led the whole family and walked home without looking sideways.

"This is my home. Let's go live in the wooden house over there today. Remember, don't mess up the things inside. Come over to eat later, and take a good rest after eating. Tomorrow Then arrange work for Ye."

Mistake!Mistake!He even forgot that the living space at home is limited and cannot accommodate fourteen members of this family.

well!I really miss the bunk beds!Does she have to get a carpenter to make extra beds?

(End of this chapter)

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