Chapter 114
Su Nian didn't look at the barrage, and opened the lucky bag directly.

"Okay, today's second lucky bag is ready, friends who want to fortune-telling can just click on the lucky bag."

Su Nian said and went to the refrigerator to get another peach.

The peach in Su Nian's hand is very beautiful, with a strong honey fragrance, making the mouth water.

The whole body is brightly pink, resembling the color of roses, and it can gently tease the world without any effort.

Especially the fragrant and rich peach flavor, with a faint yellow luster, one bite, like flowing honey, directly sweetens on the tip of the tongue, occupying every taste bud in the mouth.

Su Nian only took a bite.

At this time, today's second lucky guy appeared.

[Congratulations on getting the anchor's lucky bag without changing your name before [-]! ]
After Su Nian contacted and communicated, he clicked on the video connection invitation.

Soon, a 27-year-old woman appeared on the screen.

She has long hair, plain face, fair skin, and a smile on her face, looking very cheerful.

There is only a little roundness, but she looks cute and carefree.

"Hello anchor, I am your old fan, I have been watching your live broadcast for a long time."

"Thank you, but please pay the Guajin." Su Nian said.

The girl tipped a carnival, and then fell down in frustration.

The tone was very sad: "Anchor, I'm not afraid of losing face, let me tell you, today I mainly want to do some calculations about my weight loss."

Audiences:?? ?
[You also need fortune-telling to lose weight? ]
[The anchor's strange business has increased again. ]
[Anchor:: I never know what kind of weird request I will make. ]
[It’s definitely not the case, I guess she must have encountered something weird. ]
"Tianzun, you seem to be able to predict the future, you should know and know when I will lose weight successfully."

Su Nian saw that the other party hesitated to speak, with a sad face on his face, so he said: "You must have found something wrong, so you want to lose weight."

After speaking, the girl's face fell down, her face was full of sadness, she must have something on her mind.

Hearing Su Nian's words, she raised her hand to cover her eyes with a powerless look: "Anchor, it's really hard to lose weight!"

Su Nian nodded and asked again: "What's wrong?"

The girl sobbed and sniffed: "I'm not showing off. I'm 162 and 108 before losing weight. My target weight is around 98. Anyway, I have to lose a hundred."

[So ruthless! ]
[This is too thin! ]

[Actually, it’s okay, I feel that I can wear those beautiful dresses and skirts if I’m thinner, and summer is coming soon, so it’s impossible to be round. ]
[But is 108 catties considered fat? ]

"I said I want to lose weight. My husband, children, and my friends all supported me. The days were peaceful and quiet, but my weight began to drop bit by bit. Until now, my weight has increased again. When I came back, I was over 108, and now I am 114 catties, I really can’t accept it.”

Her tone is both sad and helpless, it can be seen that she is really obsessed with losing weight.

[It's so miserable, is it the plateau period? ]
[Having said that, this sounds quite normal. ]
[Ham, why would this kind of meaningless question be drawn? I think the question of me being single for 30 years and not being able to find a girlfriend is more worth asking the host to help me tell my fate. ]
The girl continued to say with a sad face: "I have been losing weight for several months, but the weight is still increasing instead of losing.

I did lose a few catties at the beginning, but then I gained a little bit of weight back, even surpassing my weight before losing weight. "

"Others comforted me and said that it was because the weight would fluctuate and rebound. But I knew that it was not a normal fluctuation."

Speaking of this, there was some fear in her eyes: "I eat very little every day, and I only eat vegetables and eggs, and I insist on exercising for an hour. In exchange for these efforts, my weight scale keeps getting bigger and bigger. numbers, and my pants getting tighter."

[Hearing her say that, it's really a bit weird!Inexplicable weight gain!Is this a distortion of human nature, or a loss of morality? Please look forward to Bailian Tianzun's decryption! ]
[Oh my God, it's so scary, I'm panicking even though I'm losing weight! ]
[Could it be that you have reached a plateau, or that something is very popular but you don't know it. ]
[There is no need to be afraid, maybe it is entering a plateau. ]
Seeing these barrages, the girl quickly retorted: "It's not a plateau, and it doesn't matter if I gain weight. Even after I wake up, I still feel sore in my body, as if I haven't had a good rest."

"But my husband, he is sleeping soundly. It seems that this incident only affects me."

Su Nian's eyes fell on the other person's face, and then carefully looked around her, there was indeed no sinister energy.

Su Nian's eyes were a little puzzled: "Apart from these?"

The girl patted her thigh when she heard her question, feeling more and more frightened: "By the way, since I lost weight, my husband and son have lost weight day by day. I really wonder if they transferred their own flesh to me coming!"

[I have to say, you are quite daring to think about it. ]
[It’s really strange to hear this, what happened in the end! ]
[These things will never happen during the plateau period of weight loss, there must be some dirty things! ]

The girl spoke more and more vigorously: "And now even my dog ​​doesn't want to see me anymore!"

"My puppy Qiuqiu always looks at me ferociously, even though I wave to it, it refuses to approach. It has been taken by me since it was very young, and every time it sees me, it will Will post it right away, but now it's like this, what the hell is going on?"

The more the girl talked, the more emotional she became, and she even felt scared when she looked around.

I'm afraid that a strange woman with long hair will suddenly emerge from a certain shadow.

[It's really scary! ]
[Does weight loss still have this function? ]
[If you are frightened, will your sweat flow faster when you are exercising!That's often the case, so don't lose weight! ]

The girl was puzzled, she was obviously a little scared, but she asked the barrage again: "Will the effect of exercising after being scared really be good?"

Su Nian: ...

Seeing that she had a heated discussion with other netizens who lost weight, Su Nian coughed lightly.

"Go ahead and talk about this question first!"

The girl had no choice but to stop the heated discussion, and continued: "Because of this incident, my spirit became worse and worse, and I finally couldn't bear it anymore. After get off work, I went to buy a camera and put it at home. in the living room."

"Didn't the anchor say before that the camera can take pictures of things that are invisible to the naked eye and of different frequency bands, so I just want to see what's in the house!"

(End of this chapter)

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