Chapter 124 Can't find a bed
"Turn back!"

Su Nian reminded.

And Qingyu maintained a stiff posture, and slowly turned around.

She couldn't see the scene behind her, but she didn't hear any sound, maybe her husband was still watching her secretly.

Her body was tense, and it seemed that the more she thought about it, the more frightened she became, and even her body began to tremble slightly.

How long has he been standing at the door?
Did he hear what he said?

[This husband is 100% wrong! ]
[Recalling that the anchor said he was dead, I was even more scared! ]
[Is there any beauty who can take me in for a while (my height is 182)]
[Hey, I'm really convinced, I know that the upstairs is a 128 short man! ]

Without looking at the barrage, Su Nian reminded again: "Go back to the bedroom, don't stay alone with him!"

Qing Yu seemed to have thought of something, nodded in a panic, and obediently moved to the bedroom carefully, not forgetting to quickly close and lock the door.

But Su Nian immediately noticed the neatly placed shoes in front of the bed.

Blinking, feeling a little surprised.But it's clear again.

Su Nian: "Did he get used to arranging his shoes like this after the operation?"

"Yes, he used to be rough and never cared about such things."

Qing Yu trembled, not recovering from the panic just now.

She has been ordinary, happy and gentle for so many years, such a sudden change is really unacceptable.

Hiding in her room, even in the most familiar environment, she was terrified.

Keep circling around the room: "Anchor! What to do, what to do!"

Su Nian's brows and eyes were also a little heavy.

"You first put your shoes in disorder, pay attention to one toe facing the bed, one facing the door."

"Oh, good!"

Qing Yu hurriedly responded, and then quickly followed suit.

At this time, a footstep gradually approached the room, the doorknob twisted, and Qing Yu panicked.

Quickly shouted: "I... I'm changing clothes and waiting!"

"Hahaha, you are so shy after being an old couple!"

The person outside the door made a joke, then turned around and left.

Qing Yu was a little worried, then lay down on the ground, wanting to see if she was gone.

But after waiting for a while, there was still nothing in his field of vision, his waist was a little tired, Qingyu wanted to straighten up and rubbed his waist, he should have returned to the living room, so what should he do now?

Qingyu bent down, wanting to be sure again, she put her head close to the crack of the door, and looked out with her right eye against the crack of the door.

She was also holding the mobile phone, but the netizens found it a little strange, why it felt dark, and the floor and walls outside the room could not be seen, as if something was stuck to the door.

Stick it on the door! !
Qing Yu immediately realized what was going on, looked back a little, and then immediately fell back paralyzed in fright.

It turned out that the husband outside also put his body on the ground and was lying on his stomach looking into the room.

The shadow that Qing Yu bent down and saw just now was the other party's shadow.

Qingyu cautiously walked to the door again and lay down on the ground.

Looking at him through the gap, I met a pair of eyes with only a lot of whites.

He grinned at Qingyu, it was still that familiar face!But at this moment, Qing Yu was already terrified.

Even the netizens in the live broadcast room shivered collectively.

[Almost scared me out of my body! ]

[When I saw those eyes, I screamed on the spot, and now looking at my own husband, I feel something is wrong. ]
[I'm so scared, I'm really terrified! ]
Qing Yu was so frightened that she almost fainted, she hurriedly got up, and sat shivering in the corner.

But the man outside smiled happily, as if nothing happened at all.

He even asked calmly.

"Wife, what's wrong with you?"

Qing Yu sat down on the ground, tightly covering her mouth, trembling all over, her eyes widened, he didn't dare to make any sound, but her fear seemed to amused the man lying on the ground outside the door.

He let out a pleasant laugh, and then disappeared through the crack of the door.

"What should I do, Master! What should I do!"

Su Nian reminded: "Go back to bed, and then cover yourself with the quilt to survive tonight, I will come to you tomorrow!"

"And the shoes, they're all ready!"

Qingyu nodded, looking at the neatly arranged shoes before, but now she has completely messed up the arrangement.

She was also very scared, especially when she thought that he was right outside the door, as long as she wanted to come in, it wouldn't take long!

In her heart, she felt that Su Nian's proposal was extremely unreliable, but when she realized it, she was lying on the bed honestly.

At this time, there was a sound of hurried footsteps outside the door.
Even though she was covered with a quilt, she felt cold all over, shaking uncontrollably, and stared in the direction of the door in horror.

"Anchor, I'm really scared!"

"Does this really work?"

Su Nian nodded slightly, and then comforted him: "Don't worry, this ghost is just a little bit angry and easy to deal with. You just need to follow what I said and survive the night. I will rescue you tomorrow."

Qing Yu was about to cry, and nodded hurriedly: "Anchor, I am rich, you must save me, as long as you save me, I will definitely reward you with a lot of money."

Qingyu hid under the quilt wearing earphones, and didn't dare to speak anymore, but typed, but her hands were shaking so that the entire screen was shaking non-stop.

Before she could type out the words just prepared, the room was pushed away with a bang.

[I'm so nervous off-screen! ]

[The anchor has already said, this is a ghost! ]
[Sure enough, the host is not there, I'm really scared! ]
[Just cover it with a quilt, will something happen!] ]

[Don't let anything happen, I feel scared when I think of those eyes with only whites!If the little sister falls into his hands, it will be over! ]
"Open the door, wife!"

A gentle and magnetic male voice came, but Qing Yu felt cold all over her body, and she dared not respond.

But the people outside heard no response, and the sound of the doorknob shaking became louder.

"Hey hey, luckily I have the portkey."

This sentence made the netizens in the live broadcast room feel like they were falling into an ice cellar.

[He has the key! ? ]
[What should I do now, the door will open immediately, or else you should run away while he just opened the door, and rush out!] ]

[But this door won't last long, it was the host who made her hide on the bed, so stop coming up with bad ideas! ]

Two minutes later, with a click, the door was opened, and a man walked back into the room with his usual expression, but a cool breath also came in.

Qingyu trembling hands, ready to continue to perfect her suicide note.

But he didn't go to bed for a long time, and kept circling around the bed.

It seems that he didn't find the clear rain lying on the bed.

[What's going on, why doesn't he move!That's right, why don't you come up! ]

[I see, the inside of the quilt belongs to the exclusive space for VIP customers and cannot be attacked. ]
The man circled around the bed, mumbling: "Wife, where are you? And where is the bed, why can't I find it?"

Strangely, he couldn't find where the bed was.

(End of this chapter)

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