You can't really see anything just by looking at it on the screen.

Is it possible that, like the broken-mouthed boy before, you have to actually see it?

Su Nian: "Go to sleep first, let me see if it will come out."


Qing Huan's eyes were full of doubts.

"It's not that I doubt you, I just think, will I be in danger through the screen?"

"Don't worry, go to sleep."

Seeing Su Nian's determined appearance, she could only lie down in half-belief, after all, she even got this fortune-telling on credit.

Since she was the last destined person of the day and also a friend, Su Nian used a little more patience and wanted to wait for her to fall asleep before watching.

[When did this young lady fall asleep? I saw her tossing and turning, and I was so sleepy. ]
[It’s so scary to watch the live broadcast in the middle of the night. ]
[I was so frightened that I couldn't sleep at all. ]
But as soon as she lay down, Su Nian felt something was wrong.

Why is she sleeping upside down?

Su Nian had some guesses in her heart, at this time Qing Huan had already turned off the light and lay down on the bed.Put the phone on the table.

Su Nian: "Why are you sleeping upside down?"

"The head of the bed is too broken, I don't want to sleep there."

Su Nian took a look, and sure enough, there was some kind of stain on the head of the bed, a large piece of yellow, it was disturbing to look at.

But this eldest lady is also very powerful, she insists on being strong in such an environment, and does not go home.

[This eldest lady can be considered to be able to endure hardships. ]
[It’s okay, isn’t it the life of ordinary people? ]
[She fell from the top living resources to an ordinary person, and she is still adapting well, and there is no problem with her mentality. To be honest, I admire her a lot. ]
Su Nian made a note of falling asleep and continued to observe.

Ten minutes passed, and it was night, when Qing Huan had already fallen asleep.

Maybe it's because she's used to staying in such an environment, and the young miss isn't too picky anymore.


Suddenly there was the sound of a door being pushed.

The live broadcast room, which had been silent, also became excited.

[Come, come, come! ! ! ]

[The ghost has come in!very scary! ]

[I'm actually a little scared, help me, I'm really scared living alone! ]

It seemed that someone came in, and the sound of pushing the door continued, accompanied by a gentle woman's voice.

"Huanhuan, come get up and drink water."

[This is her mother? ]
[No, no, it must be that ghost pretending. ]
There was a pause for a few seconds, and the voice changed again.

This time it was a man's voice, with a little old majesty.

"Huanhuan get up and drink water."

There is no doubt that this time it plays the tone of the father.

[Fuck!This ghost is so smart! ]
[My God, I got goosebumps right away, it's so scary. ]
[It's really scary to think carefully! ]

This time, however, there was still no response.

"Miss Huanhuan, get up and drink water."

[Oh my god, what should I do if the eldest lady agrees? ]

[Then there must be nothing but death. ]
At this sound, Su Nian saw the figure on the bed trembling slightly.

Evidently she had woken up early.

Su Nian's eyes froze, and he looked intently. At some point, the room began to be haunted by ghosts. Ghosts came in, but Su Nian didn't see anything suspicious.

The sound of footsteps in the darkness became clearer and clearer, and the sound of the slippers mopping the floor seemed to pass through the screen.

Can't see anything in the dark, but can feel the flow of the wind and the faint panting.

Qing Huan was about to be frightened to death, when she felt the voices approaching and far away, she breathed a sigh of relief and dared not speak.

After a while, a dry woman's voice sounded again.

"Huanhuan, Huanhuan, get up and drink water, where are you?"

At this time, a fuzzy black thing appeared in the dimness.

It was as if it came down from the wall, without a trace, and suddenly appeared in the room.

Su Nian watched it walk around the room again and again, and then got closer and closer to the bed.

[It's scary, it's scary! ! ]

[I'm so scared, I don't dare to make a sound while hiding under the quilt! ]
[Because I was too scared, I screamed, and my mother was brought here, and now my mother is hiding under the blanket with me. ]
And that thin figure touched the head of the bed bit by bit.

In the darkness, her voice came again.

"Huanhuan, Huanhuan, I'm here to feed you water, where is your head?"

A dry voice came out, and a pair of hands with sharp claws touched the head of the bed bit by bit.

She touched it for a long time, so long that she had no patience.

She moved more and more anxiously, and her tone was anxious.

"Where's the head? Where's the head? Where's Huanhuan's head?"

[Ah ah ah!I was scared to death! ]
[I can't help but keep my voice down even if I want to shit, for fear of being discovered by her. ]
[I held back my fart so hard that I didn't dare to let it go, my face turned blue. ]
[I want to ask, don’t ten toes count as a head? ]
The shaking in the quilt became more and more obvious, but that strange shadow was still groping.

It still couldn't find its head, and its dry tone became more and more impatient.

"Where is the head, where did the head go?!"

At this time, Su Nian moved his finger, and a piece of talisman paper was ignited.

Under the urging of Su Nian, the lights in the room clicked on.

It was at this moment that everyone could clearly see the appearance of this strange shadow.

It is a skinny and inhuman shape, like a monkey, but its head is huge, and its sharp mouth is full of blood.

Even looking closely at the gap between its teeth, there are some black hairs, and there seems to be blood-red shreds of flesh remaining in the sharp nails on its hands.

Compared with its dry voice, its hair was as dry as a broken branch, and it looked like it would break and fall off when touched.

The hair fluttered and scattered on both sides of this strange face, which looked weird and frightening.

As if feeling the sudden bright light, she opened her mouth wide with a dazed expression on her face.

But in the next second, its hair started to burn.

But it didn't seem to feel anything, and was still groping for the head of the bed.

Muttering irritably in his mouth: "Where is the head! Where is the head!!"

It even changed a voice again.

"Huanhuan, Huanhuan, where did you sleep, why can't I find your head?"

[So scared, so scared! ]
[I was so frightened that I pissed. ]
[Wooooow, I'm squatting in the toilet and dare not go back to the bedroom, I feel like there's a ghost somewhere! ]
The top of its head was almost burnt out, and it was still persistently looking for the head.

Its hand touched the head of the bed inch by inch again, this time it touched very delicately, and even started to move its feet, touching in and out.

"Where's the head, where's the head!?"

Su Nian watched, and she knew that nothing would happen to Qing Huan through her countenance.

But when they saw those sharp claws slowly touching Qing Huan's feet, everyone couldn't help holding their breath.

There was a bit of joy in the dry voice.

"Hey! I found you, so your head is on the other side!"

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