Master, ma'am, she became the top player on the Internet by fortune-telling

Chapter 61 Can the words engraved on the stele be mistaken?

Chapter 61

[He can still speak. ]
[Actually, he is quite brave, if I would definitely not be able to do it. ]
Su Nian picked up the talisman paper, and just lightly lifted it in the air, and the talisman paper ignited.

"This is not the place for you to appear. Even if you have any unfulfilled wishes, you shouldn't fulfill them in this way!"

As the talisman paper burned more and more, Father Li panicked, dragged his dry body, glanced at his son, turned his head and jumped into the grave.

It really interprets the mystery of life that you can't fight, but you can run.

Old man Li ran away very fast, and in just a few seconds, there was only some fresh soil falling on the ground, which could prove that he had been here before.

Su Nian looked at the cemetery, then at Li Shuo, who had vomited all over the floor and was still fainting on the ground, feeling helpless.

Su Nian didn't chase after the eldest brother's father, but was going to wait for the eldest brother to wake up and ask for clarification.

In a daze, Li Shuo always felt that a terrifying monster was watching him.

When he opened his eyes ignorantly, he was almost frightened again.

He was moved to his father's grave, facing the monument!

The shrill cry woke up the old grave guard.

Yaoyao looked in the direction, it was the grave of old man Li.

He gathered up his clothes in fear, and forgot it. In fact, money is not very important, and it is good to go home for the elderly.

"Tianzun, Tianzun! I just had a dream!"

Li Shuo said with lingering fear.

"I dreamed that my father crawled out of the grave!!!"

[This young man, that is not a dream! ]
[In order to watch the follow-up, I stayed up all night until now, the big brother on the list is all your fault. ]
[Although the eldest brother is rich, he is a pig teammate. ]
Su Nian glanced at him, does this big brother have any brains?

"That's not a dream..."

Sighing, Su Nian said.

Seeing Li Shuo roll his eyes, he was about to pass out again.

Su Nian directly picked up a piece of mud and hit him on the head.

"That's your father! What are you afraid of! You haven't done anything wrong!"

"I, I, I..."

Li Shuo's lips trembled, and he couldn't tell that he was the same thing.

[No, no, slap yourself in the face? ]

[Didn't you say that you haven't done anything wrong? ]

[The big brother on the list is not reliable! ]

[What a loving father and filial son, the first thing your father did when he crawled out of the grave was to look for you, and the first thing you did was to feel guilty. ]
Su Nian also didn't understand. According to her opinion, although this Li Shuo was not very smart.

But the heart can be considered kind, why are you so guilty now?
Could it be that I have misread it? !
"Tianzun, where is my father?"

The dawdling Li Shuo choked out such a sentence.


Su Nian raised his chin, motioning him to look at the location of the grave.

"He... he crawled back again!?"

Thinking of this, Li Shuo felt that his legs were weak, but he still loved his father very much.

But if he crawled out from time to time to give himself a surprise, then he felt that he might as well go to accompany his father.

"Tianzun... what should I do?"

Li Shuo had a bitter face.

But Su Nian unhurriedly took out a talisman and a stick of incense.

"Don't worry, I'll bring him up and ask him if he has any unfulfilled wishes."

Su Nian's stick of incense is extraordinary, as soon as it is lit, it emits a long fragrance, and if you look closely, the fragrance still floats towards the grave.

[The anchor's fragrance is also high-end. ]
[This Xiang will still find ghosts by herself? ]

[I think I also need such an incense, let's see if there is anything in the house! ]

Su Nian smiled slightly, her eyebrows and eyes curved.

Very good, another way to get rich has been added, and it is getting closer and closer to [-] million.

"If you want, please chat with me privately."

As soon as he finished speaking, smoke invaded the graveyard.

Li Shuo looked at everything in front of him in fear, held down his trembling hands, and kept in mind what Su Nian said just now!

I haven't done anything wrong, so why be afraid of my father! ?
His hands trembled, and Li Shuo's heart trembled along with it.


The grave soil began to emerge little by little. It was still a familiar scene, and a withered hand stretched out.

Then the body, down to the feet.

It seemed that even this ghost was dazzled by the incense, with a dazed expression on his face, and just like that, he crawled out of the grave in a numb manner.

[Anchor, what kind of magical smoke is this! ]
[Even ghosts can be charmed! ? ]
[The point is that people don't seem to respond, this thing is only useful for ghosts! ]
The ignorant old man Li was "returned" by Su Nian in this way, and Li Shuo, who had been in a daze, finally couldn't help it when he saw his old man appearing again.

Accidentally, he exposed his true nature, and immediately jumped behind Su Nian, grabbing her clothes with both hands.

"Tian... Zun... Sister Tian Zun, I'm so scared!"

Su Nian: ...

[I'm going, what is this? ]

[The big brother on this list feels a little girly. ]
[As a mother of three years, I've decided he's the same guy as me. ]
Li Shuo didn't care about his image anymore. Looking at his father who was only two meters away from him, he became more and more panicked.

Father Li is a very traditional, even feudal person.

And Li Shuo has always loved freedom. He also majored in fashion design, and he had some opportunities after graduation.

Soon he became famous. His father had never been used to his style of eyebrow and powder, but when he learned of his monthly salary, he reluctantly accepted it.

Later, when Li Shuo started his own company, Father Li got tougher on this issue and stricter his control over his son's habits. It was obvious that Li Shuo was almost thirty, and he was considered a successful person.

But he was too afraid to go home, but he was still good to his father.

And Li Shuo knew in his heart that his father didn't like him, and his last wish before leaving was to let him have a son as soon as possible.

The more this happened, the more frightened Li Shuo was. He was a homosexual at all, not to mention having a son, and he didn't even plan to find a girlfriend in his life.

Father Li also looked ignorant at first, and it took a while to react.

Seeing the master with a cold face, and the submissive son standing there.

Just like before he was alive, he cursed angrily.

"You son of a bitch!"

After scolding the whole country, Li Shuo became more submissive.

But Su Nian just waved the talisman in his hand again.

"You are a dead person, you shouldn't come here, do you have any unfulfilled wish now?"

Su Nian's beauty is impeccable, and although he hasn't really experienced the power of that talisman, Father Li also knows that it may really make him disappear.

"Shuo Zi, Xiao Shuo, hurry up and save your father!"

Li Shuo was a little flustered, but this was his father after all, so he hurriedly stopped Su Nian.

But Su Nian slapped him away: "Dead people can't stay in the world, what is your reason!"

The girl in front of him was too powerful, and Father Li was scared right away.

But when he saw the submissive son, he couldn't help but burst into anger.

"It's not that my stupid son can make mistakes when he engraves the words on the tablet of Lao Tzu. He's just a huh!"

(End of this chapter)

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