After Gu Beiting returned to the palace, he never came to Zhuang Xianyou's place. First, he didn't want to see her ruined face, and second, he was silently confronting the prime minister.

He now knows that there are still courtiers who support him in the court, so he doesn't want to obey the prime minister blindly like before.

What's more, he hasn't forgotten what Shi Yu said to him before.

For five days in a row, Shi Yu and Zhuang Xianyou were recovering from their injuries. During this period, Gu Beiting went to Shangyu Hall to see Shi Yu, but did not go to Fengzao Palace.

After Zhuang Xianyou heard the news, she lost her temper again.

Gu Beiting is also an ungrateful guy!
When she said that her father had agreed to stand by Gu Beiting's side to name his biological mother, he was not so ruthless. At that time, he held her in his arms and coaxed her softly.

But now, seeing her face ruined, I won't come here once!Is he sure that her face will never recover?
Also go to visit the culprit who killed her!
But Zhuang Xianyou never expected that she would sweep the things on the table to the ground, and Gu Beiting just walked in, and he frowned fiercely when he saw the mess all over the floor.

Zhuang Xianyou didn't have time to put away her ferocious expression, she just stood there in a daze.


Gu Beiting's displeasure was about to overflow, he thought that Zhuang Xianyou was still a queen after all, and he couldn't see Shi Yu and not see her, so he came anyway, but he didn't expect to see such a scene as soon as he came in.

"Your Majesty is here!"

Zhuang Xianyou happily saluted and stepped forward, but Gu Beiting backed away, and he said coldly, "It's not proper for a dignified queen to be so crazy!"


He actually said that to her!
Zhuang Xianyou had never heard any harsh words before, and her eye circles turned red, and she complained: "Your Majesty, you didn't say that before!"

He said that she is the prime minister's daughter, gentle and virtuous, and she is the most suitable person for the position of queen!

The disgust on Gu Beiting's face was even worse, "That's because I was deceived by you!"

His tone was sharp, especially when he saw the servant standing behind Zhuang Xianyou.

The prime minister is really covering the sky with one hand, sending people in as soon as he wants to send them into the palace, without even saying a word to him, he is getting more and more presumptuous!
Thinking of this, Gu Beiting became even more angry.

It's not easy for him to quarrel with the prime minister when the prime minister is not there, but now he has the best punching bag.

It is only natural for a daughter to pay for the father's fault!


Rao knew that Gu Beiting despised her because of this injury, but she still didn't expect him to say such a thing.

"You used to pretend to be gentle and magnanimous in front of me, but I only saw your true face today. Whether it was the cold palace fire or the snake, whether those two court ladies were bold or reckless or the queen knew clearly."

"Even when I came to see you, the ground was in such a mess, and you said that it was the maid who made a mistake, it was a lie!"

"Queen, I am very disappointed in you!"

The corners of Zhuang Xianyou's mouth trembled, and her nails sank deeply into her palms.

How could he say that to her!Could it be that he is a good thing!On the one hand, he promised to love her forever and treat her well, but on the other hand, he had an affair with that lowly servant girl.

King's love is nothing more than that.

Gu Beiting didn't want to look at Zhuang Xianyou's distorted face, he shook his head in disappointment, "Queen, please calm down."

He strode away without mercy.

Just now what Gu Beiting said kept ringing in Zhuang Xianyou's ears, she didn't care about the injury on her face, she shouted angrily and smashed all the remaining teacups.

Ruyue hurriedly persuaded: "Your Majesty, don't be angry, be careful of the injuries on your face."

How could Zhuang Xianyou not be angry, her eyes were red and she was trembling with anger.

"He thinks he's nothing! Without my dad, he's nothing!"

Kisaragi hastily increased the volume, "Niang Niang!"

Zhuang Xianyou was so angry that her chest trembled violently.

After she got annoyed, her eyes rolled around, since you are unkind, don't blame me for being unrighteous!

"Kisara, go and help me with something."

She leaned close to Ruyue's ear and said in a low voice, Ruyue's pupils shrank in shock, "Niang Niang..."

She wanted to say something but Zhuang Xianyou directly interrupted her, "Just do what I say, and don't tell dad about this, or I will kill you."

Kisaragi hesitated and nodded, "Yes, empress."

Zhuang Xianyou had already thought about it just now, if Gu Beiting disliked her so much, even if the wounds on her face healed in the future without leaving any scars, their relationship would not be the same as before.

He might as well come to her or not.

In this case, Dad's plan cannot be advanced.

Then she will come by herself!There was only one man around, and she and Gu Beiting also had a spring night in the temple, as long as they kept it a secret, they were not afraid of being found out.

The sooner she has a child, the sooner she can avenge her shame!
Ruyue quickly found a handsome guard, and Zhuang Xianyou lay on the bed with half-failed clothes revealing her white thighs, and smiled lightly at the guard.

"come over."

The guard moved his Adam's apple and strode over.

Zhuang Xianyou was quite satisfied with his face, she leaned close to his ear and whispered: "Give me a child, I will give you glory and wealth, understand?"

"Yes, empress, the subordinates serve the empress to rest."


The doors and windows of Fengzao Palace were tightly closed, only Ru Yue Ru Xing was guarding outside, and no one else was allowed to come in.

Shi Yu leaned on the beauty's couch and closed his eyes to rest his mind. The injury on his shoulder was still very painful, but after taking Gu Zhan's medicine, he was indeed much better. His medicine was better than the one given by the imperial doctor.

She specially persuaded Gu Beiting to go and see Zhuang Xianyou, presumably the relationship between the two has deteriorated now.

When I was in the temple before, Gu Zhan told her that Zhuang Xianyou was specially drinking soup and medicine to recuperate his body. Since he was preparing for the pregnancy, the plan must not be put on hold just like that.

When a person sees no hope, he will try his best to go astray.

Zhuang Xianyou must be no exception.

Let her be happy for two days first, and then go to Gu Beiting and guide him to Fengzao Palace.

Gu Beiting reprimanded Zhuang Xianyou only the day before, but was ridiculed by the courtiers the next day.

"Your Majesty is the king of a country, and you should work together with the queen to ensure the peace of the front and rear palaces."

Inside and outside the words, they are saying that he is not, that he is not a good emperor.

The relationship between Zhuang Xianyou and the former dynasty is only the prime minister.

Gu Beiting suppressed his anger, remembering what Shi Yu said to him and changed the subject to talk about serious business.

"This inspection, which love minister is willing to go for me?"


Gu Beiting casually pointed to a person, exactly the insignificant courtier that Shi Yu had mentioned at the time, who could serve as an example to others.

The man looked in the direction of the prime minister vaguely, "Return to Your Majesty, I have been feeling unwell recently, so I'm afraid it's inconvenient for me to go."

Gu Beiting sneered, "Aiqing used to be in good health, so how come you are sick because you are told to go to work? Is it sick or you don't want to go!"

Gu Beiting slapped hard on the armrest.

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