Chapter 59: Immortal Sword Has Spirit (15)

The simple five words rang in Shi Yu's ears, and she stared blankly at Ye Yuan, who only had her in her eyes, and there was a touch of emotion in her eyes.

"Then don't you want to go out?"

"Yeah." Ye Yuan sighed, "Ayu, you should have seen it just now, all the people here are demon cultivators. The world does not allow the existence of demon cultivators, or hide their identities in the crowd, and once discovered, they will be punished." To the pursuit of immortal cultivators."

"Moxiu was forced to come here to survive in this dark abyss where the sun is never seen."

"It's also because the immortal cultivators are not as strong as before and dare not come here, so we can have this chance of survival."

Ye Yuan shook his head as he spoke, his expression full of indescribable helplessness.

Shi Yu didn't know how to comfort her, so she could only slowly hold his hand to give him a little warmth, Ye Yuan looked at her and smiled, "Okay, let's not talk about this, what else does A Yu want to know? "

Shi Yu bit her lower lip, and would ask in a low voice, "Then how did we meet and fall in love?"


Ye Yuan looked up at the dense leaves, a little immersed in the memories of the past and didn't want to come out. After a while, he spoke the story in a voice as soft as a feather.

At that time, Ye Yuan was not a demon cultivator, he was just an ordinary child from a rich family.

Ye Yuan's mother was his father's first wife. Before marriage, he had said many sweet words to his mother that she would be the only one in this life, but only five months into his pregnancy, his father brought back a concubine from outside.

The concubine was born as delicate and weak as a dodder flower, and there were endless tricks to stalk others. How could a lady like his mother, who was raised in a deep boudoir, be able to handle it.

Ever since Ye Yuan could remember, he and his mother had never had a good meal, especially since the concubine gave birth to three children in a row, and after the second son and the first daughter, the lives of their mother and son became even more miserable.

Ye Yuan's father wanted to raise that concubine as a second wife, but his mother insisted on refusing to do so, so the two sides argued for a year and a half.


Ye Yuan's voice was very hoarse and filled with unbearable pain, "He made a big fuss on that woman's birthday, and the servants brought a table of delicious food to our courtyard. They said we fell for that woman. You can only have these good things to eat."

But obviously, his mother is the real wife!

He is the legitimate son!

But I have to say that it was the best table dish he had seen since he was born. He held back his appetite and served his mother a bowl of soup.

The mother is depressed and has no nutritional supplements, and her body has long been weak and skinny. He just wanted to let his mother eat more to nourish her body, but he didn't expect...

"My mother vomited blood after drinking that bowl of soup, and never opened her eyes again."

Shi Yu squeezed his hand a little more distressed.

Ye Yuan's eyes turned red from being immersed in the king's grief and resentment, layers of black demonic energy lingered around his body unconsciously, he gritted his teeth and said every word.

"They originally wanted to poison our mother and child to death, but I survived by chance, and then they slandered me and said that I poisoned my mother for treason and kicked me out."

"I know that woman is afraid that I will compete with her son for family property after I stay in the mansion, and I am also afraid that if I stay in the mansion, they will not know what means they will use to harm me, so after watching them bury my mother's body, I hug her. Mother's spiritual seat has left."

"I originally wanted to go back and take revenge after I became stronger, but I never thought that woman would still refuse to let me go!"

He didn't know where to go, he was penniless, and when he was so hungry, he could only go to the mountains and forests to see if he could find fruit and catch fish. He just wanted to live.

However, a group of bandits appeared.

"I watched them trample my mother's spiritual seat under their feet. They insulted me and cut off my meridians, and they told the truth when they forced me to the cliff."

"They were hired by that concubine's room."

Even after a hundred years, he will never forget the scene of that day.

They couldn't bear to see him covered in blood but unwilling to show weakness and surrender, but they still raised the knife in their hands.

"I'm sorry, we also use money to do things. If you want to blame, blame the concubine in your family. She doesn't want you to live in the way."

A sneer came from the corner of Ye Yuan's lips. In fact, he guessed that he was just a penniless child, and he had no feud with anyone. How could he be hunted down and humiliated like this.

But no matter what, he will not die in the hands of that poisonous woman!
Ye Yuan turned his head and jumped off the cliff against the gusts of strong wind.

He thought he was going to die, but he didn't expect that he survived.

As soon as he opened his eyes, he met a pair of clear eyes.

The little girl hid behind the adult and looked at him ignorantly. When she saw him wake up, she shrank back in fear, but still smiled and brought him a piece of cake.

The one who rescued him was an old man in a white robe. He said that he was a cultivator of immortals. He not only helped him heal his injuries but also left some money for him.

He heard the little girl call his grandfather.

"Immortal, please accept me!"

At that time, he was full of hatred, and he really wanted to seek justice for his mother and himself.

But the man seemed to see that his mind was impure and rejected him.

"It's not suitable for you to cultivate immortality if you are full of killing. Besides, you don't have spiritual veins in your body. Even if you enter the door, you will not achieve anything. I don't know what you have experienced, but I still want to advise you, being kind is the right way."

To be kind.

Haha, he just thought it was ridiculous.

Kind people clearly have no rewards!

Seeing his obsession, the old man shook his head and held the little girl's hand, "That's all the old man said, take care of yourself, Tan Hua, let's go."

He took him away from the valley and put him down. He could only watch the sword disappear without a trace.

But he knew the little girl's name, her name was Tan Hua.

Shi Yu saw that he had been quiet and didn't know what he was thinking, so he gently tickled his palm, "What happened next?"

Ye Yuan recovered and smiled.

"Later, you were the one who saved me, and I survived."

"I told you all my experience, you love me very much, but I still have things to do, so I can only leave first, and by accident, I repaired the devil and took revenge and came back to find you."

"Ayu, you are a sword spirit, and you are the only one who doesn't mind my identity as a demon cultivator and is willing to come here with me."

Shi Yu frowned when she heard this, and pressed her head hard.

Ye Yuan immediately asked nervously: "Ayu, what's wrong with you?"

Shi Yu stared blankly at Ye Yuan, raised his hand to caress his face, Ye Yuan controlled the thought of avoiding and was even more concerned, "What's wrong?"

"I have the impression of what you just said. I seem to have saved a person who fell from a cliff. He..."

Shi Yu shook his head, "Sorry, I don't remember."

Ye Yuan moved her eyes slightly and pulled her into his arms, "It's okay, it doesn't matter if you don't remember."

(End of this chapter)

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