Chapter 101 The Eve of the Trial
The next day.

Riding the wind fully demonstrates what is——

"As long as you are in class, you must stay in bed"

"Never leave the bed until the last moment"

"How to Walk While Sleeping"

"Even monks have to sleep hard"

"How to Sleep with Eyes Open"

The eyes of the elder above glanced from below from time to time, and when they fell to this side, they stared.

Chu Jinsui whispered in her ear, "get out of class is over!"

Chengfeng immediately opened his eyes and sat up straight: "Really!?"

When she opened her eyes, but she was still in class, the elder who was teaching above was startled by her action, and gave her a warning look.

The huge hall is divided into dozens of rooms, which are used to teach disciples of different cultivation levels.

This class is taught by an elder, and it talks about how to draw Qi into the body. It is specially set up for outer disciples who are new to the sect, and each sect has different entry methods, so new disciples listen very carefully. serious.

And the rest of the old disciples with lower cultivation levels also listened carefully to get more inspiration from it.

Even Fang Qingya, who hated reading the most and couldn't even recognize the rare characters, bit the bullet and plunged into the book in front of him.

During the whole class, Chengfeng was the only one sleeping in the dark.

Chengfeng was woken up, and looked at Chu Jinsui with a bitter face: "Why haven't you finished class yet?"

The elder who was lecturing above immediately threw a dagger at them.

Chu Jinsui whispered: "Shh, hurry up, don't sleep, the elder is going to be angry."

Chengfeng Nahan is not afraid of boiling water: "Then call me after class." She was about to continue lying on the table as she said that.

"We will be able to leave the sect soon." Chu Jinsui said a piece of explosive news for Chengfeng.

She immediately regained her spirits: "Really? Don't lie to me!"

Chu Jinsui said: "Really, what the elder said just now, this year's trial has been brought forward, it is..."

"You guys!" Seeing that they not only dared to sleep, but also dared to whisper under his eyelids, the elder raised his eyebrows angrily, "You, the one on the left, tell me what I just said!"

"If you can't say it, copy it a hundred times!"

Chengfeng was called by name, and looked at the unopened book in front of him in confusion.

a hundred times?Isn't that killing people?

"Ahem, page No. 16..." Fang Qingya whispered behind her.

Chengfeng quickly opened the book and read according to the content.

When the elder saw her finish reading, he blew his beard and stared angrily, and wanted to say something else.

"Dangdangdang——" the vigorous bell rang.

get out of class has ended.

The elder glared at them: "Next time you dare not to attend the class, you will be fined to copy the book from beginning to end a hundred times!"

After finishing speaking, there was wind under his feet, obviously very angry, no disciple dared to be so presumptuous in front of him.

"It's finally over." Fang Qingya fell on the table, the light in his eyes disappeared, and he looked like a farmer who had been sucked dry by a banshee.

Chengfeng pulled Chu Jinsui: "Say it quickly! Is it true that we can leave the sect?"

"That's right." Chu Jinsui said, "The elder said in class just now that our outing trial has been advanced this time, and it will be tomorrow, because we have to prepare in advance for the competition next month, so let the disciples try it out." Refining and training."

"We have to go to the hidden sword pavilion to get the sword later, otherwise we won't even have weapons by then."

Fang Qingya's weak voice came from behind: "Stop talking, my heart is going to die."

He raised his head: "I've just started to induce qi into the body, and I don't even have the first level of qi training, so asking me to practice, isn't this blatant murder!"


As long as Chengfeng can go out, he agreed casually: "No problem, no problem. If you don't stay here and endorse, you can say anything."

"Let's go, let's get the sword first!" She held Chu Jinsui with her left hand and Fang Qingya with her right, and ran out with great interest.

Chu Jinsui went out and saw Su Yao standing at the gate of the hall.

The disciples of the outer sect who were going out all cupped their fists and saluted when they saw her.

"Why have inner disciples come to the outer sect more frequently?"

"I don't know, it seems that some direct disciples went to the mission hall yesterday."

"Hey, when can I enter the inner door?"


"Junior Sister Chu!" Su Yao waved to them.

"Sister Su."

Su Yao looked at their empty waists: "Are you going to get the sword?"

"Yes, the three of us don't have swords." Chu Jinsui asked, "Is there something for Senior Sister Su to come to the outer gate?"

"It's nothing special." Su Yao pursed her lips and smiled, "I heard that there will be a trial tomorrow, and I thought I was going down the mountain to go to the town to buy some things, so I wanted to ask if you want to go together, and I can take you go out."

Chengfeng's eyes shine: "Go and go!"

Su Yao went out with them: "it just so happens that you can also buy some useful self-defense weapons. Trials are still a little dangerous."

Chengfeng wished he could hug her thigh: "Senior Sister Su, you are so kind!"

"What's the matter?" Su Yao said with a slight smile, "Anyway, we will be in the same school in the future."

She blinked playfully and whispered, "My master likes you very much."

She is the only direct disciple of Master Shuanghua.

Chu Jinsui was stunned for a moment: "Master Shuanghua?"

Su Yao nodded: "yes, I don't think it will be long. After the competition, you will be my junior sisters!"

She led Chu Jinsui and Chengfeng to the Cangjiange.

"Who are those two junior sisters? They are very familiar."

"They are new disciples who have just started."

"Why do you have such a good relationship with Senior Sister Su when you just started?"

Several disciples couldn't help being curious.

Chen Xing, who had interacted with them before, explained: "It seems that they are temporarily outside the door because of some accident. Didn't you realize that you can't detect their cultivation?"

The other disciples couldn't help feeling a little envious.

"Someone who enters is an inside door, but I am still an outside door for a few years."

"Oh, stop talking, me too."

Chen Xing interrupted them: "Don't belittle yourself, we also stood out from countless people and entered Jianzong. Is it possible that all the unpredictable seniors in this world are geniuses?"

"We only care about our own practice, and there will always be a day when we catch up!"

After an inspiring speech.

"Brother Chen is right!"

"That's right! I'm going to practice swords until dawn today! Don't let anyone stop me!"


Hidden Sword Pavilion.

Cheng Feng curled his lips: "Aren't these just ordinary swords?"

Without aura, it is not even a magic weapon.

Su Yao covered her lips and smiled: "Yes, only inner disciples can enter Jianzhong."

Chu Jinsui took one casually: "As long as it works, we don't even know sword moves by heart."

Fang Qingya didn't care about these, and chose the lightest looking sword.

"Okay, okay, we've chosen, let's go down the mountain!" Chengfeng took a sword casually, and looked at Su Yao eagerly, "Can we go now?"

Su Yao was amused by her appearance: "of course, let's go."

(End of this chapter)

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