Chapter 116 House arrest
The whole person seemed to be lying on a cloud, surrounded by soft white clouds.

Consciousness is groggy, the rusty brain can't move, it's blank.

When he regained consciousness and woke up, Chu Jinsui only felt a severe headache and couldn't distinguish his head from his feet.

Opening her eyes, she saw white veils and curtains hanging from the top of the bed, and she could dimly see the furnishings outside. She seemed to be in a room.

Under the body is a soft milky white silk quilt.

No wonder I felt like I was in the clouds in my dream just now...

She braced her body and tried to get up, but as soon as she moved, the world spun again, and her eyes turned black.

What the hell drugged?The effect is too good, right?

She closed her eyes and couldn't even shake her head.

After a while, this dizzy feeling dissipated a little.

After lifting the layers of gauze and seeing the whole picture outside the gauze, Chu Jinsui realized that this is not a small room, but a palace.

The decoration is low-key but full of extravagance. The jade pen holder placed next to the inkstone exudes a strong aura, which is extraordinary at first glance.

Chu Jinsui stepped on the ground and walked to the door.

Just opened the door.

Two masked men in black guarding the door stopped her: "Miss, please don't walk around."

It's a woman's voice.

Isn't Yaobei not allowing women to practice?

She frowned: "Where's your master?"

"My lord is busy, please wait in the room."

"Where's my companion?"

The man in black didn't look sideways and didn't move at all: "They are in other places, they are safe, please rest assured, miss."

Apart from the two men in black standing at the door, Chu Jinsui saw a few men in black guarding the gate of the courtyard outside, maybe there were some in the dark.

House arrest?
She had to close the door and go back to the room.

Still dizzy, Chu Jinsui had no choice but to lean on the head of the bed.

Who caught him?Famous scene?Apart from him, I can't think of anyone else, and he is the only one who has intersected with her in Yaobei.

But that doesn't make sense.

Before going to the appointment by himself, he could do it when the two got along.

Why is it necessary to wait until today to go to the Marquis of Changyuan to arrest people? Isn't this superfluous?

Chu Jinsui rubbed his painful temples, leaned against the head of the bed and closed his eyes.

After an unknown amount of time, there was a sound of footsteps outside the door.

only one person.

Chu Jinsui opened his eyes and looked towards the door.


A tall and strange woman stood at the door, wearing a dark red dress with narrow sleeves, the edges of the clothes were black, and a large sea of ​​billowing clouds was embroidered with black and gold silk thread on the hem.

The eyebrows are open, the eye sockets are deep, and the red lips are slightly raised when not smiling. The only thing that destroys the beauty of this sassy girl is a scar on her cheek that crosses the eyebrows and eyes.

Chu Jinsui began to wonder if he was no longer in Yaobei.

The woman came over: "You finally woke up."


Her voice seemed a little familiar.

Have you heard it somewhere?Chu Jinsui looked at her in a daze.

The other party smiled and didn't speak, as if giving her enough time to think.

After a while, I still didn't remember.

"I seem to have seen you somewhere."

The woman laughed loudly, then leaned in front of her, and said in a thin voice, "Miss, please don't drive the slave away, the slave will not cause trouble for the miss."


Chu Jinsui stood up suddenly in shock.

"Boom!" But he knocked the other person's nose on the forehead, and fell back on the bed.

"Little... flower?"

(End of this chapter)

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