On the way back to the courtyard from the vestibule, go through the cloister.

Chu Jinsui suddenly saw a familiar figure.

"Miss Chu!" Seeing her figure, Liu Yirou quickly put down the embroidery in her hand and stood up.

She was embroidering the dress she had been embroidering all this time while sitting in the pavilion in the garden at the intersection of the front hall and the backyard and waiting.

There was an exquisite birdcage on the stone table beside her, and a milky white bird stood in the cage, fluttering its little wings from time to time.

Chu Jinsui was a little surprised: "Miss Liu."

Liu Yirou put the clothes in a basket beside her and walked over: "Thank you Miss Chu for saving my life."

"If you hadn't helped me block a few times, I would have no cultivation, and I must have become a dead soul under the knife."

She said, thank you.

Chu Jinsui quickly grabbed her back: "No, if you hadn't gone to find someone, we wouldn't have been rescued so soon, and you helped us too."

Liu Yirou glanced at her with concern: "Are you not injured?"


"Then I'm relieved." Liu Yirou breathed a sigh of relief, "If you get hurt, then I'm really guilty and don't know what to do. If I didn't invite you, it wouldn't be like this."

Of course Chu Jinsui couldn't tell her that if it wasn't for him, she wouldn't have been frightened this time.

Huamanzhi is here for herself.

Liu Yirou smiled again: "Brother Jing knows something happened to you, so I'm worried."

Chu Jinsui's scalp went numb, could he talk to Liu Yirou without Wen Renjing?

She was about to leave directly, but Liu Yirou said again.

"Sorry, I shouldn't have mentioned him. I forgot what Miss Chu said before."

She smiled shyly and changed the subject: "Look, how cute this little bird is."

The love on Liu Yirou's face was obvious: "The Marquis Mansion doesn't allow pets. I picked up this bird under a tree. It was injured somehow and fell under the tree."

"Seeing that its injury has healed these days, I'm going to take it out and release it."

She stuck her fingers into the cage, and the bird leaned its head over and rubbed her affectionately.

She burst into an incredible smile in surprise: "Miss Chu, did you see it? It just rubbed against me!"

"I see, it's very cute."

Liu Yirou touched the little bird lightly with her finger: "If only I were a bird, I can fly around and go wherever I want."

She looked at the lively little bird in the cage: "I really envy you, Xiaodou."

Chu Jinsui misunderstood: "You even gave it a name." She obviously likes this bird very much.

Liu Yirou smiled: "Yes, don't you think its eyes are as round as beans?"

"In the future." Chu Jinsui paused, "You will also be like a bird."

Liu Yirou was stunned: "Huh?"

Chu Jinsui looked at the bird in the cage: "You will be free, and you can go wherever you want."

"No one will hurt you because of your reading, and punish you because of your practice."

She glanced at the half-embroidered clothes placed on the stone table: "No one will tell you what to believe, what to do, whom to love, and how to live."

"You can choose not to be a wife or a mother if you don't want to."

"You will be yourself."

Liu Yirou smiled and rolled her eyes: "Thank you, Miss Chu."

"It would be great if there is such a day, I am looking forward to it."

She reached out and opened the cage.

Xiaodou flew out.

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